Advent Calendar - December 15, 2019

Sunday, Dec 15, 2019| Tags: Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2019

| Day 14 | Day 15 | Day 16 |

The gift is presented by Javier Luque. Today he is talking about his solutions to Task #2: Dynamic Variable of “The Weekly Challenge - 031”.

Create a script to demonstrate creating dynamic variable name, assign a value to the variable and finally print the variable. The variable name would be passed as command line argument.

This one is a bit more difficult, creating a dynamic variable in Perl wasn’t a problem.

Doing it in Raku was a bit difficult But I learned quite a few things in Raku like it’s inability to declare variables at run-time. In the end I decided to use the GLOBAL namespace after a coworker showed it to me.


use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw/ say /;
no strict "refs";

our $test; # for testing this

# Randomly populate the dynamic variable
my $dynamic_variable_name = $ARGV[0];
my $random_value          = rand('99999999999');
$$dynamic_variable_name   = $random_value;

# Say random variable name and value
say 'Random variable name: ' .  $dynamic_variable_name;
say 'Random value: ' . ${$dynamic_variable_name};

# test like this: test
say 'Variable test is: ' .  $test
    if ($dynamic_variable_name eq 'test');


Random variable name: test
Random value: 19870290795.9904
Variable test is: 19870290795.9904


use v6.d;

sub MAIN (Str $variable) {
    # Randomly populate the random value
    my $random_value = (0..^9).roll(12).join;
    GLOBAL::{'$' ~ $variable} = $random_value;

    # Say dynamic variable name and random value
    say 'Dynamic variable name: ' ~  $variable;
    say 'Random value: ' ~ GLOBAL::{'$' ~ $variable};

    # test like this: perl6 ch2.p6 test
    say 'Variable test is: ' ~ $*test if ($variable eq 'test');


Dynamic variable name: test
Random value: 821038806157
Variable test is: 821038806157

If you have any suggestion then please do share with us

Advent Calendar 2019


If you have any suggestions or ideas then please do share with us.

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