09. TASK #1: No Connection
10. TASK #2: Making Change
Welcome to the Week #285
of The Weekly Challenge
First thing first, today is the first Monday
of the month and time to declare the next champion. With great pleasure, I announce Mariano Ortega
as the next Champion of the Month
. He is fairly new addition to Team PWC
. He joined the team in the Week #277
. As of today he shared 14
solutions in Perl
. I will send you email with regard to the prize money, please keep an eye in your mailbox and respond asap.
Just a gentle reminder to Andrew Schneider
, I am still waiting for your response to my email dated 5th Aug 2024
with regard to prize money. Please reply when you get time.
Let us all welcome two new Perl
hackers, Torgny Lyon and Tim King. With this we now have 315
members and of those, 17
never contributed even once.
Thank you, Peter Meszaros
, for still carrying on dealing with past challenges in Perl
Thank you, Paulo Custodio
, for finally getting done with all the past challenges in Perl
. Right now, I noticed you are dealing with them in Python
. Good luck and all the very best.
I also noticed handy scripts shared by Paulo
. I would suggest you take a closer look e.g. [] | [] | [] | [].
Welcome back, Andrezgz
and thanks for sharing solutions to Week #283
in Perl.
Last 5 weeks
mainstream contribution stats. Thank you Team PWC
for your support and encouragements.
Week |
Perl |
Raku |
Blog |
280 |
54 | 28 | 27 |
281 |
58 | 25 | 23 |
282 |
64 | 23 | 18 |
283 |
60 | 25 | 16 |
284 |
64 | 23 | 16 |
Last 5 weeks
guest contribution stats. Thank you each and every guest contributors for your time and efforts.
Week |
Guests |
Contributions |
Languages |
280 |
14 | 63 | 22 |
281 |
15 | 64 | 23 |
282 |
14 | 64 | 21 |
283 |
12 | 61 | 21 |
284 |
19 | 72 | 24 |
TOP 10 Guest Languages
finally moved up one rank to #2
. Ruby
and Haskell
are not far behind either. I am very excited to see the movements in ranking. Well done Team PWC
Do you see your favourite language in the Top #10
? If not then why not contribute regularly and make it to the top.
1. Python (2762)
2. Rust (729)
3. Ruby (723)
4. Haskell (700)
5. Lua (636)
6. C (577)
7. C++ (542)
8. JavaScript (477)
9. Go (402)
10. BQN (362)
Blogs with Creative Title
1. Relatively Lucky by Arne Sommer.
2. Relatively Lucky by Jorg Sommrey.
3. Use frequency frequently! by Matthias Muth.
4. Relatively Lucky by Packy Anderson.
5. Lucky relatives by Peter Campbell Smith.
6. Lucky relative by Roger Bell_West.
7. The lucky sort by Simon Green.
GitHub Repository Stats
1. Commits: 39,945 (+159
2. Pull Requests: 10,737 (+53
3. Contributors: 252 (+2
4. Fork: 318 (+2
5. Stars: 175
With start of Week #268
, we have a new sponsor Lance Wicks
for the entire year 2024
. Having said we are looking for more sponsors so that we can go back to weekly winner. If anyone interested please get in touch with us at
. Thanks for your support in advance.
Quick recap of The Weekly Challenge - 284 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar
If you missed any past reviews then please check out the collection.
If you missed any past reviews then please check out the collection.
Please take a look at the charts showing interesting data.
I would like to THANK
every member of the team for their valuable suggestions. Please do share your experience with us.
1. Torgny Lyon, an expert Perl
hacker joined the Team PWC
2. Tim King, an expert Perl
hacker from Boston, MA
joined the Team PWC
Please find out How to contribute?, if you have any doubts.
Please try the excellent tool EZPWC created by respected member Saif Ahmed
of Team PWC.
Please check out the guest contributions for the Week #284.
Please find past solutions by respected guests. Please share your creative solutions in other languages.
Task 1: No Connection
Submitted by: Mohammad Sajid Anwar
You are given a list of routes, @routes
Write a script to find the destination with no further outgoing connection.
Example 1
Input: @routes = (["B","C"], ["D","B"], ["C","A"])
Output: "A"
"D" -> "B" -> "C" -> "A".
"B" -> "C" -> "A".
"C" -> "A".
Example 2
Input: @routes = (["A","Z"])
Output: "Z"
Task 2: Making Change
Submitted by: David Ferrone
Compute the number of ways to make change for given amount in cents. By using the coins e.g. Penny
, Nickel
, Dime
, Quarter
and Half-dollar
, in how many distinct ways can the total value equal to the given amount? Order of coin selection does not matter.
A penny (P) is equal to 1 cent.
A nickel (N) is equal to 5 cents.
A dime (D) is equal to 10 cents.
A quarter (Q) is equal to 25 cents.
A half-dollar (HD) is equal to 50 cents.
Example 1
Input: $amount = 9
Ouput: 2
1: 9P
2: N + 4P
Example 2
Input: $amount = 15
Ouput: 6
1: D + 5P
2: D + N
3: 3N
4: 2N + 5P
5: N + 10P
6: 15P
Example 3
Input: $amount = 100
Ouput: 292
Last date to submit the solution 23:59 (UK Time) Sunday 8th September 2024.