RECAP - Perl Weekly Challenge - 068

Monday, Jul 13, 2020| Tags: Perl, Raku


Two of the three members who joined the Team PWC last week, shared solutions to the “Perl Weekly Challenge - 068”. When I requested them for a brief introduction, most of them came back with Perl background. But then Myoungjin Jeon surprised me with solutions in Raku as well. I came across one of his blog where he mentioned about his work on creating combinations in Perl in the year 2013. What more he can do now, I wonder? May be one day, he would share his knowledge in Python? It is always pleasure to meet such talented person. You get to learn a lot from them.

Luckily we have plenty of such talents in the Team PWC. I find it hard to keep up with so many different solutions every week. I find RECAPS very handy in a sense that it gives overview of the past week. I can pick and choose what I want to read depending how much spare time I have. I use my spare time very carefully otherwise I end up fighting for it in the end.

I would also like to mention Walt Mankowski who have always contributed in Perl, has now started doing Python as well. It is impressive, how comfortable he is with Python. I have been thinking of doing Python myself since the beginning of year 2020 but never got around it. Perl and Raku is taking most of my time these days. I promise one day, I will surprise everyone.

I am not sure, if you noticed one member who has been contributing in Perl (36) and Raku (55) consistently. He is currently ranked #020 being a member of Centurion Club. Well he didn’t just stop there but he also contributed in C++ (15) and Haskell (19). With that he is currently ranked #001 in the Guests Report. Do I still need to tell the name?

Last but not the least, I would like to thank Arne Sommer for contributing in Perl as well. Earlier he would only do in Raku but for the last few weeks, he has been doing in both Perl and Raku. Reading his blog is always fun.


These members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

1) Arne Sommer

2) Colin Crain

3) Javier Luque

4) Mohammad S Anwar


The total contributions in the Week #068 is 66. Well done Team PWC. I would like to thank Raku contributors for catching up.

PERL: 31

RAKU: 25

BLOG: 10


1) Ulrich Rieke: C++ (15), Haskell (19).

2) Lubos Kolouch: Python (25).

3) Richard Park: APL (25).

4) User Person: Python (21).

5) Orestis Zekai: Python (16).

6) Adam Russell: C++ (8), Prolog (2).

7) Burkhard Nickels: Python (8).

8) Leo Manfredi: Bash (2), Python (6).

9) Sangeet Kar: Python (8).

10) Wanderdoc: R (8).

11) Walt Mankowski: Python (6).

12) Dave Jacoby: HTML (1), Node (2), Rust (2).

13) Arne Sommer: Bash (1), PHP (1), Python (1), Ruby (1).

14) Kivanc Yazan: Python (4).

15) Shawak: Ruby (4).

16) Yet Ebreo: Python (2), Ruby (2).

17) Duncan C. White: Postscript (3).

18) Jonas Berlin: Rust (3).

19) Rage311: Rust (3).

20) Ben Davies: Idris (2).

21) Daniel Mita: Go (1), Javascript (1).

22) Roger Bell_West: Postscript (2).

23) Darren Bottin: Prolog (1).

24) Jaldhar H. Vyas: C++ (1).

25) Steven Wilson: Rust (1).


1) Python: 97

2) APL: 25

3) C++: 24

4) Haskell: 19

5) Rust: 9

6) R: 8

7) Ruby: 7

8) Postscript: 5

9) Bash: 3

10) Prolog: 3

11) Idris: 2

12) Node: 2

13) Go: 1

14) HTML: 1

15) Javascript: 1

16) PHP: 1


Changes to the ranking in the Centurion Club last week listed below:

Roger Bell_West moved up to the rank #003.

Simon Proctor moved up to the rank #013.

Ulrich Rieke moved up to the rank #020.

Wanderdoc moved up to the rank #030.

1) Laurent Rosenfeld (778)

2) Jaldhar H. Vyas (552)

3) Roger Bell_West (454)

4) Ruben Westerberg (452)

5) Arne Sommer (442)

6) Javier Luque (380)

7) E. Choroba (360)

8) Joelle Maslak (334)

9) Adam Russell (328)

10) Athanasius (312)

11) Colin Crain (308)

12) Ryan Thompson (278)

13) Simon Proctor (260)

14) Dave Jacoby (256)

15) Duncan C. White (238)

16) Andrezgz (230)

17) Mohammad S Anwar (228)

18) Yet Ebreo (206)

19) Luca Ferrari (200)

20) Ulrich Rieke (182)

21) Kevin Colyer (176)

22) Noud Aldenhoven (168)

23) Kian-Meng Ang (162)

24) Steven Wilson (138)

25) Duane Powell (136)

26) Markus Holzer (130)

27) Mark Anderson (124)

28) Lubos Kolouch (118)

29) Cheok-Yin Fung (116)

30) Wanderdoc (114)

31) Saif Ahmed (110)

32) Burkhard Nickels (108)

33) Alicia Bielsa (106)


Please checkout the masterpiece collection of blogs by Damian Conway solving the “Perl Weekly Challenge”.


Please checkout the technical class of Andrew‘s Raku Knowledge. You can find all his contributions to the “Perl Weekly Challenge” on this nicely laid out page.


Bartosz Jarzyna

Bartosz Jarzyna

[PERL #1] [PERL #2]

Cheok-Yin Fung

Cheok-Yin Fung

[PERL #1]

E. Choroba

E. Choroba

[PERL #1] [PERL #2]

Jorg Sommrey

Jorg Sommrey

[PERL #1] [PERL #2]

Niels van Dijke

Niels van Dijke

[PERL #1] [PERL #2]

Roger Bell_West

Roger Bell_West

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [BLOG #1]

Simon Green

Simon Green

[PERL #1] [PERL #2]

Walt Mankowski

Walt Mankowski

[PERL #1] [PERL #2]



[PERL #1] [PERL #2]


Andrew Shitov

Andrew Shitov

[RAKU #1] [BLOG #1]

Luca Ferrari

Luca Ferrari

[RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1] [BLOG #2]

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson

[RAKU #1]

Noud Aldenhoven

Noud Aldenhoven

[RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Shahed Nooshmand

Shahed Nooshmand

[RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1]

Simon Proctor

Simon Proctor

[RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]


Arne Sommer

Arne Sommer

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1]



[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Colin Crain

Colin Crain

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1]

Javier Luque

Javier Luque

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1]

Laurent Rosenfeld

Laurent Rosenfeld

[PERL #1] [RAKU #1] [BLOG #1]

Mohammad S Anwar

Mohammad S Anwar

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1]

Myoungjin Jeon

Myoungjin Jeon

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Ulrich Rieke

Ulrich Rieke

[PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Last but not the least, I would like to request all members, please send us your photo, that you already use on some other web platform, to use in the weekly blog, if not already sent.