Perl Weekly Challenge - 014

Sunday, Jun 23, 2019| Tags: Perl, Raku

Without any further delay, we would like to announce the winner of Perl Weekly Challenge - 013 and the name is Laurent Rosenfeld. Many congratulations to Laurent. You should soon hear from Perl Careers about your reward. Please do let us know how you feel about it. For rest of the participants, I would say Good Luck for next time. Keep sending in your solutions and share your knowledge with each other.

From next week, I am also going to participate in the weekly challenge as I am feeling left out. However I would NOT be taking part in the contest. Last but not the least, we have extended the deadline of submitting the solutions to midnight Sunday to give some extra time to the members.


Here is the recap of last week challenge.


Please take a look at the charts showing interesting data.

I would like to thank everyone for their valuable suggestions. Please do share your experience with us. Good luck for the weekly challenge and enjoy.


  1. Lubos Kolouch, experienced Perl hacker from Czech Republic.

Check out other team members.

Challenge #1

Write a script to generate Van Eck’s sequence starts with 0. For more information, please check out wikipedia page. This challenge was proposed by team member Andrezgz.

Challenge #2

Using only the official postal (2-letter) abbreviations for the 50 U.S. states, write a script to find the longest English word you can spell? Here is the list of U.S. states abbreviations as per wikipedia page. This challenge was proposed by team member Neil Bowers.

For example,
Pennsylvania + Connecticut = PACT
Wisconsin + North Dakota = WIND
Maine + Alabama = MEAL
California + Louisiana + Massachusetts + Rhode Island = Calamari

Challenge #3

Find the given city current time using the Geo DB Cities API. The API challenge is optional but we would love to see your solution.

Last date to submit the solution 23:59 (UK Time) Sunday 30th June 2019.