RECAP - Perl Weekly Challenge - 018

Sunday, Jul 28, 2019| Tags: Perl, Raku


Last week, we had a guest contributor, Orestis Zekai, works as a Software Engineer. He doesn’t know Perl but fluent in Python. He came across earlier weekly challenges and found it fun. So he decided to solve the Perl Weekly Challenge - 018 using Python language, Task #1 and Task #2. He wouldn’t be part of weekly competition, though.

Last but not the least, keep contributing to the weekly challenge, making sure we keep the focus on Fun and Knowledge Sharing.


Watch this space for Damian’s blog about Perl Weekly Challenge. Damian picked up the Pythagoras Pie Puzzle task of Perl Weekly Challenge - 016.

Perl Solutions

Adam Russell

Adam Russell

Adam use of Class::Struct brought back good old memories. This is the beauty of weekly challenge that you are free to experiment with different ideas. You must read the blog. [PERL #1] [PERL #2] [BLOG #1]



Andrezgz solution works like an interactive game. You can’t afford to skip the solution. [PERL #1] [PERL #2]

Daniel Mantovani

Daniel Mantovani

Daniel again came up with his classic complete application. I love the way he looks after the even the smaller print. Please check out his code. [PERL #1] [PERL #2]

Duane Powell

Duane Powell

Duane completed his solution with test data. I liked the Priority Queues solutions as well complete with its own dedicated module. [PERL #1] [PERL #2]

Duncan C. White

Duncan C. White

Duncan created dedicated package to solve the Priority Queues. With the help of the package, the solution becomes very lightweight. [PERL #1] [PERL #2]

E. Choroba

E. Choroba

Choroba came up with full fledged module to solve the Priority Queues task. He never forgets to add unit test as well. I simply love his solutions. [PERL #1] [PERL #2] [BLOG #1] [BLOG #2]

Jaime Corchado

Jaime Corchado

Welcome back Jaime after a short back. It is always great to read your code. [PERL #1] [PERL #2]

Kian-Meng Ang

Kian-Meng Ang

In-house Perl 5 reviewer, Kian-Meng, is one member, I always look forward to. This week we only got one solution, though. [PERL #1]

Lubos Kolouch

Lubos Kolouch

Lubos is one the few consistent contributors. His solution is also complete with unit test always. [PERL #1] [PERL #2]

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson

Welcome to the Team PWC. Checkout his first contribution to solve the Task #1. [PERL #1]

Roger Bell West

Roger Bell West

Roger writings has also impressed me, specially the way he explains the feature in block. This makes it very easy to follow what he is doing. Great work. [PERL #1] [PERL #2] [BLOG #1]

Steven Wilson

Steven Wilson

Steven only attempted the first task this time, short and sweet solution. [PERL #1]

Yozen Hernandez

Yozen Hernandez

Yozen just managed to submit solution to the Priority Queues even though being very busy. [PERL #2] [BLOG #1] [BLOG #2]

Raku Solutions

Arne Sommer

Arne Sommer

Arne’s blog make the learning of Perl6 feature simple and easy to follow. Highly recommended. [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1]

Feng Chang

Feng Chang

Feng Chang solution in Perl6 is always full of magical bits. [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Francis Whittle

Francis Whittle

Francis is one of consistent Perl6 based solution contributor. It is always delight reading his code. [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Kevin Colyer

Kevin Colyer

Kevin attempted to solve the tricky task this time. With the help of Perl6 magic, he made it look so simple. [RAKU #2]

Mark Senn

Mark Senn

Welcome back Mark after a short break. Glad that you managed to blog about your solutions as well. [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1]

Martin Barth

Martin Barth

Welcome back Martin after the break. Checkout his solution to the Task #2. I would like to take this opportunity to tell everyone that he is the guy who designed the logo of [RAKU #2]



Noud solutions is great example for anyone wants to learn the Perl6 magic. [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]



Ozzy tried his hand with the Pririty Queues task this time and did it brilliantly. [RAKU #2]

Randy Lauen

Randy Lauen

Randy attempted the optional API task in Perl6. Also he solved the Priority Queues task with a complete Perl6 class. [RAKU #2] [RAKU #3]

Scimon Proctor

Scimon Proctor

Scimon always pleasantly surprised me with the speed. I wonder how? [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Veesh Goldman

Veesh Goldman

Veesh, just managed to submit solution to Task #1, even while he was not well. [RAKU #1]

Perl and Raku Solutions



Athanasius is one the few who contributes in both Perl5 and Perl6. You must checkout his solutions. [PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Jaldhar H. Vyas

Jaldhar H. Vyas

Jaldhar just about managed to submit one solution. Happy to read his code finally. [PERL #2] [RAKU #2]

Joelle Maslak

Joelle Maslak

I am a big fan of Joelle. I admire how she manages to do every task including the optional API task in both Perl5 and Perl6. [PERL #1] [PERL #2] [PERL #3] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [RAKU #3]

Laurent Rosenfeld

Laurent Rosenfeld

I always look forward to Laurent blog more than his solutions. In the blog, you not only find the solution but the discussions are always more fun than the solution itself. [PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1] [BLOG #2]

Ruben Westerberg

Ruben Westerberg

Ruben solved the Priority Queues task with out the use of any objects in Perl5. As far as Perl6 is concerned, you can expect lots of surprises. [PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Last but not the least, I would like to request all members, please send us your photo, that you already use on some other web platform, to use in the weekly blog, if not already sent.