Continues from previous week.
Feel free to submit a merge request or open a ticket if you found any issues with this post. We highly appreciate and welcome your feedback.
For a quick overview, go through the original tasks and recap of the weekly challenge.
Additional feedback to our Perl Weekly Challenge’s Twitter account is much appreciated.
Task #1
Octal Number System
Write a script to print decimal number 0 to 50 in Octal Number System.
For example:
Decimal 0 = Octal 0
Decimal 1 = Octal 1
Decimal 2 = Octal 2
Decimal 3 = Octal 3
Decimal 4 = Octal 4
Decimal 5 = Octal 5
Decimal 6 = Octal 6
Decimal 7 = Octal 7
Decimal 8 = Octal 10
and so on.
Adam Russell
Adam shared the power of sprintf() in his solution.
use strict;
use warnings;
for my $x (0..50){
print "Decimal $x = Octal " . sprintf("%o", $x) . "\n";
Alicia Bielsa
Alicia followed similar path like Adam but used printf() instead. More compact, good job.
use strict;
use warnings;
foreach my $i ( 1..50 ) {
printf("Decimal $i = Octal %o\n",$i);
Burkhard Nickels
Burkhard shared both printf() and sprintf() version. Ideal for someone new to learn Perl.
use strict;
use warnings;
# Version 1: foreach loop with printf
foreach (0 .. 50) {
printf("Decimal: %d - Octal: %o\n",$_,$_);
# Version 2: map with sprintf
print my @res = map { sprintf("Dec %d - Oct %o\n",$_,$_) } (0 .. 50);
Colin Crain
Colin likes to the difficult path and manually solved the task. It reminds me my learning days.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature ":5.26";
printf "Decimal %-2d = Octal %-2d\n", $_, octal($_) for (-50..50);
sub octal {
my $num = shift;
my $sign = ($num >= 0) ? "" : '-';
$num = abs($num);
my $out = "";
my $rem;
while ( $num > 0 ) {
($num, $rem) = (int( $num/8 ), $num % 8);
$out = $rem . $out;
$out = $sign . $out;
return $out ? $out : 0; ## needs to output 0 for 0
Cristina Heredia
Cristina, new member of the team shared the first contribution. Looking forward to many more magical solutions.
for (my $i = 0; $i <= 50; $i++) {
print "Decimal $i = Octal ";
printf("%o\n",$_)for "$i";
Dave Jacoby
Dave also took the help from sprintf() like others. I wonder how many knows the real power of sprintf().
use feature qw{ say };
use strict;
use warnings;
for my $d ( 0 .. 50 ) {
my $o = sprintf '%o', $d;
say qq{Decimal $d = Octal $o};
Duane Powell
Duane came up with handmade complete solution.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw( say );
my $decimal_no = shift;
if ($decimal_no) {
say convert_to_octal($decimal_no);
else {
for (0 .. 50) {
say convert_to_octal($_);
sub convert_to_octal {
my $n = shift;
return 0 if ($n == 0);
my @oct;
while ($n > 0) {
my $remainder = $n/8 - int($n/8);
push @oct, $remainder * 8;
$n = int($n/8);
return join('',reverse @oct);
Duncan C. White
Duncan introduced bit operator in a very elegant way to solve the task. I loved it.
use v5.10; # to get "say"
use strict;
use warnings;
die "Usage: [N//50]\n" if @ARGV>1;
my $n = shift // 50;
# my $o = to_oct_str( $x );
# Convert x to an octal string, eg. 8 is "10"
sub to_oct_str
my( $x ) = @_;
my $result = "";
if( $x > 7 )
$result = to_oct_str( $x>>3 );
$result .= $x&7;
return $result;
foreach my $x (0..$n)
# convert x to octal..
my $o = to_oct_str( $x );
say "$x\t$o";
E. Choroba
Choroba didn’t try to be clever and kept it simple.
use warnings;
use strict;
printf "Decimal %d = Octal %o\n", $_, $_
for 0 .. 50;
Fabrizio Poggi
Fabrizio also got his hand dirty while solving the task. Good job.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $x;
my $y;
my $mod;
my $oct;
my @array;
foreach $x (0..50){
print "Decimal $x = ";
if ($x < 8) {
$oct = $x;
} else {
do {
$y = int($x / 8);
$mod = $x % 8;
push (@array, $mod);
$x = $y;
} while ($x > 8);
push (@array, $x);
$oct = reverse @array;
print "Octal $oct \n";
Jaldhar H. Vyas
Jaldhar made it look cool with the use of map{}. Smart Cookie.
perl -e 'map { printf "Decimal %d = Octal %o\n", $_, $_ } (0 .. 50);'
Javier Luque
Javier back to basics, yet powerful.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw /say/;
for my $i (1..50) {
say 'Decimal ' . $i .
' = Octal ' . to_octal($i);
sub to_octal {
return sprintf('%o', shift);
Kivanc Yazan
Kivanc also followed the straight forward path and reached the target without any issue.
use warnings;
use strict;
# Write a script to print decimal number 0 to 50 in Octal Number System.
for my $i (0..50){
printf "Decimal %d = Octal %o\n", $i, $i;
Laurent Rosenfeld
Laurent one-liner is always the best, usage of **$_** twice makes it interesting.
perl -e 'printf "Decimal: %2d = Octal %2o \n", $_, $_ for 0..50;'
Nazareno Delucca
Nazareno solutions really hard to follow first time. I had to run the script to see the end result.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $top = shift @ARGV || 50;
my $holder = 0;
for (0..$top){
print "dec: $_ -> oct: ". $holder++ . "\n";
$holder+=2 if 8 == substr $holder, -1;
Peter Scott
Peter is a man of few words. You know why I say that, checkout his solution.
perl -E 'say sprintf "Decimal %d = Octal %o", $_, $_ for 0 .. 50'
Roger Bell_West
Roger kept it simple and easy this time.
use strict;
use warnings;
foreach (0..50) {
printf('Decimal %d = Octal %o'."\n",$_,$_);
Ruben Westerberg
Ruben followed the same path like many.
perl -e 'printf "Decimal: %4d Octal: %4o\n",$_,$_ for 0..50';
Ryan Thompson
Ryan didn’t lost the path either.
printf "Decimal %2d = Octal %2o\n", $_, $_ for 0..50;
# This printf feature will be important for our Raku solution:
printf 'Decimal %1$2d = Octal %1$2o'."\n", $_ for 0..50;
Saif Ahmed
Saif is known for his documented solution. This time also it is no different.
use strict; use warnings;
my $base=8;
print "Converting from decimal to octal (base 8)\n";
for my $n (1..50){
printf ("Decimal %2s is %2s in base %1s\n",$n, decimalTobaseN($base,$n), $base) ;
sub decimalTobaseN{
my ($base,$number)=@_; # Function receives base and the number to convert
my @digits=(0..9,'A'..'Z'); # potential output characters
my $string=""; # holds the output as string of characters
while ($number>0){ # continue until no more required
my $remainder=$number % $base; # get the remainder after division with base
$string=$digits[$remainder].$string; # add that to the left most side of string
$number=($number-$remainder)/$base; # divide the residual number by base
return $string # return the result
# The following section describes a function inverse of decimalToBaseN()
# Goal is to convert baseN string generated above back to decimal
print "\n\nPress any key to continue\n";
print "Converting decimal 100 into bases 2 to 36 and then back again\n\n";
for $base (2..36){ # for each valid base
my $a = decimalTobaseN($base,100); # convert decimal 100 into that base
my $b = baseNToDecimal($base,$a); # then convert result back to decimal
printf ("Decimal 100 in base %2s is %2s and converted back is %2s\n",$base, $a, $b) ;
sub baseNToDecimal{
my ($base,$string)=@_; # Function receives base and the string to convert
my %baseValues; # the base characters to decimal value are
@baseValues{(0..9,'A'..'Z')}=(0..36); # stored in a hash
my $result=0; # initial value is zero
foreach (split //,$string){ # go over each character in the string
# multiplying result by the base before adding
$result=$result*$base+$baseValues{$_}; # next character value to result
return $result; # return the result
Steven Wilson
Steven not only solved the task but also added handy unit test as well.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw/ say /;
use Test::More tests => 1;
ok( decimal_to_octal(1792) == 3400, "test decimal 1792 is octal 3400" );
sub decimal_to_octal {
my $dec = shift;
my $result;
while ( $dec > 7 ) {
$result .= $dec % 8;
$dec = int( $dec / 8 );
$result .= $dec;
return scalar reverse $result;
for ( 0 .. 50 ) {
say "Decimal $_ = Octal ", decimal_to_octal($_);
Walt Mankowski
Walt is now regular with his solutions. This time with a one-liner.
use strict;
use warnings;
printf "Decimal %d = Octal %o\n", $_, $_ for 0..50;
Wanderdoc, one of Early Bird Club members, presented the result as expected.
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
for my $number ( 0 .. 50 )
print join(' = ', join(' ', 'Decimal', $number),
join(' ', 'Octal', sprintf("%o", $number))), $/;
Task #2
Balanced Brackets
Write a script to generate a string with random number of ( and ) brackets. Then make the script validate the string if it has balanced brackets.
For example:
() - OK
(()) - OK
)( - NOT OK
())() - NOT OK
Adam Russell
use strict;
use warnings;
# Write a script to generate a string with a random
# number of ( and ) parentheses. Make the script validate
# the string for balanced parentheses.
use boolean;
use constant LENGTH => 4;
use constant OPEN => "(";
use constant CLOSE => ")";
sub build{
my $s;
for (0 .. (LENGTH - 1)){
my $p = rand() < 0.5 ? OPEN : CLOSE;
$s .= $p;
return $s;
sub validate{
my($s) = @_;
my @a;
for my $c (split(//, $s)){
push @a, $c if($c eq OPEN);
if($c eq CLOSE){
return false if(!@a || pop @a ne OPEN);
return true if !@a;
return false;
my $s = build();
my $r = validate($s) ? "balanced" : "not balanced";
print "$s is $r\n";
Alicia Bielsa
use strict;
use warnings;
my $openingBracket = '(';
my $closingBracket = ')';
my @aBracketSymbols = ($openingBracket, $closingBracket);
my $bracketString = '';
my $lengthString = int(rand(10));
foreach my $i (0..$lengthString){
$bracketString .= $aBracketSymbols[int(rand(2))];
my $balanceResult = isStringBalanced($bracketString);
print "$bracketString - $balanceResult\n";
sub isStringBalanced {
my $stringToCkeck = shift;
my $balanceCount = 0;
foreach my $bracket (split ('',$stringToCkeck)){
if ($bracket eq $closingBracket ){
if ( $balanceCount == 0){
return 'KO';
} else {
$balanceCount --;
} elsif ($bracket eq $openingBracket){
$balanceCount ++;
if ($balanceCount == 0 ){
return 'OK';
} else {
return 'KO';
Burkhard Nickels
use strict;
use warnings;
print " (Version 1.0) PWC #42 Task #2: Balanced Brackets\n";
sub create_brackets {
my ($nr) = @_;
my $s;
for( my $i=0; $i<=$nr; $i++ ) {
my $br = int(rand(2));
if($br) { $s .= ")"; } else { $s .= "("; }
return $s;
my $ok;
do {
my $nr = int(rand(10));
my $str = create_brackets($nr);
$ok = balanced_brackets($str);
my $rs = "NOT OK";
$rs = "OK" if $ok;
print $str, " - ", $rs, "\n";
} while( ! $ok );
sub balanced_brackets {
my $str = shift;
my $found = $str =~ s/\(\)//;
my $ok;
if($found) {
$ok = balanced_brackets($str);
return $ok;
else {
if( $str=~/\(|\)/ ) { return 0; }
else { return 1; }
Colin Crain
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature ":5.26";
my $upper = shift @ARGV // 10;
$upper = int(rand($upper)) + 1;
my $str = make_string($upper);
say $str;
say validate( $str );
sub make_string {
return join '', map { ['(',')']->[int(rand(2))] } (1..$_[0]);
sub validate {
my $str = shift;
unless (length($str)%2==0) { return "IMBALANCED - odd number of parens"};
while ( $str =~ s/ \( (.*?) \) /$1/x) {
if ($-[0] != 0){ return "IMBALANCED - remaining group starts with right paren : $str" }
return (length $str == 0) ? "BALANCED" : "IMBALANCED - $str remaining";
Cristina Heredia
use strict;
my $random;
my @array;
my $i = 0;
my $text;
my $code = 0;
#Create the string of parenthesis by generates random numbers between 0-2 (0 = '(', 1 = ')' and 2 = end).
sub generateString {
$random = int rand(2);
while ($random != 2) {
$random = int rand(3);
#Converts the numbers generated into parenthesis
sub convertParenthesis{
if ($random == '0') {
@array[$i] = $random;
$text .= '(';
elsif ($random == '1') {
@array[$i] = $random;
$text .= ')';
#Checks if the string has balanced brackets
sub validation {
my $length = @array;
for (my $j = 0; $j < $length; $j++) {
if (@array[$j] == 0) {
elsif (@array[$j] == 1 and $code != 0) {
else {
$code = 1;
#Write the string and indicate if it's ok or not
sub result {
if ($code == 0) {
print "$text - OK\n";
else {
print "$text - NOT OK\n";
Dave Jacoby
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw{ say signatures };
no warnings qw{ experimental::signatures };
# generate the string of braces
my $string;
for ( 0 .. 1 + int rand 9 ) {
$string .= int rand 2 ? '(' : ')';
# test if the string has matched braces
my $t = test_braces($string);
my $response = $t == 0 ? 'OK' : 'NOT OK';
say qq{$string - $response};
Duane Powell
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw( say );
use constant {
L_PAREN => '(',
R_PAREN => ')',
my $paren = shift;
if ($paren) {
say "Given paren string = $paren";
else {
my $lower_limit = 2;
my $upper_limit = 7;
my $random_number = int(rand($upper_limit-$lower_limit)) + $lower_limit;
for (1 .. $random_number) {
# coin toss left or right paren
$paren .= (rand() < 0.5) ? L_PAREN : R_PAREN;
say "Random paren string = $paren";
my $msg;
my $paren_count = 0;
foreach (split(//,$paren)) {
$paren_count-- if ($_ eq R_PAREN);
$paren_count++ if ($_ eq L_PAREN);
if ($paren_count < 0) {
$msg = "Parens are not balanced.";
$msg = 'Parens are balanced.' if ($paren_count == 0);
$msg = 'Parens are not closed.' if ($paren_count > 0);
say $msg;
Duncan C. White
use v5.10; # to get "say"
use strict;
use warnings;
sub gen_bracketed_string
my $len = 20+int(rand(20));
my $result="";
foreach (1..$len)
$result .= int(rand(2))==0?'(':')';
return $result;
sub validate
my( $brackstr ) = @_;
my( $origlen, $len );
$origlen = length($brackstr);
$brackstr =~ s/\(\)//g;
$len = length($brackstr);
} while( $len < $origlen );
return $len==0?1:0;
srand( $$ ^ time() );
die "Usage: [BRACKSTR]\n" if @ARGV>1;
my $brackstr = shift // gen_bracketed_string();
my $isvalid = validate( $brackstr );
say "$brackstr valid? $isvalid";
E. Choroba
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };
sub generate {
return join "", map +('(', ')')[rand 2], 1 .. int rand 80
sub is_valid {
my ($s) = @_;
$s =~ s/\(\)//g while -1 != index $s, '()';
return ! length $s
use Test::More tests => 4;
ok(! is_valid(')('));
ok(! is_valid('())()'));
my $s = generate();
say $s, ' ', is_valid($s) ? "" : 'in', 'valid';
Fabrizio Poggi
use strict;
use warnings;
my @chars = ('(', ')');
my $lenght;
my $rands;
my $countr;
my $countl;
$lenght = int(rand(15)) + 1;
while ($lenght--){ $rands.= $chars[rand @chars] };
print "$rands";
$countr = () = $rands =~ /\(/g;
$countl = () = $rands =~ /\)/g;
if ($countr - $countl == 0) {
print " - OK\n";
} else {
print " - NOT OK\n";
Jaldhar H. Vyas
use warnings;
use strict;
use 5.010;
sub isBalanced {
my ($brackets) = @_;
my @stack;
map {
if ( $brackets->[$_] eq '(' ) {
push @stack, '(';
} else {
if (!scalar @stack) {
return undef;
pop @stack;
} (0 .. scalar @{$brackets} - 1);
return scalar @stack == 0;
my @brackets;
for (1 .. ((int rand 3) + 1) * 2) {
push @brackets, (int rand 2 ? '(' : ')');
printf "%s - %s%s\n",
(join q{}, @brackets),
isBalanced(\@brackets) ? q{} : 'NOT ',
Javier Luque
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw /say/;
use constant {
for my $i ( 1 .. 20 ) {
my $string = generate_random_string();
my $ok = (validate_string($string)) ? 'OK ' : 'NOT OK';
say $string . ' - ' . $ok;
sub generate_random_string {
my $length = int(rand(MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1) + 2);
my $string;
for my $i (1 .. $length ) {
$string .= (int(rand(2))) ? '(' : ')';
return $string;
sub validate_string {
my $open_p;
for my $char (split('', shift)) {
$open_p++ if ($char eq '(');
$open_p-- if ($char eq ')');
return 0 if ($open_p < 0);
return ($open_p == 0);
Kivanc Yazan
use warnings;
use strict;
use List::Util qw/shuffle/;
my $count = rand(10)+1; # Could be as low as 1, as high as 10
my @chars = ( '(', ')' ) x $count;
@chars = shuffle(@chars);
print join('',@chars)."\n";
# Walk through to validate
my $current_open = 0;
for my $char (@chars){
if ($char eq '('){
} elsif ($current_open == 0){
print "Not Valid\n";
} else {
print "Valid\n";
Laurent Rosenfeld
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw/say/;
sub check_parens {
my $expr = shift;
my @stack;
$expr =~ s/\s+//g; # remove spaces
for (split //, $expr) {
push @stack, $_ if $_ eq '(';
if ($_ eq ')') {
return 0 if @stack == 0;
pop @stack;
return scalar @stack == 0 ? 1 : 0;
for ("()", "( )", "(())", "( ( ))", ")(", "())()",
"((( ( ()))))", "()()()()", "(())(())") {
say "$_: ", check_parens($_) ? "OK" : "Not OK";
Nazareno Delucca
use strict;
use warnings;
my $range = shift @ARGV || rand(24);
# String Length
my $len = rand($range);
# String Generator
my $lisp = '';
$lisp .= rand() < 0.5 ? '(' : ')' for 0 .. $len;
print "Generated: $lisp\n";
my $paired_matches = $lisp =~ s/\(\)//g;
$paired_matches = $lisp =~ s/\(\)//g while $paired_matches;
print "Un-paired brackets: $lisp\n";
print length ($lisp) > 0 ? "It's NOT balanced\n" : "It's balanced!\n";
# Turns out it's very difficult to get balanced strings
# I used 2 and 4 for demonstration
# $ perl 2
# Generated: ()
# Un-paired brackets:
# It's balanced!
# $ perl 2
# Generated: )(
# Un-paired brackets: )(
# It's NOT balanced
# $ perl 4
# Generated: ()()
# Un-paired brackets:
# It's balanced!
# $ perl 4
# Generated: (((
# Un-paired brackets: (((
# It's NOT balanced
# $ perl 4
# Generated: (()
# Un-paired brackets: (
# It's NOT balanced
# $ perl 4
# Generated: ))((
# Un-paired brackets: ))((
# It's NOT balanced
# $ perl 4
# Generated: ))()
# Un-paired brackets: ))
# It's NOT balanced
# $ perl 4
# Generated: (())
# Un-paired brackets:
# It's balanced!
Peter Scott
use 5.016;
my ($MIN_STR_LEN, $MAX_STR_LEN) = (4,10);
my $string_length = int( rand( $MAX_STR_LEN - $MIN_STR_LEN ) ) + $MIN_STR_LEN;
my $string = '';
$string .= @{[qw{ ( ) }]}[rand 2] for 1 .. $string_length;
print "$string - ";
1 while $string =~ s/\(\)//;
say $string ? "NOT OK" : "OK";
Roger Bell_West
use strict;
use warnings;
my $s='';
foreach (-1..2*(int(rand()*4))) {
$s .= (rand()<0.5)?'(':')';
print "$s\n";
while ($s =~ s/\(\)//g) {
if ($s) {
print "Invalid: $s\n";
} else {
print "Valid.\n";
Ruben Westerberg
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw<round>;
my $maxLength=$ARGV[0]//20; #If no max on command line use 20
while () {
my $str="";
#make a random length string of up to $maxLength long
$str.=chr round rand()+40 for rand $maxLength;
my $v=0;
for (split "",$str) {
last unless $v >=0;
if($v==0) {
print("balanced: $str\n");
sleep 1;
print("unbalanced: $str\n");
Ryan Thompson
use 5.010;
use warnings;
use strict;
use List::Util 'shuffle';
# To have any hope of being balanced, the string must be of even length,
# and must contain the same number of ( and ) brackets, so that's what we do.
sub gen_str { join '', shuffle map { ($_) x $_[0] } qw<( )> }
# This type of balance checking is trivial with a regex
sub balanced_tiny(_) { $_[0] =~ /^(\((?1)*\))*$/ }
# Same sub, less line noise
sub balanced(_) {
$_[0] =~ /^ # Start of string
( # Match group 1
\( # Opening bracket
(?1)* # Recurse to start of group 1
\) # Closing bracket
)* # Group 1, zero or more times
$/x # End of string
# And now we'll check a few
for my $n (0..5) {
say "$_ - " . (balanced ? 'OK' : 'NOT OK') for map { gen_str($n) } 1..5;
Saif Ahmed
use strict; use warnings;
for (1..100){
my $testString=randomString(); # generate random string
printf (" %-12s", $testString); # display it
print findError($testString), "\n"; # validate it
sub randomString{
my $string=""; # start with empty string
for (0..(rand()*5+1)){ # for a random length (2 - 7)
$string.=("(",")")[rand()*2]; # keep adding a random bracket
$string; # return the string
sub findError{
my $str=shift;
while ($str =~s/\((-*)\)/-\1-/){}; # keep replacing matched braces with
# hyphens. What is left are string
# contaning unmatched brackets
# If these exist, they show locations
# of errors
if ($str=~/\(|\)/){ return "Not ok unmatched brackets at $str "};
"OK, Balanced brackets";
Walt Mankowski
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(:5.30);
use experimental qw(signatures);
my $MAX_LEN = 10;
# return a random string of parens of length $len
sub rand_str($len) {
return join '', map { rand(2) < 1 ? '(' : ')' } 1..$len;
# return true if the parens are balanced, else false
sub balanced($s) {
my $cnt = 0;
for my $c (split //, $s) {
$cnt += $c eq '(' ? 1 : -1;
return 0 if $cnt < 0; # too many right parens
return $cnt == 0;
for (1..100) {
my $rs = rand_str(int(rand($MAX_LEN)) + 1);
say $rs, balanced($rs) ? " - OK" : " - NOT OK";
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(:5.30);
use experimental qw(signatures);
my $MAX_LEN = 10;
# return a random string of parens of length $len
sub rand_str($len) {
return join '', map { rand(2) < 1 ? '(' : ')' } 1..$len;
# return true if the parens are balanced, else false
sub balanced($s) {
my $cnt = 0;
for my $c (split //, $s) {
$cnt += $c eq '(' ? 1 : -1;
return 0 if $cnt < 0; # too many right parens
return $cnt == 0;
for (1..100) {
my $rs = rand_str(int(rand($MAX_LEN)) + 1);
say $rs, balanced($rs) ? " - OK" : " - NOT OK";
(1) Perl Weekly Challenge 042 by Adam Russell