RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 274

Monday, Jun 24, 2024| Tags: Perl, Raku














Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement.


Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

1. Jaldhar H. Vyas

2. Packy Anderson

3. Roger Bell_West

Overall Contributions Stats:

1. Perl: 14207 (63%)

2. Raku: 8241 (37%)

3. Blog: 4987


The total contributions in the week is 89. Well done Team PWC. I would also like to thank Raku contributors for catching up.

1. Perl: 45

2. Raku: 27

3. Blog: 17


1. Roger Bell_West (2238)

Bash (1), Crystal (14), JavaScript (245), Kotlin (250), Lua (240), Postscript (286), Python (385), Ruby (373), Rust (365), Scala (79).

2. Abigail (1540)

Awk (122), BASIC (22), Bash (110), Bc (58), Befunge-93 (34), Brainfuck (1), C (124), C Shell (19), COBOL (18), Chef (1), Erlang (19), Forth (18), Fortran (20), Go (66), Java (63), Lua (110), M4 (18), MMIX (14), Mumps (1), Node.js (129), OCaml (17), Ook (1), PHP (17), Pascal (66), Postscript (16), Python (114), R (61), Rexx (17), Ruby (108), SQL (23), Scheme (58), Sed (15), Tcl (60).

3. Ulrich Rieke (796)

Awk (3), C (2), C++ (287), Haskell (325), Java (9), Julia (1), Lisp (7), Python (1), Ruby (1), Rust (160).

4. Paulo Custodio (764)

Ada (21), Awk (28), BASIC (76), Bc (17), Brainfuck (5), C (141), C++ (101), D (14), Forth (79), Fortran (8), Lua (38), Pascal (6), Python (230).

5. Ali Moradi (631)

APL (1), Ada (14), C (53), C++ (61), D (54), Go (17), Haskell (10), Java (22), Lisp (20), Lua (82), Modula 3 (68), Nelua (12), Nim (24), OCaml (8), Oberon (47), Pascal (70), Python (36), Ruby (24), Scheme (2), Standard ML (4), Zig (2).

6. Lubos Kolouch (458)

Bash (6), C++ (1), Go (2), Java (18), JavaScript (1), PHP (9), Python (419), Ruby (1), VBA (1).

7. Stuart Little (436)

Haskell (256), Lua (88), Node.js (44), Python (48).

8. Laurent Rosenfeld (400)

Awk (22), Bash (2), Bc (9), Bourne Shell (1), C (21), C++ (1), Coconut (1), D (19), Dart (9), Dc (2), Gembase (3), Go (16), IO (1), Java (9), JavaScript (11), Julia (41), Kotlin (18), Lua (16), Nim (12), Pascal (9), Python (50), R (1), Ring (20), Ruby (30), Rust (15), Scala (52), Sed (1), Tcl (6), Visual BASIC (1), Zig (1).

9. Robert DiCicco (350)

BASIC (2), Bash (1), Go (2), Julia (111), Lua (2), PowerShell (11), Python (71), Ruby (124), Rust (1), Tcl (25).

10. Luca Ferrari (347)

Java (44), PostgreSQL (231), Python (72).

11. David Ferrone (328)

C (83), JavaScript (78), Python (78), Rust (89).

12. PokGoPun (314)

Dart (24), Go (198), Python (92).

13. Eric Cheung (308)

Excel VBA (63), Python (245).

14. AhmetEmre (282)

BQN (281), Javascript (1).

15. Tyler Wardhaugh (262)

Clojure (202), Fennel (8), Lua (36), Python (16).

16. Simon Green (211)

Python (211).

17. Adam Russell (205)

C++ (26), Fortran (3), Java (16), JavaScript (6), Nuweb (3), Prolog (143), Python (2), R (6).

18. Archar Gelod (124)

Nim (124).

19. Conor Hoekstra (109)

APL (62), BQN (26), C++ (2), Haskell (6), J (8), Pytho (1), Python (1), Rust (1), Uiua (2).

20. Packy Anderson (107)

Elixir (16), Java (8), Python (83).

21. Duncan C. White (103)

C (94), Pascal (6), Postscript (3).

22. Mohammad Sajid Anwar (102)

Java (27), Python (35), Swift (40).

23. BarrOff (97)

Awk (1), BQN (9), D (3), GP (2), Julia (54), Nim (25), V (3).

24. Steven Wilson (94)

Haskell (1), JavaScript (13), Python (79), Rust (1).

25. Mariano Spadaccini (91)

Bash (1), Elixir (10), Go (29), Korn Shell (2), Octave (1), Python (32), R (1), Ruby (15).

26. Mohammad Meraj Zia (86)

Java (78), Kotlin (8).

27. Myoungjin Jeon (85)

Elm (10), Fish (1), Go (18), Haskell (34), Lisp (22).

28. Cheok-Yin Fung (79)

Awk (3), Bash (6), Befunge-93 (1), C (1), C++ (1), Dart (4), Java (16), JavaScript (1), Julia (13), Lisp (16), Node (1), Node.js (3), Python (4), Smalltalk (9).

29. Richard Park (73)

APL (68), BQN (1), JavaScript (2), Python (2).

30. Asher Harvey-Smith (66)

APL (14), BQN (14), Haskell (12), Hy (8), J (14), Nu (4).

31. Stephen G Lynn (59)

Julia (46), Python (13).

32. Thomas Kohler (54)

Python (54).

33. Nelo Tovar (51)

Bash (51).

34. E. Alvarez (46)

Go (16), JavaScript (3), Python (21), Ruby (2), Rust (4).

35. Nuno Vieira (44)

JavaScript (44).

36. Walt Mankowski (43)

C (8), C++ (4), Python (31).

37. Andrew Shitov (40)

Bash (1), C (1), C# (1), C++ (11), D (1), Dart (1), Fortran (1), Go (2), HTML (1), Java (2), JavaScript (2), Julia (1), Kotlin (1), Lisp (1), Lua (1), PHP (1), Pascal (1), Python (5), Ruby (1), Rust (1), Scala (1), Typescript (1), XSLT (1).

38. Bruce Gray (34)

C (3), Dart (2), F# (6), Go (2), Java (2), JavaScript (2), Julia (2), Python (4), Rust (2), SVG (1), Scala (2), WebAssembly (2), YaBasic (2), Zig (2).

39. Shawn Wagner (27)

Java (2), OCaml (8), Prolog (2), Racket (4), Tcl (11).

40. Ian Goodnight (25)

JavaScript (12), Python (5), Ruby (6), TypeScript (2).

41. Andreas Voegele (22)

Kotlin (22).

42. Alexander Pankoff (21)

Haskell (21).

43. Cristina Heredia (21)

Python (21).

44. User Person (21)

Python (21).

45. Andrew Schneider (20)

C (4), C++ (2), Haskell (4), Julia (4), Prolog (2), Racket (2), Rust (2).

46. Pete Houston (20)

Awk (11), Bash (1), C (2), Fortran (1), Lua (3), Python (2).

47. Dave Jacoby (19)

HTML (1), Node.js (14), Python (2), Rust (2).

48. Jan Krnavek (17)

Elixir (5), Julia (11), Scala (1).

49. Marton Polgar (16)

Groovy (4), PHP (10), Prolog (2).

50. Orestis Zekai (16)

Python (16).

51. Vamsi Meenavilli (15)

Java (1), Python (14).

52. Lucas Ransan (14)

C3 (2), Coconut (2), Miranda (2), Myrddin (2), Nix (2), Odin (2), Zig (2).

53. Raghu R (14)

BQN (4), Factor (4), Prolog (6).

54. Lance Wicks (13)

Elm (5), Go (4), Python (1), Roc (3).

55. Leo Manfredi (13)

Bash (2), Python (11).

56. Colin Crain (12)

Python (12).

57. Frank Oosterhuis (12)

Scala (12).

58. Simon Dueck (12)

F# (12).

59. Wanderdoc (12)

R (12).

60. James Smith (11)

C (1), CESIL (3), JavaScript (1), Logo (1), PHP (4), Python (1).

61. Jonas Berlin (11)

Rust (11).

62. E. Choroba (10)

C (1), C++ (2), Erlang (3), Python (4).

63. Mustafa Aydin (10)

C++ (10).

64. Kang-min Liu (9)

Janet (3), Kotlin (2), Python (2), Rust (2).

65. Andrew Grangaard (8)

Python (6), Rust (2).

66. Arne Sommer (8)

Bash (2), Node.js (1), PHP (1), Python (1), Ruby (2), SQL (1).

67. Aviral Goel (8)

Haskell (8).

68. Burkhard Nickels (8)

Python (8).

69. Ian Rifkin (8)

Python (8).

70. Joao Felipe (8)

APL (4), Python (2), Uiua (2).

71. Sangeet Kar (8)

Python (8).

72. Shawak (8)

Ruby (8).

73. Yves Orton (8)

C (2), JavaScript (4), Rust (2).

74. Alex Wilson (6)

Uiua (6).

75. Henry Wong (6)

PHP (6).

76. Magnus Markling (6)

Uiua (6).

77. Michael DiCicco (6)

Java (3), Python (3).

78. W. Luis Mochan (6)

Emacs Lisp (4), Julia (2).

79. izem (6)

Python (6).

80. Augie De Blieck Jr. (4)

Elixir (2), JavaScript (1), Python (1).

81. Bartosz Jarzyna (4)

C (1), PHP (2), Pascal (1).

82. Ben Davies (4)

Idris (2), Scala (2).

83. Julien Fiegehenn (4)

TypeScript (4).

84. Karishma Rajput (4)

C (1), C++ (1), JavaScript (1), Node.js (1).

85. Kivanc Yazan (4)

Python (4).

86. Kjetil Skotheim (4)

Scala (4).

87. Kueppo Wesley (4)

Node.js (4).

88. Macy TY (4)

JavaScript (4).

89. Mohammad Foda (4)

Haxe (2), Nim (2).

90. Philip Hood (4)

C (1), C++ (2), GNAT (1).

91. Yet Ebreo (4)

Python (2), Ruby (2).

92. Andinus (3)

C (3).

93. Gabor Szabo (3)

Crystal (3).

94. Guillermo Ramos (3)

Go (3).

95. Jorg Sommrey (3)

Maxima (1), Octave (2).

96. Mohammad Khalid Anwar (3)

C++ (1), PHP (1), Python (1).

97. Rage311 (3)

Rust (3).

98. Carlos Oliveira (2)

C (2).

99. Daniel Mita (2)

Go (1), JavaScript (1).

100. Humberto Massa (2)

C++ (2).

101. Joelle Maslak (2)

Go (2).

102. Mark Anderson (2)

PowerShell (2).

103. Mark Senn (2)

Wolfram (2).

104. Ruth Holloway (2)

COBOL (2).

105. Tejas (2)

C++ (2).

106. mauke (2)

Haskell (2).

107. Aaryan Rastogi (1)

JavaScript (1).

108. Andrea Piseri (1)

BQN (1).

109. Avery Adams (1)

Python (1).

110. Bob Lied (1)

C (1).

111. Chazzka (1)

Coconut (1).

112. Christian Jaeger (1)

Haskell (1).

113. Daniel Aberger (1)

Go (1).

114. Darren Bottin (1)

Prolog (1).

115. David Schwartz (1)

Python (1).

116. Gurunandan Bhat (1)

Go (1).

117. Jaldhar H. Vyas (1)

C++ (1).

118. Maxim Kolodyazhny (1)

Elixir (1).

119. Mohammad S Anwar (1)

Swift (1).

120. Robbie Hatley (1)

C (1).

121. Roman Kotelnikov (1)

J (1).

122. Stephen G. Lynn (1)

Julia (1).


Python (2598), Ruby (697), Haskell (680), Rust (663), Lua (616), C (551), C++ (518), JavaScript (433), Go (380), BQN (336), Java (320), Postscript (305), Kotlin (301), Julia (287), PostgreSQL (231), Clojure (202), Node.js (196), Awk (190), Nim (187), Bash (184), Pascal (159), Prolog (156), Scala (153), APL (149), Tcl (102), BASIC (100), Forth (97), D (91), Bc (84), R (81), Modula 3 (68), Lisp (66), Excel VBA (63), Scheme (60), PHP (51), Oberon (47), Swift (41), Dart (40), Ada (35), Befunge-93 (35), Elixir (34), Fortran (33), OCaml (33), SQL (24), J (23), Erlang (22), COBOL (20), Ring (20), C Shell (19), F# (18), M4 (18), Crystal (17), Rexx (17), Sed (16), Uiua (16), Elm (15), MMIX (14), PowerShell (13), Nelua (12), Smalltalk (9), Fennel (8), Hy (8), Zig (7), Brainfuck (6), Racket (6), TypeScript (6), Coconut (4), Emacs Lisp (4), Factor (4), Groovy (4), Nu (4), Standard ML (4), CESIL (3), Gembase (3), Janet (3), Nuweb (3), Octave (3), Roc (3), V (3), C3 (2), Dc (2), GP (2), HTML (2), Haxe (2), Idris (2), Korn Shell (2), Miranda (2), Myrddin (2), Nix (2), Odin (2), WebAssembly (2), Wolfram (2), YaBasic (2), Bourne Shell (1), C# (1), Chef (1), Fish (1), GNAT (1), IO (1), Javascript (1), Logo (1), Maxima (1), Mumps (1), Node (1), Ook (1), Pytho (1), SVG (1), Typescript (1), VBA (1), Visual BASIC (1), XSLT (1).


Laurent Rosenfeld (2708), Luca Ferrari (2640), Roger Bell_West (2480), Jaldhar H. Vyas (2404), Arne Sommer (1948), Athanasius (1758), Flavio Poletti (1716), Ulrich Rieke (1586), Colin Crain (1338), Dave Jacoby (1270), Adam Russell (1224), Lubos Kolouch (1212), E. Choroba (1188), Jorg Sommrey (1106), W. Luis Mochan (1102), Simon Green (986), Paulo Custodio (918), Mark Anderson (896), James Smith (882), Cheok-Yin Fung (854), Peter Campbell Smith (814), Duncan C. White (798), Abigail (794), Feng Chang (722), Mohammad Sajid Anwar (718), Jan Krnavek (704), Niels van Dijke (648), Bruce Gray (644), Stuart Little (644), Thomas Kohler (634), Bob Lied (578), Robert DiCicco (574), Ali Moradi (564), Simon Proctor (562), Stephen G. Lynn (484), Packy Anderson (480), Robbie Hatley (474), Matthew Neleigh (462), Javier Luque (460), Robert Ransbottom (454), Ruben Westerberg (452), Wanderdoc (450), David Ferrone (412), Ryan Thompson (406), Pete Houston (362), Joelle Maslak (358), BarrOff (322), Matthias Muth (320), Andrew Shitov (262), Andrezgz (260), Steven Wilson (250), Peter Meszaros (240), Nelo Tovar (238), Yet Ebreo (226), Alexander Pankoff (220), Markus Holzer (198), Walt Mankowski (196), Myoungjin Jeon (192), Solathian (192), Noud Aldenhoven (188), Marton Polgar (182), Avery Adams (176), Kevin Colyer (176), Aaron Smith (174), Duane Powell (164), Kian-Meng Ang (162), Mark Senn (156), Kjetil Skotheim (152), Dave Cross (140), Shahed Nooshmand (140), Andinus (132), Pip Stuart (132), Humberto Massa (128), Cristina Heredia (126), Mariano Spadaccini (126), Joan Mimosinnet (120), Kang-min Liu (118), Julio de Castro (116), Saif Ahmed (114), Gustavo Chaves (112), Burkhard Nickels (108), Alicia Bielsa (106), Nuno Vieira (104).


Please checkout the masterpiece collection of blogs by Damian Conway solving the The Weekly Challenge.


Please checkout the technical class of Andrew‘s Raku Knowledge. You can find all his contributions to the The Weekly Challenge on this nicely laid out page.


Andrew Schneider

Andrew Schneider

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [BLOG #1]

Bob Lied

Bob Lied

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [BLOG #1]

Cheok-Yin Fung

Cheok-Yin Fung

[PERL #1] [PERL #2]

Dave Jacoby

Dave Jacoby

[PERL #1] [PERL #2]

David Ferrone

David Ferrone

[PERL #1] [PERL #2]

E. Choroba

E. Choroba

[PERL #1] [PERL #2]

Jorg Sommrey

Jorg Sommrey

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [BLOG #1]

Kjetil Skotheim

Kjetil Skotheim

[PERL #1] [PERL #2]

Mariano Spadaccini

Mariano Spadaccini

[PERL #1]

Matthew Neleigh

Matthew Neleigh

[PERL #1] [PERL #2]

Matthias Muth

Matthias Muth

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [BLOG #1]

Nelo Tovar

Nelo Tovar

[PERL #1]

Peter Campbell Smith

Peter Campbell Smith

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [BLOG #1]

Peter Meszaros

Peter Meszaros

[PERL #1] [PERL #2]

Robbie Hatley

Robbie Hatley

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [BLOG #1]

Thomas Kohler

Thomas Kohler

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [BLOG #1] [BLOG #2]

W. Luis Mochan

W. Luis Mochan

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [BLOG #1]


Arne Sommer

Arne Sommer

[RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1]



[RAKU #1]

Bruce Gray

Bruce Gray

[RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Feng Chang

Feng Chang

[RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Jan Krnavek

Jan Krnavek

[RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Luca Ferrari

Luca Ferrari

[RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1] [BLOG #2]

Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson

[RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Robert Ransbottom

Robert Ransbottom

[RAKU #1]




[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Jaldhar H. Vyas

Jaldhar H. Vyas

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1]

Joelle Maslak

Joelle Maslak

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Laurent Rosenfeld

Laurent Rosenfeld

[PERL #1] [RAKU #1] [BLOG #1]

Packy Anderson

Packy Anderson

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1]

Roger Bell_West

Roger Bell_West

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1]

Ulrich Rieke

Ulrich Rieke

[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]

Last but not the least, I would like to request all members, please send us your photo, that you already use on some other web platform, to use in the weekly blog, if not already sent.


If you have any suggestions or ideas then please do share with us.

Contact with me