Advent Calendar - December 10, 2024

Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024| Tags: Perl

Advent Calendar 2024

|   Day 9   |   Day 10   |   Day 11   |

The gift is presented by Robbie Hatley. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 260. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post.

The Weekly Challenge 260

Task #1: Unique Occurrences

You are given an array of integers, @ints.

Write a script to return 1 if the number of occurrences of each value in the given array is unique or 0 otherwise.

There are probably other ways to solve this (TIMTOWTDI), but the method I stumbled on was to first create a sub called "occurrences" which returns a list of the occurrences of the various kinds of elements in the input array, then I apply "occurrences" twice, basically "occurrences of occurrences". If the result is a list of 1s, then the occurrences of element kinds are unique, otherwise they aren’t. Instead of checking every element of "occurrences of occurrences" individually, I just look at their product; if it’s 1, the occurrences are unique, otherwise they aren’t:

use v5.38;
use utf8;
use List::Util 'product';

# What are the occurrences of the elements of an array?
sub occurrences(@array) {
   my %a;
   for my $item (@array) {++$a{$item};}
   return values %a;

# Are the occurrences of the elements of an array unique?
sub occurrences_are_unique(@array) {
   return 1 == product occurrences occurrences @array;

my @arrays = @ARGV ? eval($ARGV[0]) :

for my $aref (@arrays) {
   say '';
   say '@ints = (', join(', ', @$aref), ')';
   occurrences_are_unique @$aref
   and say 1, ' (occurrences are unique)'
   or  say 0, ' (occurrences are not unique)';

Task #2: Dictionary Rank

You are given a word, $word.

Write a script to compute the dictionary rank of the given word.

Example 1 says "combinations", but the context makes it clear that the author actually meant "permutations". With that in mind, I use the "permute" function from CPAN module "Math::Combinatorics" to get a list of all letter orders, then sort, then use the "uniq" function from CPAN module "List::Util" to get rid of duplicates, then use the "firstidx" function from CPAN module "List::MoreUtils" to find the index of the first element which is equal to the original word, then add 1 for 1-indexing:

use v5.38;
use utf8;
use Math::Combinatorics 'permute';
use List::Util 'uniq';
use List::MoreUtils 'firstidx';

# What is the "dictionary order" (as defined in the problem
# description) of a word?
sub dictionary_order ($word) {
   my @dic = uniq sort map {join '', @$_} permute split //, $word;
   return 1 + firstidx {$_ eq $word} @dic;

my @words = @ARGV ? @ARGV : qw( CAT GOOGLE SECRET );

for my $word (@words) {
   say '';
   say "word = $word";
   say 'dictionary order = ', dictionary_order($word);

If you have any suggestion then please do share with us

|   Advent Calendar 2024   |


If you have any suggestions or ideas then please do share with us.

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