Perl Weekly Challenge - 042

Monday, Jan 6, 2020| Tags: Perl, Raku


With great pleasure, we announce Markus Holzer** as the winner of “Perl Weekly Challenge - 041”**. Congratulations Markus, you should soon hear from Perl Careers about your reward. For rest of the participants, I would say Good Luck for next time. Keep sending in your solutions and share your knowledge with each other.


Quick recap of the “Perl Weekly Challenge - 041” by Mohammad S Anwar.


Please checkout Perl** solutions review of the “Perl Weekly Challenge - 040”** by Mohammad S Anwar.

If you missed any past reviews then please checkout the collection.


Please checkout Raku** solutions review of the “Perl Weekly Challenge - 040”** by Laurent Rosenfeld.

If you missed any past reviews then please checkout the collection.


Please take a look at the charts showing interesting data.

I would like to thank every member of the team for their valuable suggestions. Please do share your experience with us.


Check out current team members.

Please find out How to contribute?, if you have any doubts.


Kivanc Yazan shared solutions to Task #1 and Task #2 in Python.

Lubos Kolouch shared solutions to Task #1 and Task #2 in Python.

Wanderdoc shared solutions to Task #1 and Task #2 in R.

Please find out past solutions by respected guests. Please do share your creative solutions in other languages.


Octal Number System

Write a script to print decimal number 0 to 50 in Octal Number System.

For example:

Decimal 0 = Octal 0
Decimal 1 = Octal 1
Decimal 2 = Octal 2
Decimal 3 = Octal 3
Decimal 4 = Octal 4
Decimal 5 = Octal 5
Decimal 6 = Octal 6
Decimal 7 = Octal 7
Decimal 8 = Octal 10

and so on.


Balanced Brackets

Write a script to generate a string with random number of ( and ) brackets. Then make the script validate the string if it has balanced brackets.

For example:

() - OK
(()) - OK
)( - NOT OK
())() - NOT OK

Last date to submit the solution 23:59 (UK Time) Sunday 12th January 2020.