Advent Calendar 2023
| Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 |
The gift is presented by James Smith
. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 208. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023
from the original post.
Task 1: Minimum Index Sum
You are given two arrays of strings. Write a script to find out all common strings in the given two arrays with minimum index sum. If no common strings found returns an empty list.
We proceed to do a pass of each array.
sub min_index_sum {
my( $b, %x, $t, $s, @best ) = ( 1e99, #0
map { $_[0][$_] => $_ } reverse ( 0 .. $#{$_[0]} ) #1
exists $x{$t = $_[1][$_]} && #3
( $b > ($s=$x{$t}+$_) ? ($b,@best) = ( $s,$t ) #4
: $b == $s && push @best, $t ) #5
for 0 .. $#{$_[1]}; #2
\@best #6
First we start with the first array and find the lowest index for each word in it - and store them in the hash %x
. Note we work backwards through the list to ensure that it is the lowest index if the word is duplicated. This is the map
in line 1
We then loop through the second list of strings (#2
) looking for words which are in the first list (#3
). If it has a lower index sum that the best so far we record this and reset the list of words (#4
). If it has the same we just push it onto the list. (#5
At the end we just return the current list of words (which could be empty if there are no duplicates). (#6
Note we set the initial best index sum (#0
) as 10^99
as the index sum will be no where near this and so we can treat this as effectively infinity…
Task 2: Duplicate and Missing
You are given an array of integers in sequence with one missing and one duplicate. Write a script to find the duplicate and missing integer in the given array. Return -1 if none found. For the sake of this task, let us assume the array contains no more than one duplicate and missing.
It is not 100%
clear in the desciption - but we have assumed that it means a list of integers from n ... m
with a step of 1
We loop through looking for a duplicate $p[n+1]==$p[$n]
or gap $p[n+1]!=$p[$n]+1
We have two special cases - if there are no duplicates return -1
sub dup_missing {
my($p,$d,$m) = shift;
($_==$p ? ($d=$_) : $_ == $p+2 && ($m=$_-1)), $p=$_ for @_;
defined $d ? ( defined $m ? [ $d, $m ] : [ $d,$p+1 ] ): [-1]
We note that if the two neighbouring values are the same we have found the duplicate, and if the difference is 2
we’ve found the missing value.
At the end of the loop we have 3
1. We have not found the duplicate ($d is undefined) - so we return [-1];
2. We have found the duplicate and we've found the missing value as well so we return [$d,$m];
3. We have found the duplicate BUT we haven't found the missing value - there is no solution here - the missing value is
at one end or other of the list. As at this point we know what the last value of the list is (but not the first - we
threw that away) we just return "last value + 1".
If you have any suggestion then please do share with us