Advent Calendar - December 6, 2021

Monday, Dec 6, 2021| Tags: Raku

Advent Calendar 2021

| Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 |

The gift is presented by Aaron Smith. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 102”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Aaron Smith.

Task #2: Hash-counting String

You are given a positive integer $N.

Write a script to produce Hash-counting string of that length.

The definition of a hash-counting string is as follows:

- the string consists only of digits 0-9 and hashes, ‘#’
- there are no two consecutive hashes: ‘##’ does not appear in your string
- the last character is a hash
- the number immediately preceding each hash (if it exists) is the position of that hash in the string, with the position being counted up from 1

See below for explanation and any implementation-specific comments.

ub challenge(Int $N) returns Str {
    my @output;
    my $index = $N - 1;
    while $index >= 0 {
        @output[$index] = '#';
        my $position = $index + 1; # Position is 1-based while index is 0-based
        for $position.flip.comb.kv -> $offset, $digit {
            @output[$index - ($offset + 1)] = $digit;
        $index -= ($position.chars + 1);

sub MAIN(Int $N) {
    say challenge($N);

This program runs as such:

$ raku ch-2.raku 14


We are given two really concrete details about the sequence:

* the last character is a hash
* the number immediately preceding each hash (if it exists) is the position of that hash in the string, with the position being counted up from 1

Given that, we follow the following steps:

1. Define an array (@output) and start from the end ($index = $N - 1, since the array is 0-indexed).

2. While $index is greater-than-or-equal-to zero:

* Set @output[$index] to #.
* Find the 1-based index ($position) of that hash character ($index + 1).
* Iterate backwards through the 1-based index and fill in the indices in front of the newly-placed # with the digits of $position.
* Decrement $index by the amount of characters in $position + 1 (the 1 is for the hash character).

Specific Comments

Nothing to add here; this one is pretty straight forward.

Final Thoughts

It’s pretty cool that Raku has .sqrt built right in, but I find it odd that it doesn’t have some sort of .is-whole functionality (Python has .is_integer(), Scala has .isWhole). Maybe it does, and the documentation is just bad; it would not be the first time I have run into that! Honestly, if you read back through my blog, I think I have found 3 separate ways to check if a floating-point number (Num) is an integer (Int) in Raku. Oh well, I guess it is all part of the journey!

If you have any suggestion then please do share with us

Advent Calendar 2021


If you have any suggestions or ideas then please do share with us.

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