Perl Weekly Review: Challenge - 041

Sunday, Jan 12, 2020| Tags: Perl

Continues from previous week.

Feel free to submit a merge request or open a ticket if you found any issues with this post. We highly appreciate and welcome your feedback.

For a quick overview, go through the original tasks and recap of the weekly challenge.

Additional feedback to our Perl Weekly Challenge’s Twitter account is much appreciated.

Task #1

Write a script to display attractive number between 1 and 50.

A number is an attractive number if the number of its prime factors is also prime number.

The number 20 is an attractive number, whose prime factors are 2, 2 and 5. The total prime factors is 3 which is also a prime number.

Adam Russell

I noticed the use of redo in Adam‘s work of brilliance.

use strict;
use warnings;

sub prime_factor{
    my $x = shift(@_);
    my @factors;
    for (my $y = 2; $y <= $x; $y++){
        next if $x % $y;
        $x /= $y;
        push @factors, $y;
    return @factors;

    for my $n (1 .. 50){
        my @factors = prime_factor($n);
        print "$n (" . join(", " , @factors) . ")\n" if(prime_factor(scalar @factors) == 1);


Andrezgz definition of method is_prime() is the main attraction of the solution.


use strict;
use warnings;

my $upto = shift || 50;

foreach (1 .. $upto){
    print $_ . ' ' if is_prime( scalar prime_decomp($_) );

sub prime_decomp {
    my $n = shift;

    my @prime_decomp;

    foreach my $prime ( prime_factors($n) ){
        do {
            $n /= $prime;
            push @prime_decomp, $prime;
        } while ($n % $prime == 0);

    return @prime_decomp;

sub prime_factors {
    my $n = shift;
    return if $n <= 1;
    my @r = grep {$n % $_ == 0 && is_prime($_)} (2 .. $n/2); #get prime divisors
    return @r ? @r : ($n); # number is prime if no prime divisors were found

sub is_prime {
    my $n = shift;
    return if $n <= 1;
    #every composite number has a prime factor less than or equal to its square root.
    return 1 == grep {$n % $_ == 0} (1 .. sqrt $n);

Burkhard Nickels

Burkhard didn’t hesitate to go full on with his solution.

my $res = calculate_primes(50);
print "Prime Numbers: ", Dumper($res), "\n";

my @numbers = (1 .. 50);
my @primes = (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53);
print "Prime Numbers: ", Dumper(\@primes), "\n";

print "Attractive Numbers:\n";

foreach my $nbr (1 .. 50) {
    my @res;
    my %tree;
    my ($x,$y) = (-1,0);
    print "TEST $nbr ---> \n";
    # print "Ergebnis: ", Dumper(\@res), "\n";
    # print "Ergebnis: ", Dumper(\%tree), "\n";
    my $flat = flatten(\%tree);
    # print "Flat: ", Dumper($flat), "\n";
    print "\n";

sub is_attractive_number {
    my ($flat) = @_;
    foreach my $k (keys %$flat) {
        my $attr_nbr = 1;
        my @tmp = split(/\./,$k);
        foreach my $i (@tmp) {
            if( ! is_prime($i) ) { $attr_nbr = 0; }
        if($attr_nbr) {
            print "   $k => $flat->{$k} Attractive Number";
            if( is_prime($flat->{$k}) ) {
                print "(Number Factors $flat->{$k} is Prime)\n";
            } else { print "\n"; }
        else {
            # print "$k => $flat->{$k}\n";

sub nr_recursive {
    my ($number,$res,$x,$y,$tree) = @_;
    # my $space = " " x ($x * 2);
    # print "$space X+($x/$$y)\n";
    # print "$space IN: $number ($x/$y)\n";
    my $loop;
    if($x == 0) { $loop = $number-1; }
    else { $loop = $number; }
    my $found_count=0;
    foreach my $j ((2 .. $loop)) {
        # print "$space LO: $number ($x/$y)\n";
        my $div = $number/$j;         # Division with every whole number.
        my $nr  = int($div);
        my $rst = $number%$j;
        # print "$space - $j ($div,$nr,$rst)\n";
        if( ! $rst ) {           # Result is whole number
            # print "$space => $j ($x/$$y - Next $nr)\n";
            $res->[$$y][$x] = $j;

            if($nr == 1) { $tree->{$j} = $x+1; }
            else { $tree->{$j} = {}; }

            if($$y > 0) {
                foreach my $k (0 .. $x-1) {
                    $res->[$$y][$k] = $res->[$$y-1][$k];
                    # print "$space => $res->[$$y-1][$k] ($k/$$y)\n";
                # $$y++; print "$space Y+($x/$$y)\n";

            # if($found_count > 1) {
            #   $$y++; print "$space Y+($x/$$y)\n";
            # }
            $$y = $#$res + 1; # print "$space Y+($x/$$y)\n";
    $x--; # print "$space X-($x/$$y)\n";

sub is_prime {
    my ($nr) = @_;
    my $prime=1;
    foreach my $j ((2 .. $nr-1)) { # Not dividing by 1 or the same number
        my $div = $nr/$j;           # Division with every whole number.
        my $nr  = int($div);
        my $rst = $nr%$j;
        if( ! $rst ) {             # If no Rest
            $prime=0;              # it is NO prime number
    return $prime;

sub calculate_primes {
    my ($max) = @_;

    my @result;
    my $prime=1;
    foreach my $i ((2 .. $max)) {
        foreach my $j ((2 .. $i)) {
            my $div = $i/$j;         # Division with every whole number.
            my $nr  = int($div);
            my $rst = $i%$j;
            if( ! $rst and $i!=$j) { # If no Rest and not devided by same.
                $prime=0;            # it is NO prime number
        if($prime) { push(@result,$i); } # Prime Number
        else { $prime=1; }
    return \@result;

Colin Crain

Colin‘s own creation decompose() is really fun to read.

use warnings;
use strict;
use feature ":5.26";

my $max = shift @ARGV // 50;

my @primes = make_prime_list($max);
my %primehash = map { $_ => 1 } @primes;

for (2..$max) {
    my @decomp = decompose($_, \@primes);
    printf "%-4d--> %-20s  %s\n", $_, (join ', ', @decomp),
            (exists $primehash{(scalar @decomp)}) ? "$_ is attractive" : "" ;

sub make_prime_list {
## creates a list of all primes less than or equal to a given number
    my $max = shift;
    my @output = (2);
    CANDIDATE: for(  my $candidate = 3;  $candidate <= $max;  $candidate += 2  ) {
        my $sqrt_candidate = sqrt( $candidate );
        for(  my $test = 3; $test <= $sqrt_candidate; $test += 2  ) {
            next CANDIDATE if $candidate % $test == 0;
        push @output, $candidate;
    return @output;

sub decompose {
## given a number and a list of primes less than n/2,
## returns an array list of prime decomposition factors of the number
    my ($num, $primes) = @_;
    my @decomp;
    my @primelist = $primes->@*;
    my $prime = shift @primelist;

    while ( $prime <= $num ) {
        while ($num % $prime == 0) {
            $num = $num / $prime;
            push @decomp, $prime;
        last if scalar @primelist == 0;
        $prime = shift @primelist;
    return @decomp;

Duncan C. White

Duncan invented his own library MakePrimes and PrimeFactors to solve the task. Highly Recommended.

use v5.10;  # to get "say"
use strict;
use warnings;
use Function::Parameters;

use lib qw(.);  # I hate this!
use MakePrimes;
use PrimeFactors;

die "Usage: [N//50]\n" if @ARGV>1;

my $n = shift // 50;

my @primes = primes_upto( $n );
my %isprime = map { $_ => 1 } @primes;

foreach my $x (2..$n)
    my @factors = prime_factors( $x, @primes );
    my $nf = @factors;
    next unless $isprime{$nf};
    say "$x is an attractive number, factors are: ", join(',',@factors),
        ", number factors $nf is prime";

E. Choroba

Choroba, once again took the help from CPAN module Math::Prime::Util. The end result is nice and clean solution.

#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };

use Math::Prime::Util qw{ factor is_prime };

sub is_attractive {
    my ($n) = @_;

say for grep is_attractive($_), 1 .. 50;

Javier Luque

Javier also followed the same path as Choroba.

# Test: ./
use strict;
use warnings;
use Math::Prime::Util qw /factor is_prime/;
use feature qw /say/;

for my $i (1..50) {
    my @factors = factor($i);
    say $i if (is_prime(scalar(@factors)));

Laurent Rosenfeld

Laurent came up with his own implementation of the method prime_factors().

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw/say/;
use constant PRIMES => (2, 3, 5, 7);

sub prime_factors {
    my $num = shift;
    my $origin_num = $num;
    my @factors;
    for my $div (PRIMES) {
        while ($num % $div == 0) {
            push @factors, $div;
            $num /= $div;
        return @factors if $num == 1;
    push @factors, $num unless $num == $origin_num;
    return @factors;

my %primes = map { $_ => 1 } PRIMES;
say "$_: ", join " ", prime_factors($_) for
grep exists $primes{scalar prime_factors($_)}, 1..50;

Lubos Kolouch

Lubos introduced me to the method count_prime_factors() from the CPAN module Math::Factor::XS. The power of CPAN makes the solution looks nice and clean.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Math::Factor::XS qw/count_prime_factors/;
use Math::Prime::XS qw/is_prime/;

sub is_attractive {
    my $what = shift;

    return is_prime(count_prime_factors($what));


use Test::More;



Roger Bell_West

Like many members, Roger also took the help of CPAN module Math::Prime::Util.

#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Math::Prime::Util qw(factor is_prime);

foreach my $c (1..50) {
  if (is_prime(scalar factor($c))) {
    print "$c\n";

Ruben Westerberg

Ruben took the pain and defined his own method prime(), which reminded me of my early days.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
for (1..50) {
    my @a=primeFactors($_);
    print "Attractive number $_: prime factors @a\n" if (prime(scalar @a));
sub prime {
    my $n=shift;
    if ($n <= 3 ) {
        return $n > 1;
    elsif ($n % 2 == 0 or $n % 3 ==0 ) {
        return 0;
    my $i=5;
    while ($i**2 <= $n) {
        if ( $n % $i ==0 or $n % ($i+2) == 0 ) {
                return 0;
    return 1;

sub primeFactors {
    my @factors;
    my $i=shift;
    for (1..$i/2) {
        if ($i%$_ == 0 and prime $_ ) {
            my $b=$i/$_;
            push @factors, $_;
            if (prime $b) {
                push @factors, $b;
            else {
                push @factors, primeFactors($b);

Ryan Thompson

The main attractioon of Ryan solution was the introduction of Wilson Theorem.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use 5.010;
use warnings;
use strict;
no warnings 'uninitialized';

# Here is how I'd normally tackle this problem:
# use Math::Prime::Util ':all';
# say for grep { is_prime( factor($_) ) } 1..50;

my @primes50   = primes_to(50);
my %primes50   = map  { $_ => 1 } @primes50;
my @attractive = grep { $primes50{ prime_div_mult($_) } } 1..50;

say for @attractive;

# Check our results against
if ($ARGV[0] eq '--test') {
    use Test::More;
    my @oeis = (4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28,
                30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50);
    is_deeply \@attractive, \@oeis, "Matches published sequence";

# Unmodified Wilson's theorem is terrible, unless you only need tiny primes!
# Please, I beg you, use Math::Prime::Util or similar in any real code. :-)
# N is prime iff (N - 1)! % N == 0
sub primes_to {
    use bigint;
    my $N = shift;
    my $fac = 1;
    my @r;
    for my $n (2..$N) {
        $fac *= $n - 1;

        push @r, $n unless ($fac + 1) % $n;


# Get prime divisors in multiplicity (e.g., 48 = 2, 2, 2, 2, 3)
sub prime_div_mult {
    my $n = shift;
    my @div;
    for my $div (@primes50) {
        last if $div > $n;
        while ($n % $div == 0) {
            $n /= $div;
            push @div, $div;


Saif Ahmed

Saif made good use of dispatch table. The best part of the solution is the centralisation of core functions.


sub getAttractive{                     # gets attractive numbers
    my $n=shift;                       # how many to get
    $method=shift //"method1";         # which method to use or use method1
    print "Using $method the first $n attractive numbers are:-\n";

    my $candidate=0;                   # number to test for attractiveness

    while ($n--) {
                                       # increment $candidate until attractive found
        while (!${$method}{isAttractive}->(++$Candidate)){};
                                       # display attarctive numbers and factors
        print "$Candidate is attractive; Factors are ",
               (join ",",(defined ${$method}{factors})    ?   # if a cache of factors exists
                     @{${$method}{factors}  ->[$Candidate]} : # retrieve from cache or
                     @{${$method}{factorise}->($Candidate)} ),# just factorise again

sub initialise{

# Method1 caches nothing. The factorise function return the list of factors, or
# just the number itself if it is prime

    %method1=(                    # "our" used to make it available
                                      # outsibe the initialise subroutine
       factorise=>sub {
           my $wn=$number=shift;      # the number to test is loaded
           my @factorsList=();        # the aray of factors found
           my $test=2;                # start search with 2 as a factor
           my $limit=sqrt($wn+1);        # continue to a reasonable limit
           while ($test < $limit){    # until limit passed
             if  ($wn % $test){       # if not a factor (i.e. $wn % $test is not zero
                 $test++;             # test next number
                 $test++ unless $test==3;  # ensure that after 2 only odd numbers are tested
             else{                    # factor found
              push @factorsList,$test;# store factor in our list
              $wn=$wn/$test;          # and factorise the rest...
              $limit=sqrt($wn+1)      # ...resetting limit accordingly
          return [@factorsList,$wn];  # return all factors found (including the last prime)

      isPrime=>sub{                   # all methods retun the number if no factors are found
        my $t=shift;
        return 0 if $t<2;             # 0 and 1 are not prime numbers
        return $method1{ numberOfFactors}->($t)==1?1:0;

      numberOfFactors=>sub{           # list of factors obtained by factorise
        my $t=shift;
        return scalar @{$method1{factorise}->($t)};

      isAttractive=>sub {             # tests that numberOfFactors() isPrime()
            my $t=shift;
            return $method1{isPrime}->( $method1{numberOfFactors}->( $t ) );


# Method 2 caches the factors.  Because the factors of previously tested numbers are
# retained only the smallest factor is required, and it merely retrieves the rest
# from the cache

       factorise=>sub {
           my $number=shift;           # the number to test is loaded
                                       # if number already has ached factors, retieve from cache
           return  $method2{factors}->[$number] if (defined $method2{factors}->[$number]) ;
           my $test=2; $limit=sqrt($number+1);  # as before start with 2 and set limits
           while (($test < $limit)&&($number % $test)){
                 $test++ unless $test==3;
           if ($test<$limit){           # found the smallest prime factor.
                                        # Because of caching, all the other factors have
                                        # already been found, no need to search.
               $method2{factors}->[$number]=  [$test,@{$method2{factors}->[$number/$test]}]
           else{                        #otherwise this is a prime number, store in cache
               $method2{factors}->[$number]=  [$number];
           return  $method2{factors}->[$number];

        my $t=shift;
        return 0 if $t<2;
        return $method2{numberOfFactors}->($t)==1?1:0;

      numberOfFactors=>sub{              # retrieve from cache
        my $t=shift;
        return scalar @{$method2{factors}->[$t]};

       isAttractive=>sub{                # tests that numberOfFactors() isPrime()
            my $t=shift;
            return $method2{isPrime}->( $method2{numberOfFactors}->( $t ) );

      factors=>[],                       # cache of factors

# Method 3 caches factors and primes.
# the primes cache is a hash, with each prime stored as key, with next key as its value
# e.g 2=>3,3=>5,5=>7,7=>11,11=>-1,largest=>11. this allows quick retrieval of the next
# found poetntial prime factor.

           my $number=shift;
           return  $method3{factors}->[$number] if (defined $method3{factors}->[$number]) ;
           my $test=2; my $limit=sqrt($number+1);
           while (($test < $limit)&&($number % $test)){
                 $test=$method3{primes}->{$test};        # test larger and larger primes
           if (($number % $test)||($number/$test ==1)){   # no old prime factor found
                   # number must be a new prime larger than one previously encountered
                   # this is stored in a hash, replacing previous largest prime
                   # this method of setting multiple values in a hash is not possible with "strict"
               @method3{primes}->{$number,$method3{primes}->{"largest"},{"largest"} }=(-1,$number,$number);
               $method3{factors}->[$number]= [$number];
           return $method3{factors}->[$number];

      isPrime=>sub{                                     # check primes from the hash cache
        my $t=shift;
        return 0 if $t<2;
        return defined $method3{primes}->{$t}?1:0;

        my $t=shift;
        return scalar @{$method3{factors}->[$t]};        # check factors from the cache array

       isAttractive=>sub{                # tests that numberOfFactors() isPrime()
            my $t=shift;
            return $method3{isPrime}->( $method3{numberOfFactors}->( $t ) );

      primes =>{2=>3,3=>5,5=>7,7=>11,11=>-1,largest=>11},

    for my $method ("method2","method3"){
        for (1..100){

# This routine benchmarks the three methods twice, demonstrating the
# effectiveness of caching at first and subsequent passes.
sub benchmark{
    use Time::HiRes qw ( time);
    my $start;
    for (1,2){
        print "Benchmark pass $_\n";
        for my $end (1000,10000,100000){

            for my $method (1..3){
                for (1..$end){
                ${"duration$method"}= int (1000*(time()-$start));
            print "With $end factorisations: Method1 $duration1 ms   Method2 $duration2 ms  Method3 $duration3 ms \n";

Ulrich Rieke

Ulrich setup his own helper methods isPrime(), isAttractive() and primeFactors(). With the helper methods, the end result looks elegant.

#!/usr/bin/perl ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;

sub isPrime {
  my $number = shift ;
  if ( $number == 1 ) {
      return 0 ;
  if ( $number == 2 ) {
      return 1 ;
  for ( my $i = 2 ; $i < int ( $number / 2 + 1 ) ; $i++ ) {
      if ( $number % $i == 0 ) {
    return 0 ;
    last ;
  return 1 ;

sub isAttractive {
  my $number = shift ;
  my @primeFactors = primeFactors( $number ) ;
  return isPrime( scalar @primeFactors ) ;

sub primeFactors {
  my $num = shift ;
  if ( $num == 1 ) {
      return ( ) ;
  my $current = 2 ;
  my @primeFactors ;
  while ( $num != 1 ) {
      if ( $num % $current == 0 ) {
    push @primeFactors , $current ;
    $num /= $current ;
      else {
    do {
        $current++ ;
    } while ( not isPrime( $current ) ) ;
  return @primeFactors ;

my @attractives = grep { isAttractive( $_ ) } (1..50) ;
foreach my $num ( @attractives ) {
  print "$num " ;
print "\n" ;

Walt Mankowski

Walt used the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find the primes. He is the only member who used this hack, very interesting.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(:5.30);
use experimental qw(signatures);

my $N = 50;

# Find the primes up to $n using the Sieve of Eratosthenes
sub primes_up_to($n) {
    my %primes = map { $_ => 1 } 2..$n;
    for my $i (2..sqrt($n)) {
        if (defined $primes{$i}) {
            for (my $j = $i**2; $j <= $n; $j += $i) {
                delete $primes{$j};
    return %primes;

sub prime_factors($n, %primes) {
    my @factors;

    for my $i (sort { $a<=>$b } keys %primes) {
        last if $i > $n;
        while ($n % $i == 0) {
            push @factors, $i;
            $n /= $i;
    return @factors;

my %primes = primes_up_to($N);
for my $i (1..$N) {
    say $i if defined $primes{scalar prime_factors($i, %primes)};


Wanderdoc home grown is_prime() is really cool and on top of print_attactive() was like icing on the cake.

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);

my $N = shift || 50; # or die "How much is the number?\n";

for ( 1 .. $N )

sub print_attractive
     my $n = $_[0];

     my $n_orig = $n;
     my $counter = 0;

     my @factors;

     # Old nice one-liner for prime factorization:
     # perl -le "$x = shift; for $k (2 .. $x/2) {$x%$k or (print $k and $x /= $k and redo) }"

     for my $k ( 2 .. $n/2 )
          0 == $n % $k and
               $factors[$counter++] = $k and
               $n /= $k and redo;
     print join(" ", $n_orig, '=', join(' * ',@factors)), $/ if is_prime($counter);

sub is_prime
     my $n = $_[0];
     if ($n <= 3) {return $n > 1 ? 1 : 0;}
     elsif (0 == $n % 2 or 0 == $n % 3) {return 0;}

          my $i = 5;
          while ( $i * $i <= $n )
               if ( 0 == $n % $i or 0 == $n % ($i + 2))
                    return 0;
               $i += 6;
    return 1;

Task #2

Write a script to display first 20 Leonardo Numbers. Please checkout wiki page for more information.

For example:

L(0) = 1
L(1) = 1
L(2) = L(0) + L(1) + 1 = 3
L(3) = L(1) + L(2) + 1 = 5

and so on.

Adam Russell

Adam tried to keep it simple and very well presented end result.

use strict;
use warnings;
use constant NUMBERS => 20;

my $numbers = NUMBERS;
my @leonardo = (1, 1);
    if((NUMBERS - $numbers) < 2){
        print "L(" . (NUMBERS - $numbers) . ") = " . $leonardo[-1] . "\n";
        my $leonardo = $leonardo[-1] + $leonardo[-2] + 1;
        print "L(" . (NUMBERS - $numbers) . ") = $leonardo\n";
        push @leonardo, $leonardo;


Andrezgz kept it simple and easy to read.


use strict;
use warnings;
use Memoize;


my $upto = shift || 20;
print leo($_).' ' for (0 .. --$upto);

sub leo {
    my $n = shift;
    return $n <= 1 ? 1 : leo($n-1) + leo($n-2) + 1;

Burkhard Nickels

Burkhard also took the recursive route.

print "Function leonardo1() with recursive function call ...\n";
foreach my $i (0 .. $max) {
    my $cnt = 0;
    my $nr = leonardo1($i,\$cnt);
    print "L($i) = $nr ($cnt)\n";

sub leonardo1 {
    my ($nr,$cnt) = @_;
    if( $nr == 0 or $nr == 1 ) { return 1; }
    else {
        return leonardo1($nr-1,$cnt) + leonardo1($nr-2,$cnt) + 1;

Colin Crain

Colin presented the result nicely laid out.

use warnings;
use strict;
use feature ":5.26";

my $quan = shift @ARGV // 20;

say "the first $quan Leonardo numbers:";
say "";
say "index  |  number";
say "-------+--------";

my $i;
printf "%-2d        %d\n", ++$i, $_ for make_leonardo($quan)->@*;

sub make_leonardo {
##  construct a list of the first n Leonardo numbers
##  requires no recursion if we have the growing list to refer to
    my $quan  = shift;
    my $list  = [1];
    push $list->@*, 1 if $quan > 1;                         ## now [1,1]
    while ( scalar $list->@* <= $quan-1 ) {
        push $list->@*, $list->[-1] + $list->[-2] + 1;      ## sum last two elements + 1
    return $list;

Duncan C. White

Duncan kept it simple without any noise.

use v5.10;  # to get "say"
use strict;
use warnings;
#use Data::Dumper;

die "Usage: [N//20]\n" if @ARGV>1;
my $n = shift // 20;

my %l;
$l{0} = 1;
$l{1} = 1;
say "leonardo(0) = $l{0}";
say "leonardo(1) = $l{1}";

foreach my $i (2..$n-1)
    $l{$i} = $l{$i-2} + $l{$i-1} + 1;
    say "leonardo($i) = $l{$i}";

E. Choroba

Choroba blown me away with his hack of shift at the end.

#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };

my @last2 = (1, 1);
for my $n (0 .. 20) {
    say "L($n) = ", $last2[0];
    push @last2, $last2[0] + $last2[1] + 1;
    shift @last2;

Javier Luque

Javier made use of recursive function.

# test: ./
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw /say/;

for my $i (1..20) {
    say "L($i) = " . leonardo($i);

# Leonardo
sub leonardo {
    my $n = shift;
    return 1 if ($n == 0 or $n == 1);

    # Recursive
    return (
        leonardo($n-1) +  # l(n-1)
        leonardo($n-2) +  # l(n-2)
        1                 # 1

Laurent Rosenfeld

Laurent didn’t blink once before getting the desired result.

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw /say/;

my @leonardo = (1, 1);
for my $i (1..18) {
    push @leonardo, $leonardo[-1] + $leonardo[-2] + 1;
say "@leonardo";

Lubos Kolouch

It can’t be any simpler than this, thanks Lubos.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my @l = (1,1);

for (2..19) {
    $l[$_] = $l[$_-2] + $l[$_-1]+1;

warn Dumper @l;

Roger Bell_West

Roger followed the easy path. However while printing the result, he used the negative index hack, very smart.

#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;
use warnings;

my @stack;

foreach my $i (0..19) {
  if ($i<2) {
    push @stack,1;
  } else {
    push @stack,1+$stack[-1]+$stack[-2];
    shift @stack;
  print $stack[-1],"\n";

Ruben Westerberg

Ruben made use of state to cache the result. I wonder if it is any better than Memoize.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.26;

print map { "n: $_ l: ".l($_)."\n"} 0..19;

sub l {
    my $i=shift;
    state @cache=(1,1);
    push @cache, $cache[-1]+$cache[-2]+1 while(! defined($cache[$i]));

Ryan Thompson

Ryan showed how the use of Memoize can be so powerful. Highly Recommended.

use 5.010;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Memoize; # This is a core module

# Use core Perl module "Memoize" to store results of previous calls
# Note this is the exact same code as leo_no_memo, apart from the memoize call
sub leo_memoize {
    my $n = shift;
    return 1 if $n < 2;
    1 + leo_memoize($n - 1) + leo_memoize($n - 2);
memoize 'leo_memoize';

# In this case doing memoization ourselves is really easy, and turns out
# to be a surprising 777% faster than Memoize, so it's my preference.
    my @leo = (1, 1);
    sub leo_my_memo {
        my $n = shift;
        $leo[$n] //= 1 + leo_my_memo($n - 1) + leo_my_memo($n - 2);

# Building up the list iteratively is also a good solution
sub leo_to_n {
    my @r = (1, 1);
    push @r, $r[-1] + $r[-2] + 1 for 2..$_[0];

say for leo_to_n(20);

Saif Ahmed

Saif never hesitates caching whereever to speed up the performance. I simply love his work.

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';

# hash containing known Leornado numbers.  It is prepopulated with
# L(0) and L(1), but more added as discovered by L().
my %leonardos=(0=>1,1=>1,);

# Golden ratio numbers required for the closedForm() method
my $gr1=(1+sqrt(5))/2;
my $gr2=(1-sqrt(5))/2;

say  "$_) ", L($_)  for (0..20);  # find the first 21 leonardo numbers

# This subroutines uses no caching and rapidly slowss after about
# 25 retrievals.
sub l{
  my $ln=shift;
  return $ln < 2?1:l($ln-2)+l($ln-1)+1;

#  This retrieves Leonardo numbers from cache where needed
sub L{
  my $ln=shift;

  # find and store L(N) in the hash, if it does not exist already
  unless (exists  $leonardos{$ln}) {
   #return stored L(N)
  return $leonardos{$ln};

# This is a closed form function that requires no recursion
# see
sub closedForm{
    my $ln=shift;
    return 2*($gr1**($ln+1)-$gr2**($ln+1))/($gr1-$gr2) -1;

Steven Wilson

Steven kept it sweet and simple.

e strict;
use warnings;

my @leonardo_numbers = ( 1, 1 );
my $counter = 2;

while ( $counter < 20 ) {
    $leonardo_numbers[$counter] =
        $leonardo_numbers[ $counter - 1 ] +
        $leonardo_numbers[ $counter - 2 ] +

print join " ", @leonardo_numbers, "\n";``

## Ulrich Rieke

**Ulrich** made good use of **negative** index. Clean Hack.

#!/usr/bin/perl ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;

my @leonardos = ( 1 , 1 ) ;
while ( (scalar @leonardos ) < 20 ) {
  push @leonardos , $leonardos[-1] + $leonardos[-2] + 1 ;
for my $num ( @leonardos ) {
  print "$num " ;
print "\n" ;

Walt Mankowski

Walt made good use swapping, very nice hack.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(:5.30);
use experimental qw(signatures);

my $N = 20;
my ($l1, $l2) = (1, 1);

for my $i (0..$N-1) {
    if ($i < 2) {
        say "L($i) = 1";
    } else {
        ($l1, $l2) = ($l2, $l1 + $l2 + 1);
        say "L($i) = $l2";


Wanderdoc exploited the Fibonacci series to get the desired result.

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);

my $fn = shift || 20; #  or die "How much numbers?\n";
print join(" ", map 2 * fib($_ + 1) - 1, 0 .. 20), $/;

sub fib
     my $n = shift;
     my $x = 0;
     my $y = 1;

     my $m = 0;
     while ( $m < $n )
          ($x, $y) = ($y, $x + $y);


     return $x;


(1) Perl Weekly Challenge 041 by Adam Russell

(2) PERL WEEKLY CHALLENGE – 041 by Javier Luque

(3) Perl Weekly Challenge 41: Attractive Numbers and Leonardo Numbers by Laurent Rosenfeld

(4) Attractive Numbers by Ryan Thompson

(5) Leonardo Numbers by Ryan Thompson


If you have any suggestions or ideas then please do share with us.

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