I would like to this opportunity to thank one of the respected member Kian-Meng Ang for the help in reviewing Perl 5 challenges every week. Checkout her last review if you haven’t seen already. Ever since I started reviewing the challenges, I am looking for volunteer to do the same for Perl 6. I know it is weekly commitment and can be tiresome. If we can create team of reviewers for each languages then it would be even more fun. I feel guilty every week not talking about Perl 6 magical solutions.
Adam Russell
Adam attempted to solve the square number challenge using pure Perl without using any external library. But for the ranking challenge, he took the help of CPAN libraries like Tie::RefHash and boolean. [#1] [#2] [BLOG].
Andrezgz used operator heavily to solve the square number challenge. I found ranking solution very tricky to follow. At first, I couldn’t figure where is logic for ranking. [#1] [#2].
Arne Sommer
Arne Sommer blog is as usual at its best. Highly recommended. [BLOG].
Athanasius made it look very easy to solve the square number challenge. For ranking challenge, he went on and added more ranking solutions that we asked for. It is always great to see the enthusiasm. [#1] [#2].
Daniel Mantovani
Daniel solution to the square number challenge is like a poetry. For ranking challenge, he came up with a very unique sub rank(). You must take a look. [#1] [#2].
Dave Jacoby
For ranking challenge, Dave tried different approach. He never shy away from using Perl magical opertaor. He solved the ranking challenge with plenty of documentation, It is such a fun reading his code. [#1] [#2] [BLOG1] [BLOG2].
Feng Chang
Francis Whittle
Francis used Bags of #Perl6 to solve square number challenge. For the ranking challenge, he went all out with the black magic of #Perl6. [BLOG].
Guillermo Ramos
Guillermo solution to square number challenge was fun to read. For ranking challenge, he created a complete CLI app. [#1] [#2].
Gustavo Chaves
Gustavo used special for loop to solve the square number challenge. His solution to ranking challenge is well organised and fun to read. [#1] [#2].
Joelle Maslak
Joelle solution to the square number challenge is one of the best we received. Even the ranking challenge solution is well crafted. She is one the few participants who took on the API challenge seriously. Although it is optional, she never misses it. Here again she not only solved the challenge but also dedicated an entire blog talking about her journey. [#1] [#2] [#3] [BLOG].
Kian-Meng Ang
Kian-Meng Ang not only solves the weekly challenge every week but also reviews weekly challenges every week. I noticed the square number solution referenced a node to perlmonks.org. The solution to ranking challenge is neatly laid out. [#1] [#2].
Laurent Rosenfeld
As always the case with Laurent, you are served with plenty of choices. Each blog of him can easily be turned into chapter in book. Who knows one day, with his permission, I might do that. He wrote another blog talking about the use Functional Programming to solve the challenge. Highly Recommended. [#1] [#2] [BLOG1] [BLOG2].
Maxim Nechaev
Maxim solution for square number contained special for loop. He even solved the API challenge. [#1] [#3].
Ruben Westerberg
Ruben solved the square number challenge using standard technique. Solution for ranking challenge made up of appropriately name subroutines, [#1] [#2].
Yozen Hernandez
Yozen used the regex power to solve the square number challenge. He used real data to solve the ranking challenge, very interesting. [#1] [#2].
Last but not the least, I would like to request all members, at least the one who blogs, please send us your photo to use in the weekly blog, if not already sent.