Perl Weekly Challenge - 055

Monday, Apr 6, 2020| Tags: Perl, Raku


Today is the first Monday of the month and time to select the Champion of the Month. With great pleasure, we announce the Champion of last month, Alicia Bielsa, currently ranked #029 with score of 86. As of today, she has contributed Perl (35) and Raku (8) solutions. Contributions breakdown are listed as below:

Perl Weekly Challenge - 004: Perl (2)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 006: Perl (1)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 007: Perl (1)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 008: Perl (2)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 010: Perl (1)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 011: Perl (2)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 012: Perl (2)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 042: Perl (2)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 043: Perl (1)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 044: Perl (2)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 045: Perl (2)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 046: Perl (2)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 047: Perl (2), Raku (1)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 048: Perl (2), Raku (2)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 049: Perl (2)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 050: Perl (2), Raku (1)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 051: Perl (2), Raku (1)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 052: Perl (2), Raku (1)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 053: Perl (2), Raku (2)
Perl Weekly Challenge - 054: Perl (1)

Last but not the least, I woud like to thank each and every member for their support and encouragement.


Quick recap of the “Perl Weekly Challenge - 054” by Mohammad S Anwar.


Please checkout Perl solutions review of the “Perl Weekly Challenge - 052” by Ryan Thompson.

If you missed any past reviews then please checkout the collection.


If you missed any past reviews then please checkout the collection.


Please take a look at the charts showing interesting data.

I would like to thank every member of the team for their valuable suggestions. Please do share your experience with us.


Please find out How to contribute?, if you have any doubts.

Please give it a try to an excellent tool EZPWC created by respected member Saif Ahmed of Team PWC.


Lubos Kolouch shared solutions to Task #1 and Task #2 in Python.

Ulrich Rieke shared solution to Task #1 in C++.

Ulrich Rieke shared solutions to Task #1 and Task #2 in Haskell.

User Person shared solutions to Task #1 and Task #2 in Python.

Please find out past solutions by respected guests. Please do share your creative solutions in other languages.


Flip Binary

You are given a binary number B, consisting of N binary digits 0 or 1: s0, s1, …, s(N-1).

Choose two indices L and R such that 0 ≤ L ≤ R < N and flip the digits s(L), s(L+1), …, s(R). By flipping, we mean change 0 to 1 and vice-versa.

For example, given the binary number 010, the possible flip pair results are listed below:

  • L=0, R=0 the result binary: 110
  • L=0, R=1 the result binary: 100
  • L=0, R=2 the result binary: 101
  • L=1, R=1 the result binary: 000
  • L=1, R=2 the result binary: 001
  • L=2, R=2 the result binary: 011

Write a script to find the indices (L,R) that results in a binary number with maximum number of 1s. If you find more than one maximal pair L,R then print all of them.

Continuing our example, note that we had three pairs (L=0, R=0), (L=0, R=2), and (L=2, R=2) that resulted in a binary number with two 1s, which was the maximum. So we would print all three pairs.


Wave Array

Any array N of non-unique, unsorted integers can be arranged into a wave-like array such that n1 ≥ n2 ≤ n3 ≥ n4 ≤ n5 and so on.

For example, given the array [1, 2, 3, 4], possible wave arrays include [2, 1, 4, 3] or [4, 1, 3, 2], since 2 ≥ 1 ≤ 4 ≥ 3 and 4 ≥ 1 ≤ 3 ≥ 2. This is not a complete list.

Write a script to print all possible wave arrays for an integer array N of arbitrary length.


When considering N of any length, note that the first element is always greater than or equal to the second, and then the ≤, ≥, ≤, … sequence alternates until the end of the array.

Last date to submit the solution 23:59 (UK Time) Sunday 12th April 2020.


If you have any suggestions or ideas then please do share with us.

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