Continues from previous week.
Feel free to submit a merge request or open a ticket if you found any issues with this post. We highly appreciate and welcome your feedback.
For a quick overview, go through the original tasks and recap of the weekly challenge.
Additional feedback to our Perl Weekly Challenge’s Twitter account is much appreciated.
Task #1
Write a script to display attractive number between 1 and 50.
A number is an attractive number if the number of its prime factors is also prime number.
The number 20 is an attractive number, whose prime factors are 2, 2 and 5. The total prime factors is 3 which is also a prime number.
Adam Russell
I noticed the use of redo in Adam‘s work of brilliance.
use strict;
use warnings;
sub prime_factor{
my $x = shift(@_);
my @factors;
for (my $y = 2; $y <= $x; $y++){
next if $x % $y;
$x /= $y;
push @factors, $y;
return @factors;
for my $n (1 .. 50){
my @factors = prime_factor($n);
print "$n (" . join(", " , @factors) . ")\n" if(prime_factor(scalar @factors) == 1);
Andrezgz definition of method is_prime() is the main attraction of the solution.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $upto = shift || 50;
foreach (1 .. $upto){
print $_ . ' ' if is_prime( scalar prime_decomp($_) );
sub prime_decomp {
my $n = shift;
my @prime_decomp;
foreach my $prime ( prime_factors($n) ){
do {
$n /= $prime;
push @prime_decomp, $prime;
} while ($n % $prime == 0);
return @prime_decomp;
sub prime_factors {
my $n = shift;
return if $n <= 1;
my @r = grep {$n % $_ == 0 && is_prime($_)} (2 .. $n/2); #get prime divisors
return @r ? @r : ($n); # number is prime if no prime divisors were found
sub is_prime {
my $n = shift;
return if $n <= 1;
#every composite number has a prime factor less than or equal to its square root.
return 1 == grep {$n % $_ == 0} (1 .. sqrt $n);
Burkhard Nickels
Burkhard didn’t hesitate to go full on with his solution.
my $res = calculate_primes(50);
print "Prime Numbers: ", Dumper($res), "\n";
my @numbers = (1 .. 50);
my @primes = (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53);
print "Prime Numbers: ", Dumper(\@primes), "\n";
print "Attractive Numbers:\n";
foreach my $nbr (1 .. 50) {
my @res;
my %tree;
my ($x,$y) = (-1,0);
print "TEST $nbr ---> \n";
# print "Ergebnis: ", Dumper(\@res), "\n";
# print "Ergebnis: ", Dumper(\%tree), "\n";
my $flat = flatten(\%tree);
# print "Flat: ", Dumper($flat), "\n";
print "\n";
sub is_attractive_number {
my ($flat) = @_;
foreach my $k (keys %$flat) {
my $attr_nbr = 1;
my @tmp = split(/\./,$k);
foreach my $i (@tmp) {
if( ! is_prime($i) ) { $attr_nbr = 0; }
if($attr_nbr) {
print " $k => $flat->{$k} Attractive Number";
if( is_prime($flat->{$k}) ) {
print "(Number Factors $flat->{$k} is Prime)\n";
} else { print "\n"; }
else {
# print "$k => $flat->{$k}\n";
sub nr_recursive {
my ($number,$res,$x,$y,$tree) = @_;
# my $space = " " x ($x * 2);
# print "$space X+($x/$$y)\n";
# print "$space IN: $number ($x/$y)\n";
my $loop;
if($x == 0) { $loop = $number-1; }
else { $loop = $number; }
my $found_count=0;
foreach my $j ((2 .. $loop)) {
# print "$space LO: $number ($x/$y)\n";
my $div = $number/$j; # Division with every whole number.
my $nr = int($div);
my $rst = $number%$j;
# print "$space - $j ($div,$nr,$rst)\n";
if( ! $rst ) { # Result is whole number
# print "$space => $j ($x/$$y - Next $nr)\n";
$res->[$$y][$x] = $j;
if($nr == 1) { $tree->{$j} = $x+1; }
else { $tree->{$j} = {}; }
if($$y > 0) {
foreach my $k (0 .. $x-1) {
$res->[$$y][$k] = $res->[$$y-1][$k];
# print "$space => $res->[$$y-1][$k] ($k/$$y)\n";
# $$y++; print "$space Y+($x/$$y)\n";
# if($found_count > 1) {
# $$y++; print "$space Y+($x/$$y)\n";
# }
$$y = $#$res + 1; # print "$space Y+($x/$$y)\n";
$x--; # print "$space X-($x/$$y)\n";
sub is_prime {
my ($nr) = @_;
my $prime=1;
foreach my $j ((2 .. $nr-1)) { # Not dividing by 1 or the same number
my $div = $nr/$j; # Division with every whole number.
my $nr = int($div);
my $rst = $nr%$j;
if( ! $rst ) { # If no Rest
$prime=0; # it is NO prime number
return $prime;
sub calculate_primes {
my ($max) = @_;
my @result;
my $prime=1;
foreach my $i ((2 .. $max)) {
foreach my $j ((2 .. $i)) {
my $div = $i/$j; # Division with every whole number.
my $nr = int($div);
my $rst = $i%$j;
if( ! $rst and $i!=$j) { # If no Rest and not devided by same.
$prime=0; # it is NO prime number
if($prime) { push(@result,$i); } # Prime Number
else { $prime=1; }
return \@result;
Colin Crain
Colin‘s own creation decompose() is really fun to read.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature ":5.26";
my $max = shift @ARGV // 50;
my @primes = make_prime_list($max);
my %primehash = map { $_ => 1 } @primes;
for (2..$max) {
my @decomp = decompose($_, \@primes);
printf "%-4d--> %-20s %s\n", $_, (join ', ', @decomp),
(exists $primehash{(scalar @decomp)}) ? "$_ is attractive" : "" ;
sub make_prime_list {
## creates a list of all primes less than or equal to a given number
my $max = shift;
my @output = (2);
CANDIDATE: for( my $candidate = 3; $candidate <= $max; $candidate += 2 ) {
my $sqrt_candidate = sqrt( $candidate );
for( my $test = 3; $test <= $sqrt_candidate; $test += 2 ) {
next CANDIDATE if $candidate % $test == 0;
push @output, $candidate;
return @output;
sub decompose {
## given a number and a list of primes less than n/2,
## returns an array list of prime decomposition factors of the number
my ($num, $primes) = @_;
my @decomp;
my @primelist = $primes->@*;
my $prime = shift @primelist;
while ( $prime <= $num ) {
while ($num % $prime == 0) {
$num = $num / $prime;
push @decomp, $prime;
last if scalar @primelist == 0;
$prime = shift @primelist;
return @decomp;
Duncan C. White
Duncan invented his own library MakePrimes and PrimeFactors to solve the task. Highly Recommended.
use v5.10; # to get "say"
use strict;
use warnings;
use Function::Parameters;
use lib qw(.); # I hate this!
use MakePrimes;
use PrimeFactors;
die "Usage: [N//50]\n" if @ARGV>1;
my $n = shift // 50;
my @primes = primes_upto( $n );
my %isprime = map { $_ => 1 } @primes;
foreach my $x (2..$n)
my @factors = prime_factors( $x, @primes );
my $nf = @factors;
next unless $isprime{$nf};
say "$x is an attractive number, factors are: ", join(',',@factors),
", number factors $nf is prime";
E. Choroba
Choroba, once again took the help from CPAN module Math::Prime::Util. The end result is nice and clean solution.
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };
use Math::Prime::Util qw{ factor is_prime };
sub is_attractive {
my ($n) = @_;
say for grep is_attractive($_), 1 .. 50;
Javier Luque
Javier also followed the same path as Choroba.
# Test: ./
use strict;
use warnings;
use Math::Prime::Util qw /factor is_prime/;
use feature qw /say/;
for my $i (1..50) {
my @factors = factor($i);
say $i if (is_prime(scalar(@factors)));
Laurent Rosenfeld
Laurent came up with his own implementation of the method prime_factors().
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw/say/;
use constant PRIMES => (2, 3, 5, 7);
sub prime_factors {
my $num = shift;
my $origin_num = $num;
my @factors;
for my $div (PRIMES) {
while ($num % $div == 0) {
push @factors, $div;
$num /= $div;
return @factors if $num == 1;
push @factors, $num unless $num == $origin_num;
return @factors;
my %primes = map { $_ => 1 } PRIMES;
say "$_: ", join " ", prime_factors($_) for
grep exists $primes{scalar prime_factors($_)}, 1..50;
Lubos Kolouch
Lubos introduced me to the method count_prime_factors() from the CPAN module Math::Factor::XS. The power of CPAN makes the solution looks nice and clean.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Math::Factor::XS qw/count_prime_factors/;
use Math::Prime::XS qw/is_prime/;
sub is_attractive {
my $what = shift;
return is_prime(count_prime_factors($what));
use Test::More;
Roger Bell_West
Like many members, Roger also took the help of CPAN module Math::Prime::Util.
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Math::Prime::Util qw(factor is_prime);
foreach my $c (1..50) {
if (is_prime(scalar factor($c))) {
print "$c\n";
Ruben Westerberg
Ruben took the pain and defined his own method prime(), which reminded me of my early days.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
for (1..50) {
my @a=primeFactors($_);
print "Attractive number $_: prime factors @a\n" if (prime(scalar @a));
sub prime {
my $n=shift;
if ($n <= 3 ) {
return $n > 1;
elsif ($n % 2 == 0 or $n % 3 ==0 ) {
return 0;
my $i=5;
while ($i**2 <= $n) {
if ( $n % $i ==0 or $n % ($i+2) == 0 ) {
return 0;
return 1;
sub primeFactors {
my @factors;
my $i=shift;
for (1..$i/2) {
if ($i%$_ == 0 and prime $_ ) {
my $b=$i/$_;
push @factors, $_;
if (prime $b) {
push @factors, $b;
else {
push @factors, primeFactors($b);
Ryan Thompson
The main attractioon of Ryan solution was the introduction of Wilson Theorem.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.010;
use warnings;
use strict;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
# Here is how I'd normally tackle this problem:
# use Math::Prime::Util ':all';
# say for grep { is_prime( factor($_) ) } 1..50;
my @primes50 = primes_to(50);
my %primes50 = map { $_ => 1 } @primes50;
my @attractive = grep { $primes50{ prime_div_mult($_) } } 1..50;
say for @attractive;
# Check our results against
if ($ARGV[0] eq '--test') {
use Test::More;
my @oeis = (4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28,
30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50);
is_deeply \@attractive, \@oeis, "Matches published sequence";
# Unmodified Wilson's theorem is terrible, unless you only need tiny primes!
# Please, I beg you, use Math::Prime::Util or similar in any real code. :-)
# N is prime iff (N - 1)! % N == 0
sub primes_to {
use bigint;
my $N = shift;
my $fac = 1;
my @r;
for my $n (2..$N) {
$fac *= $n - 1;
push @r, $n unless ($fac + 1) % $n;
# Get prime divisors in multiplicity (e.g., 48 = 2, 2, 2, 2, 3)
sub prime_div_mult {
my $n = shift;
my @div;
for my $div (@primes50) {
last if $div > $n;
while ($n % $div == 0) {
$n /= $div;
push @div, $div;
Saif Ahmed
Saif made good use of dispatch table. The best part of the solution is the centralisation of core functions.
sub getAttractive{ # gets attractive numbers
my $n=shift; # how many to get
$method=shift //"method1"; # which method to use or use method1
print "Using $method the first $n attractive numbers are:-\n";
my $candidate=0; # number to test for attractiveness
while ($n--) {
# increment $candidate until attractive found
while (!${$method}{isAttractive}->(++$Candidate)){};
# display attarctive numbers and factors
print "$Candidate is attractive; Factors are ",
(join ",",(defined ${$method}{factors}) ? # if a cache of factors exists
@{${$method}{factors} ->[$Candidate]} : # retrieve from cache or
@{${$method}{factorise}->($Candidate)} ),# just factorise again
sub initialise{
# Method1 caches nothing. The factorise function return the list of factors, or
# just the number itself if it is prime
%method1=( # "our" used to make it available
# outsibe the initialise subroutine
factorise=>sub {
my $wn=$number=shift; # the number to test is loaded
my @factorsList=(); # the aray of factors found
my $test=2; # start search with 2 as a factor
my $limit=sqrt($wn+1); # continue to a reasonable limit
while ($test < $limit){ # until limit passed
if ($wn % $test){ # if not a factor (i.e. $wn % $test is not zero
$test++; # test next number
$test++ unless $test==3; # ensure that after 2 only odd numbers are tested
else{ # factor found
push @factorsList,$test;# store factor in our list
$wn=$wn/$test; # and factorise the rest...
$limit=sqrt($wn+1) # ...resetting limit accordingly
return [@factorsList,$wn]; # return all factors found (including the last prime)
isPrime=>sub{ # all methods retun the number if no factors are found
my $t=shift;
return 0 if $t<2; # 0 and 1 are not prime numbers
return $method1{ numberOfFactors}->($t)==1?1:0;
numberOfFactors=>sub{ # list of factors obtained by factorise
my $t=shift;
return scalar @{$method1{factorise}->($t)};
isAttractive=>sub { # tests that numberOfFactors() isPrime()
my $t=shift;
return $method1{isPrime}->( $method1{numberOfFactors}->( $t ) );
# Method 2 caches the factors. Because the factors of previously tested numbers are
# retained only the smallest factor is required, and it merely retrieves the rest
# from the cache
factorise=>sub {
my $number=shift; # the number to test is loaded
# if number already has ached factors, retieve from cache
return $method2{factors}->[$number] if (defined $method2{factors}->[$number]) ;
my $test=2; $limit=sqrt($number+1); # as before start with 2 and set limits
while (($test < $limit)&&($number % $test)){
$test++ unless $test==3;
if ($test<$limit){ # found the smallest prime factor.
# Because of caching, all the other factors have
# already been found, no need to search.
$method2{factors}->[$number]= [$test,@{$method2{factors}->[$number/$test]}]
else{ #otherwise this is a prime number, store in cache
$method2{factors}->[$number]= [$number];
return $method2{factors}->[$number];
my $t=shift;
return 0 if $t<2;
return $method2{numberOfFactors}->($t)==1?1:0;
numberOfFactors=>sub{ # retrieve from cache
my $t=shift;
return scalar @{$method2{factors}->[$t]};
isAttractive=>sub{ # tests that numberOfFactors() isPrime()
my $t=shift;
return $method2{isPrime}->( $method2{numberOfFactors}->( $t ) );
factors=>[], # cache of factors
# Method 3 caches factors and primes.
# the primes cache is a hash, with each prime stored as key, with next key as its value
# e.g 2=>3,3=>5,5=>7,7=>11,11=>-1,largest=>11. this allows quick retrieval of the next
# found poetntial prime factor.
my $number=shift;
return $method3{factors}->[$number] if (defined $method3{factors}->[$number]) ;
my $test=2; my $limit=sqrt($number+1);
while (($test < $limit)&&($number % $test)){
$test=$method3{primes}->{$test}; # test larger and larger primes
if (($number % $test)||($number/$test ==1)){ # no old prime factor found
# number must be a new prime larger than one previously encountered
# this is stored in a hash, replacing previous largest prime
# this method of setting multiple values in a hash is not possible with "strict"
@method3{primes}->{$number,$method3{primes}->{"largest"},{"largest"} }=(-1,$number,$number);
$method3{factors}->[$number]= [$number];
return $method3{factors}->[$number];
isPrime=>sub{ # check primes from the hash cache
my $t=shift;
return 0 if $t<2;
return defined $method3{primes}->{$t}?1:0;
my $t=shift;
return scalar @{$method3{factors}->[$t]}; # check factors from the cache array
isAttractive=>sub{ # tests that numberOfFactors() isPrime()
my $t=shift;
return $method3{isPrime}->( $method3{numberOfFactors}->( $t ) );
primes =>{2=>3,3=>5,5=>7,7=>11,11=>-1,largest=>11},
for my $method ("method2","method3"){
for (1..100){
# This routine benchmarks the three methods twice, demonstrating the
# effectiveness of caching at first and subsequent passes.
sub benchmark{
use Time::HiRes qw ( time);
my $start;
for (1,2){
print "Benchmark pass $_\n";
for my $end (1000,10000,100000){
for my $method (1..3){
for (1..$end){
${"duration$method"}= int (1000*(time()-$start));
print "With $end factorisations: Method1 $duration1 ms Method2 $duration2 ms Method3 $duration3 ms \n";
Ulrich Rieke
Ulrich setup his own helper methods isPrime(), isAttractive() and primeFactors(). With the helper methods, the end result looks elegant.
#!/usr/bin/perl ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
sub isPrime {
my $number = shift ;
if ( $number == 1 ) {
return 0 ;
if ( $number == 2 ) {
return 1 ;
for ( my $i = 2 ; $i < int ( $number / 2 + 1 ) ; $i++ ) {
if ( $number % $i == 0 ) {
return 0 ;
last ;
return 1 ;
sub isAttractive {
my $number = shift ;
my @primeFactors = primeFactors( $number ) ;
return isPrime( scalar @primeFactors ) ;
sub primeFactors {
my $num = shift ;
if ( $num == 1 ) {
return ( ) ;
my $current = 2 ;
my @primeFactors ;
while ( $num != 1 ) {
if ( $num % $current == 0 ) {
push @primeFactors , $current ;
$num /= $current ;
else {
do {
$current++ ;
} while ( not isPrime( $current ) ) ;
return @primeFactors ;
my @attractives = grep { isAttractive( $_ ) } (1..50) ;
foreach my $num ( @attractives ) {
print "$num " ;
print "\n" ;
Walt Mankowski
Walt used the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find the primes. He is the only member who used this hack, very interesting.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(:5.30);
use experimental qw(signatures);
my $N = 50;
# Find the primes up to $n using the Sieve of Eratosthenes
sub primes_up_to($n) {
my %primes = map { $_ => 1 } 2..$n;
for my $i (2..sqrt($n)) {
if (defined $primes{$i}) {
for (my $j = $i**2; $j <= $n; $j += $i) {
delete $primes{$j};
return %primes;
sub prime_factors($n, %primes) {
my @factors;
for my $i (sort { $a<=>$b } keys %primes) {
last if $i > $n;
while ($n % $i == 0) {
push @factors, $i;
$n /= $i;
return @factors;
my %primes = primes_up_to($N);
for my $i (1..$N) {
say $i if defined $primes{scalar prime_factors($i, %primes)};
Wanderdoc home grown is_prime() is really cool and on top of print_attactive() was like icing on the cake.
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
my $N = shift || 50; # or die "How much is the number?\n";
for ( 1 .. $N )
sub print_attractive
my $n = $_[0];
my $n_orig = $n;
my $counter = 0;
my @factors;
# Old nice one-liner for prime factorization:
# perl -le "$x = shift; for $k (2 .. $x/2) {$x%$k or (print $k and $x /= $k and redo) }"
for my $k ( 2 .. $n/2 )
0 == $n % $k and
$factors[$counter++] = $k and
$n /= $k and redo;
print join(" ", $n_orig, '=', join(' * ',@factors)), $/ if is_prime($counter);
sub is_prime
my $n = $_[0];
if ($n <= 3) {return $n > 1 ? 1 : 0;}
elsif (0 == $n % 2 or 0 == $n % 3) {return 0;}
my $i = 5;
while ( $i * $i <= $n )
if ( 0 == $n % $i or 0 == $n % ($i + 2))
return 0;
$i += 6;
return 1;
Task #2
Write a script to display first 20 Leonardo Numbers. Please checkout wiki page for more information.
For example:
L(0) = 1
L(1) = 1
L(2) = L(0) + L(1) + 1 = 3
L(3) = L(1) + L(2) + 1 = 5
and so on.
Adam Russell
Adam tried to keep it simple and very well presented end result.
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant NUMBERS => 20;
my $numbers = NUMBERS;
my @leonardo = (1, 1);
if((NUMBERS - $numbers) < 2){
print "L(" . (NUMBERS - $numbers) . ") = " . $leonardo[-1] . "\n";
my $leonardo = $leonardo[-1] + $leonardo[-2] + 1;
print "L(" . (NUMBERS - $numbers) . ") = $leonardo\n";
push @leonardo, $leonardo;
Andrezgz kept it simple and easy to read.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Memoize;
my $upto = shift || 20;
print leo($_).' ' for (0 .. --$upto);
sub leo {
my $n = shift;
return $n <= 1 ? 1 : leo($n-1) + leo($n-2) + 1;
Burkhard Nickels
Burkhard also took the recursive route.
print "Function leonardo1() with recursive function call ...\n";
foreach my $i (0 .. $max) {
my $cnt = 0;
my $nr = leonardo1($i,\$cnt);
print "L($i) = $nr ($cnt)\n";
sub leonardo1 {
my ($nr,$cnt) = @_;
if( $nr == 0 or $nr == 1 ) { return 1; }
else {
return leonardo1($nr-1,$cnt) + leonardo1($nr-2,$cnt) + 1;
Colin Crain
Colin presented the result nicely laid out.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature ":5.26";
my $quan = shift @ARGV // 20;
say "the first $quan Leonardo numbers:";
say "";
say "index | number";
say "-------+--------";
my $i;
printf "%-2d %d\n", ++$i, $_ for make_leonardo($quan)->@*;
sub make_leonardo {
## construct a list of the first n Leonardo numbers
## requires no recursion if we have the growing list to refer to
my $quan = shift;
my $list = [1];
push $list->@*, 1 if $quan > 1; ## now [1,1]
while ( scalar $list->@* <= $quan-1 ) {
push $list->@*, $list->[-1] + $list->[-2] + 1; ## sum last two elements + 1
return $list;
Duncan C. White
Duncan kept it simple without any noise.
use v5.10; # to get "say"
use strict;
use warnings;
#use Data::Dumper;
die "Usage: [N//20]\n" if @ARGV>1;
my $n = shift // 20;
my %l;
$l{0} = 1;
$l{1} = 1;
say "leonardo(0) = $l{0}";
say "leonardo(1) = $l{1}";
foreach my $i (2..$n-1)
$l{$i} = $l{$i-2} + $l{$i-1} + 1;
say "leonardo($i) = $l{$i}";
E. Choroba
Choroba blown me away with his hack of shift at the end.
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };
my @last2 = (1, 1);
for my $n (0 .. 20) {
say "L($n) = ", $last2[0];
push @last2, $last2[0] + $last2[1] + 1;
shift @last2;
Javier Luque
Javier made use of recursive function.
# test: ./
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw /say/;
for my $i (1..20) {
say "L($i) = " . leonardo($i);
# Leonardo
sub leonardo {
my $n = shift;
return 1 if ($n == 0 or $n == 1);
# Recursive
return (
leonardo($n-1) + # l(n-1)
leonardo($n-2) + # l(n-2)
1 # 1
Laurent Rosenfeld
Laurent didn’t blink once before getting the desired result.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw /say/;
my @leonardo = (1, 1);
for my $i (1..18) {
push @leonardo, $leonardo[-1] + $leonardo[-2] + 1;
say "@leonardo";
Lubos Kolouch
It can’t be any simpler than this, thanks Lubos.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my @l = (1,1);
for (2..19) {
$l[$_] = $l[$_-2] + $l[$_-1]+1;
warn Dumper @l;
Roger Bell_West
Roger followed the easy path. However while printing the result, he used the negative index hack, very smart.
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my @stack;
foreach my $i (0..19) {
if ($i<2) {
push @stack,1;
} else {
push @stack,1+$stack[-1]+$stack[-2];
shift @stack;
print $stack[-1],"\n";
Ruben Westerberg
Ruben made use of state to cache the result. I wonder if it is any better than Memoize.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.26;
print map { "n: $_ l: ".l($_)."\n"} 0..19;
sub l {
my $i=shift;
state @cache=(1,1);
push @cache, $cache[-1]+$cache[-2]+1 while(! defined($cache[$i]));
Ryan Thompson
Ryan showed how the use of Memoize can be so powerful. Highly Recommended.
use 5.010;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Memoize; # This is a core module
# Use core Perl module "Memoize" to store results of previous calls
# Note this is the exact same code as leo_no_memo, apart from the memoize call
sub leo_memoize {
my $n = shift;
return 1 if $n < 2;
1 + leo_memoize($n - 1) + leo_memoize($n - 2);
memoize 'leo_memoize';
# In this case doing memoization ourselves is really easy, and turns out
# to be a surprising 777% faster than Memoize, so it's my preference.
my @leo = (1, 1);
sub leo_my_memo {
my $n = shift;
$leo[$n] //= 1 + leo_my_memo($n - 1) + leo_my_memo($n - 2);
# Building up the list iteratively is also a good solution
sub leo_to_n {
my @r = (1, 1);
push @r, $r[-1] + $r[-2] + 1 for 2..$_[0];
say for leo_to_n(20);
Saif Ahmed
Saif never hesitates caching whereever to speed up the performance. I simply love his work.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
# hash containing known Leornado numbers. It is prepopulated with
# L(0) and L(1), but more added as discovered by L().
my %leonardos=(0=>1,1=>1,);
# Golden ratio numbers required for the closedForm() method
my $gr1=(1+sqrt(5))/2;
my $gr2=(1-sqrt(5))/2;
say "$_) ", L($_) for (0..20); # find the first 21 leonardo numbers
# This subroutines uses no caching and rapidly slowss after about
# 25 retrievals.
sub l{
my $ln=shift;
return $ln < 2?1:l($ln-2)+l($ln-1)+1;
# This retrieves Leonardo numbers from cache where needed
sub L{
my $ln=shift;
# find and store L(N) in the hash, if it does not exist already
unless (exists $leonardos{$ln}) {
#return stored L(N)
return $leonardos{$ln};
# This is a closed form function that requires no recursion
# see
sub closedForm{
my $ln=shift;
return 2*($gr1**($ln+1)-$gr2**($ln+1))/($gr1-$gr2) -1;
Steven Wilson
Steven kept it sweet and simple.
e strict;
use warnings;
my @leonardo_numbers = ( 1, 1 );
my $counter = 2;
while ( $counter < 20 ) {
$leonardo_numbers[$counter] =
$leonardo_numbers[ $counter - 1 ] +
$leonardo_numbers[ $counter - 2 ] +
print join " ", @leonardo_numbers, "\n";``
## Ulrich Rieke
**Ulrich** made good use of **negative** index. Clean Hack.
#!/usr/bin/perl ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
my @leonardos = ( 1 , 1 ) ;
while ( (scalar @leonardos ) < 20 ) {
push @leonardos , $leonardos[-1] + $leonardos[-2] + 1 ;
for my $num ( @leonardos ) {
print "$num " ;
print "\n" ;
Walt Mankowski
Walt made good use swapping, very nice hack.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(:5.30);
use experimental qw(signatures);
my $N = 20;
my ($l1, $l2) = (1, 1);
for my $i (0..$N-1) {
if ($i < 2) {
say "L($i) = 1";
} else {
($l1, $l2) = ($l2, $l1 + $l2 + 1);
say "L($i) = $l2";
Wanderdoc exploited the Fibonacci series to get the desired result.
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
my $fn = shift || 20; # or die "How much numbers?\n";
print join(" ", map 2 * fib($_ + 1) - 1, 0 .. 20), $/;
sub fib
my $n = shift;
my $x = 0;
my $y = 1;
my $m = 0;
while ( $m < $n )
($x, $y) = ($y, $x + $y);
return $x;
(1) Perl Weekly Challenge 041 by Adam Russell
(2) PERL WEEKLY CHALLENGE – 041 by Javier Luque
(3) Perl Weekly Challenge 41: Attractive Numbers and Leonardo Numbers by Laurent Rosenfeld
(4) Attractive Numbers by Ryan Thompson
(5) Leonardo Numbers by Ryan Thompson