Ryan Thompson › Perl Weekly Review #049

Monday, Mar 16, 2020| Tags: perl

Continues from previous week.

Welcome to the Perl review for Week 049 of the Weekly Challenge! For a quick overview, go through the original tasks and recap of the weekly challenge.

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We’d greatly appreciate any feedback you’d like to give.

Table of Contents

Task 1

[ Alicia Bielsa | Cheok-Yin Fung | Colin Crain | Cristina Heredia | Dave Cross | Dave Jacoby | Duane Powell | Duncan C. White | E. Choroba | Ian Rifkin | Jaldhar H. Vyas | Javier Luque | Laurent Rosenfeld | Lubos Kolouch | Mohammad S Anwar | Peter Scott | Roger Bell West | Ruben Westerberg | Ryan Thompson | Saif Ahmed | Jen Guerra | Steven Wilson | User Person | Wanderdoc | Yet Ebreo ]

Task 2

[ Alicia Bielsa | Cheok-Yin Fung | Colin Crain | Dave Jacoby | Duane Powell | Duncan C. White | E. Choroba | Ian Rifkin | Javier Luque | Laurent Rosenfeld | Lubos Kolouch | Mohammad S Anwar | Roger Bell West | Ruben Westerberg | Ryan Thompson | Saif Ahmed | Jen Guerra | User Person | Wanderdoc | Yet Ebreo ]


Task #1 - Smallest Multiple

Write a script to accept a positive number as command line argument and print the smallest multiple of the given number consists of digits 0 and 1.

For example:

For given number 55, the smallest multiple is 110 consisting of digits 0 and 1.

Solutions for this task came in two basic flavours:

Brute Force (check every multiple)

The most obvious way to solve this problem is to simply loop through every multiple of the given number, and return the first number containing only 1s and 0s. For numbers with small answers, this works fine, but even small input numbers can lead to some very large results. Multiples of 9 in particular, are very bad:

Breadth First Search or Binary counting

A more efficient solution can be had by using a breadth first search to explore the solution space. That is, one can totally skip any numbers that contain unwanted digits, by looping through numbers containing only 1s and 0s. This can be done with a BFS, or by counting in binary.

Deeper mathematical analysis

It’s possible to get even better results with some more analysis. Cheok-Yin Fung’s solution is, I believe, the most analytical of the solutions up for review this week.

Alicia Bielsa

Alicia Bielsa’s solution checks every multiple:

my $smallestMultiple = 0;
my $count = 1;
while ($smallestMultiple == 0 ){
    $smallestMultiple = ( $numberInput * $count ) =~ /^[01]+$/ ? ( $numberInput * $count) : 0;
print "$smallestMultiple\n"

Cheok-Yin Fung

Cheok-Yin Fung’s solution does a deep dive on the math behind this problem. I had a very pleasant conversation with Cheok Yin, who contacted me via email to discuss the performance.

Cheok Yin first removes (and counts) factors of 2 ($s) and 5 ($t), with the remainder in $C:

my $N = $ARGV[0];
my $C = $N;
my $s = 0;
my $t = 0;
while ( $C % 2 == 0) {
    $C /= 2; $s++;
while ( $C % 5 == 0) {
    $C /= 5; $t++;

The answer we’re looking for is a multiple of the original number, but now also a multiple of 2^s * 5^t * C. The main body of the solution uses modulo arithmetic in an interesting way:

my @D = (1);
my $k = ( ($C==1) ? -1 : 0);
my @key = ();
while ( $k != -1 and @key == () ) {
    my $temp;
    $temp = ( 10 * $D[ 2**( $k - 1 ) ] )
      % $C;    # in simpler but slower terms, $temp = (10**$k) % $C;
    $D[ 2**($k) ] = $temp;
    if ( $k != 0 or $k != 1 ) {
        for ( 1 .. 2**( $k - 1 ) - 1 ) {
            $D[ 2**( $k - 1 ) + $_ ] = ( $D[$_] + $temp ) % $C; # Ryan[0]
            if ( $D[ 2**( $k - 1 ) + $_ ] == 0 ) {
                push @key, 2**( $k - 1 ) + $_;

                # We cannot simply write:  $key = 2**($k-1) + $_;
                # because there could be more than one mulitples in 100...000 to 111..111, e.g. C=27;
@key = sort {$a <=> $b} @key;
if ($C != 1) {printf "%0b", $key[0];} else {print 1;}
print "0" x max($s,$t);

Cheok Yin did not provide any other documentation with this code, so I had to reverse-engineer the math myself. I first noted that the outer if ($k != 0 or $k != 1) { statement’s condition is always true, so it could be removed.

The potential solutions are built up in @key. By the end of the loop, @key may contain multiple solutions, so Cheok Yin prints the minimum. I’d personally use List::Util's O(n) min for this instead of the O(n log n) sort, but only because it is cleaner:

printf "%b%s\n", min(@key) || 1, '0' x max($s, $t); # Ryan's version

The @D array grows in powers of two, each time through the outer while loop, and stores the remainders of the current power of two in the next power of two at the line marked Ryan[0]. Thus Cheok Yin is doubling the search space for every iteration of the while loop. If a result is found where the remainder was zero, then we have a valid solution, so it is pushed to the result array, @key. The solution is found when @key is non-empty.

In my opinion (for what it’s worth!), a solution this complex needs more documentation. A future maintainer (or reviewer!) should not have to spend more than a few minutes to figure out code of this length. Without documentation, variable names like @D and $temp are hard to follow. Factoring out repeated calculations and otherwise simplifying the code would also help.

Still, I am quite impressed. Cheok Yin’s solution is extremely quick compared to every other solution tested, and the math is interesting.

Colin Crain

Colin Crain’s solution tries every multiple until one is found that doesn’t contain any digits from [2-9]:

my $input = shift @ARGV;
my $multiplier = 1;
my $value;
while ( $multiplier++ ) {
    $value = $input * $multiplier;
    next if $value =~ /[23456789]/;
printf "number: %5d       smallest multiple: %-15d\n", $input, $value;

Cristina Heredia

Cristina Heredia’s solution is mutually recursive, and uses global variables:

no warnings 'recursion';
my $number = $ARGV[0]; # RyanT: Input routines not shown
my $result;
my $multiple = 2;
sub smallestMultiple {
    $result = $number * $multiple;
sub checkValues {
   if ( $result =~ /^[01]+$/ ) {
        $number=~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
        print "The smallest multiple is $result\n$number * $multiple = $result\n";
   else {

smallestMultiple calls checkValues to see if the $result contains only 1s and 0s. Otherwise, it calls back to smallestMultiple on the next highest multiple.

Due to the mutual recursion, the stack grows quickly. With an input number of 99, it runs my VM out of memory within a few seconds. On numbers with smaller answers, however, it works just fine.

Dave Cross

Dave Cross’s solution checks every multiple until one is found that doesn’t contain any character that isn’t a 1 or a 0:

die "I need a positive integer\n"
  if !@ARGV or $ARGV[0] =~ /\D/ or $ARGV[0] < 1;
my $num = shift;
my $x   = 1;
$x++ while ($num * $x) =~ /[^01]/;
say "$num x $x = ", $num * $x;

Dave Jacoby

Dave Jacoby’s solution counts in decimal, then converts that to binary with sprintf. The answer is the first number that is evenly divisible by the input $n:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
sub smallest_multiple( $n ) {
    my $dec = 1;
    while ( 1 ) {
        my $bin = sprintf '%b', $dec;
        return $bin if $bin % $n == 0 ;

This solution is quite fast, finding smallest_multiple(99) in a mere 1/8th of a second on my machine.

Duane Powell

Duane Powell’s solution checks every multiple, returning the first that matches /^([01]+)$/:

my ($multiple, $next, $solved) = (0,1,0);
until ($solved) {
    $multiple = $number * ++$next;
    # Test if number is comprised just 0's and 1's
    if ($multiple =~ m/^([01]+)$/) {
        # Confirm it's not just all 1's
        $solved = ($multiple =~ m/0/);

Duane included an additional constraint that the answer must contain at least one zero, so some answers will not line up with those without that constraint. For example, without that constraint, the answer for 9 is 9 x 12_345_679 = 111_111_111, whereas Duane’s code returns 9 x 112_345_679 = 1_011_111_111.

Duncan C. White

Duncan C. White’s solution is self-described as being both “cute” and “easy”!

# My notes: cute, sounds easy.
use Function::Parameters;

fun smallest_binary_multiple( $n ) {
    my $mult = $n;
    do {
        $mult += $n;
    } while ( $mult =~ /[2-9]/ );
    return $mult;

Duncan’s use of the regex and simple $mult iteration makes for some “cute” and “easy” code indeed.

E. Choroba

E. Choroba’s first solution also uses the regex approach:

sub smallest_multiple {
    my ($n) = @_;
    my $r = $n;
    $r += $n until $r =~ /^[01]+$/;

His second solution, however, sacrifices a little brevity for a lot of efficiency, by using a variation of the binary counting method:

sub smallest_multiple {
    my ($n) = @_;
    return 0 unless $n;

    my $binary = 1 . (0 x (length($n) - 1));
    increment($binary) while $binary % $n;

sub increment {
    my $pos = rindex $_[0], 0;
    if ($pos > -1) {
        substr $_[0], $pos, 1, '1';
        substr $_[0], $pos + 1, length($_[0]) - $pos - 1,
                         '0' x (length($_[0]) - $pos - 1);
    } else {
        $_[0] = '1' . ('0' x length $_[0]);

Choroba’s increment sub is interesting. He has deconstructed the process of counting in binary into this sub, which increments a binary string representation of a number. This solution finds smallest_multiple(99) in 0.3 seconds.

BlogSmallest Multiple and LRU Cache

Ian Rifkin

Ian Rifkin’s solution counts in decimal and converts to binary for a more efficient loop:

use Scalar::Util::Numeric qw(isint);
use Math::BigInt;
use Math::BigFloat;

# [Ryan] Ian credits Perl Cookbook for this technique
sub dec2bin {
    my $str = unpack("B32", pack("N", shift));
    $str =~ s/^0+(?=\d)//;   # otherwise you'll get leading zeros
    return $str;

my $i = 2;
my $output = undef;
while ($output == undef) {
    my $bin_i = dec2bin($i);
    $i++ and next unless $bin_i =~ /^1[1]*[0]+[0-1]*$/;
    my $test = Math::BigFloat->new($bin_i);
    $output = $bin_i if $test == $test->as_int() and $input != $bin_i;
print "\n\nThe smallest multiple of $input with only digits 0 and 1 is: $output\n\n";

Even though dec2bin() should always give a valid binary string, Ian also checks with a regex: /^1[1]*[0]+[0-1]*$/. This regex enforces the additional constraint that the answer must contain at least one zero, which means his answer for, e.g., 99 = 1_101_111_111_111_111_111, versus 111_111_111_111_111_111.

The regex also introduces the constraint that the answer be at least two digits, which means, for example, 2 x 5 = 10 and 11 x 1 = 11 are not valid solutions under Ian’s interpretation of the challenge.

I would not, in general, recommend Math::BigFloat for integers. I did not try to find a case where it produces an invalid result, but I’m fairly certain it will, sooner or later, because of floating point error when converting a decimal number to and from fractional powers of two. These errors can be difficult to detect. I would use Math::BigInt instead, to store numbers precisely and avoid any chance of floating point error.

Jaldhar H. Vyas

Jaldhar H. Vyas’s solution uses the regex approach to find a multiple:

my $num = shift;
my $multiple = $num;
while ($multiple !~ / \A [01]+ \z /gmx) {
    $multiple += $num;
say $num, ' x ', $multiple / $num, ' = ', $multiple;

Javier Luque

Javier Luque’s solution also uses a regex:

my $new_number = $number;
while (!($new_number =~ /^[01]+$/)) {
    $new_number = $number * $i++;
say "Smallest multiple of $number is $new_number";

Blog049 – Perl Weekly Challenge

Laurent Rosenfeld

Laurent Rosenfeld’s solution also uses a regex to find the lucky winner:

my $num = shift;
my $i = 1;
while (1) {
    my $result = $num * $i;
    if ($result =~ /^[01]*$/) {
        say "$num * $i = $result";

BlogSmallest Multiple and LRU Cache

Lubos Kolouch

Lubos Kolouch’s solution uses a regex, and gives up early if a solution isn’t found within 1000 iterations:

sub find_multiple_0_1 {
    my $input = shift;
    my $count = 0;
    while ($input !~ /^[01]+$/) {
        $input += $input;
        # for some numbers there is probably no result, so let's just return -1
        return -1 if $count == 1000;
    return $input;

In case you are wondering, 55 out of the first 100 input numbers have multiples that would require more than 1000 iterations. The first such number is 9 x 12345679, for more than 12 million iterations! Even non-multiples of 9, like 23 = 4787, make a strong showing.

Mohammad S Anwar

Mohammad S Anwar’s solution uses a regex, concisely:

my ($res, $i);
do { $res = $num * ++$i; } until ($res =~ /^[01]+$/);
print "$num => $res\n";

BlogBLOG: The Weekly Challenge #049

Peter Scott

Peter Scott’s solution unleashed another one-liner:

perl -E '$x = shift; $i = 1; $i++ until ($i*$x) =~ /^[01]+$/; say "$i * $x = ", $i*$x' $*

Although it’s already easy to see it is another multiple/regex-based solution, here it is, unrolled:

$x = shift;
$i = 1;
$i++ until ( $i * $x ) =~ /^[01]+$/;
say "$i * $x = ", $i * $x

Roger Bell West

Roger Bell West’s solution is another regex-based one:

foreach my $n (@ARGV) {
    my $t = $n;
    while (1) {
        if ( $t =~ /^[01]+$/ ) {
            print "$t\n";
        else {
            $t += $n;

It’s an easy yet thoughtful addition to support multiple numbers on the commandline.

Ruben Westerberg

Ruben Westerberg’s solution also uses a regex:

my ($num, $factor)=($ARGV[0]//55,1);
$factor++ until  ($num*$factor) =~ /^[01]+$/;
printf "Smallest multiple: %d\n",$num*$factor;

Ryan Thompson

My solution looks at a few different ways of solving the problem. First is a regex one:

# For... illustrative purposes only
sub mult_brute {
    local ($_) = @_;
    $_ += $_[0] while /[^10]/;

I then flipped the problem around and iterated over the possible solutions (binary numbers) and I did that first by doing a breadth-first-search, using a queue:

# 1,478,988% faster than mult_brute
sub mult_bfs {
    my $n = shift;
    my $cur;
    for (my (@r) = $cur = 1; $cur % $n; $cur = shift @r) {
        push @r, $cur . 0, $cur . 1;

As the comment indicates, the above function was about 1.5 million % faster than the brute force method. I realized that since I was basically just counting in binary, I may as well leave that to the well-optimized Perl builtin:

sub mult_sprintf {
    my $n = shift;
    for (my $i = 1; ; $i++) {
        my $cur = sprintf '%b', $i;
        return $cur if 0 == $cur % $n;

That simple optimization was another 30% improvement, and the code is nicer to look at, too.

BlogSmallest multiple containing only 1 and 0

Saif Ahmed

Saif Ahmed’s solution includes two methods. First, the “naive” method1, is a regex-based one:

sub method1 {
    my $input = shift;
    return print "Computer says NO!\n",
                 "Multiples of 9 are quicker with method2\n"
                      unless $input % 9;
    my $multiplier = 1;
    while ( ( ( $input * $multiplier ) . "" ) =~ /[2-9]/ ) { $multiplier++ }; increment unt
    print "Input: $input, Multiplier: $multiplier Result: ",
        $input * $multiplier, "\n";

My guess is that increment unt was meant to be a comment, but since method1 wasn’t called from anywhere, it slipped through.

method2 uses a more efficient iterative approach, essentially a BFS with the queue elements being modified in-place rather than pushed and shifted:

sub method2 {
    my $input = shift;
    my $found = 0;                              # no answer yet
    my @list  = (1);                            # start with @list containing 1
    while ( !$found ) {
        @list = map { $_."0", $_."1" } @list;   # appends "0" or "1" to each element
        foreach (@list) {
            $found = $_
              unless $_ % $input;               # $result stored in $found if multiple found
            last if $found;                     # exit loop once $found
    print "Input: $input, Multiplier: ", $found / $input, "  Result: ", $found, "\n";

Jen Guerra

Jen Guerra’s solution counts in binary with the help of sprintf:

for (my $i = 2;;$i++){
    my $bin = sprintf("%b", $i);
    next if $bin == $int;

    # we know it starts with 1, but make sure there's at least one 0
    next unless $bin =~ /0+/;

    say "$bin is the smallest multiple of $int with 1s *and* 0s."
        and last
        unless $bin % $int;

Jen is another hacker who enforces the constraint of the answer containing at least one zero. The solution is fast, finding the (significantly larger) 99 -> 1101111111111111111 in just 0.45 seconds on my machine.

Steven Wilson

Steven Wilson’s solution uses a regex:

my $number     = $ARGV[0];
my $mulitplier = 1;
my $smallest_multiple;
while (1) {
    my $mulitple = $mulitplier * $number;
    if ( $mulitple =~ /^[01]*$/ ) {
        $smallest_multiple = $mulitple;
say $smallest_multiple;

User Person

User Person’s solution is not one, but two one-liners!

perl -e'$a='$1';$a+='$1'while$a=~/[^01]/;print$a,$/'
perl -e 'my $a = $ARGV[0]; my $b = $a; $a += $b while $a =~ /[^01]/; print"$a\n"' $1

The first, a regex-based one, expands to this (I’ve replaced the shell $1 with $ARGV[0] for clarity):

$a = $ARGV[0];
$a += $ARGV[0] while $a =~ /[^01]/;
print $a, $/

One-liner number two is a slight variation, presumably to be a bit more readable and avoid the tedious shell quoting from the first one:

my $a = $ARGV[0];
my $b = $a;
$a += $b while $a =~ /[^01]/;
print "$a\n"


Wanderdoc’s solution uses sprintf to help count in binary, and also selectively uses Math::BigInt when the numbers get too large for Perl’s native integers.

use Math::BigInt;
my $NUM      = shift or die "Which number?\n";
my $FLAG_2_5 = ( $NUM % 2 == 0 or $NUM % 5 == 0 ) ? 1 : 0;

for my $i ( 1 .. 1_000_000_000 ) {
    my $multiple = sprintf( "%b", $i );
X:  if ( $FLAG_2_5 == 1 and substr( $multiple, -1, 1 ) eq '1' ) { next; }
    if ( length($multiple) > 17 ) {
        my $x      = Math::BigInt->new($multiple);
        my $modulo = $x->bmod($NUM);
        if ( 0 == $modulo ) {
            print $multiple, $/;
    else {
        if ( 0 == $multiple % $NUM ) {
            print $multiple, $/;

Wanderdoc also uses the Pigeonhole Principle to potentially avoid a costly Math::BigInt conversion. With the X: line as-is, n=99 took 13.2 seconds on my system. Commenting that line out, it only took 11.5 seconds. There is quite possibly a savings for larger numbers, that use Math::BigInt more heavily, but I did not have the CPU cycles to spare, so I’ll take Wanderdoc’s word for it. :-)

Yet Ebreo

Yet Ebreo’s solution uses sprintf to iterate over binary numbers to quickly and concisely find the solution:

my $init = 1;
while (1) {
    my $bin = sprintf "%b", $init++;
    ($bin % $num < 1) && (say $bin) && last

You know it’s compact Perl code when the syntax highlighter gets it wrong.

Task #2 - LRU Cache

Mohammad’s description:

Write a script to demonstrate LRU Cache feature. It should support operations get and set. Accept the capacity of the LRU Cache as command line argument.

Definition of LRU: An access to an item is defined as a get or a set operation of the item. “Least recently used” item is the one with the oldest access time.

This task, being relatively complex compared to other tasks, required more code to implement. Compared to task 1, the solutions were about 3.3 times as long, with a couple being nearly 200 lines. This is therefore one of those tasks I will have to be more selective in the code I highlight. Please do follow the links to see the full code, as many of you put a lot of effort into this one, and I really enjoyed looking at the solutions.

Solution types

Doubly-Linked List

Several solutions used some form of linked list, although because Perl does not have a core linked list type, the underlying implementations varied.

Tracking the head and tail of the list is of particular importance here, because you would typically move items to the head of the list as part of a set or get operation, and expire items from the tail if the list is over its capacity.

It’s possible to implement an LRU cache without maintaining head and tail references, but the operations are more expensive, as you then need to perform an O(n) scan through the list to find the end, rather than an O(1) lookup. The additional O(1) housekeeping to maintain a tail pointer is therefore well worth it for this problem.

Perl list builtins

Many hackers chose to simply use Perl list builtins (i.e., splice) to move and remove elements from the cache. While this makes many operations O(n) instead of O(1) in theory, in practice when the lists are small, the extremely well optimized Perl builtins may be faster. The code is usually simpler, too.

Alicia Bielsa

Alicia Bielsa’s solution stores everything in an %hCache hash, and tracks the $head and $tail. Each cache element is a hash ref with the following structure:

# Ryan's summary
$hCache{$id} = {
   next      => $next_node,
   prev      => $previous_node,
   value     => $value,  # May be any scalar or ref
   id        => $id,     # Key/identifier

Here are the set and get routines:

sub set {
    my $id = shift;
    my $value = shift;
    if (exists $hCache{$id}){
        $hCache{$id}->{value} = $value;
    } else {
        my $newNode = createNode($id, $value);
        $hCache{$id} = $newNode;

sub get  {
    my $id = shift;
    if (exists $hCache{$id}){
        return $hCache{$id}->{value};
    } else {
        return -1;

The sub moveToHead is an important one in Alicia’s algorithm, as of course any element access in an LRU cache means it must move to the front (MRU end) of the list:

sub moveToHead {
    my $node = shift;
    if ($node eq $head ){
    if ($node eq $tail ){
    } else {

Many of the other helper routines in Alicia’s solution are worth looking at, as she does a really good job of factoring actions out into logical subroutines, and giving things sensible names.

Cheok-Yin Fung

Cheok-Yin Fung’s solution has a doubly-linked list implementation that uses an integer array to maintain indices of previous and coming (next) list items. The %cachehash provides an O(1) map from key to linked list position:

my $capacity = $ARGV[0];
my @cacheprevious = ( -1 .. $capacity-1);
my @cachecoming = (1..$capacity, -1);    #doubly-linked list
my %cachehash;   #cache item as key, position as value

Here is the set routine, which shows off the type of logic that Cheok Yin uses throughout this solution:

sub set {
    $hot = $_[0];
    if ($L < $capacity) {
         #the subroutine laundry makes sure when $L==$capacity, $cachecoming[$L-1] = -1;
        $cachehash{$_[0]} = $L-1;
        if ($L == 1) {
            $cacheprevious[$cachehash{$_[0]}] = -1} else {
            $cacheprevious[$cachehash{$_[0]}] = $tailposition;
        $tailposition = $L-1 ;
        $cachecoming[$cachehash{$_[0]}] = -1;
    } else {
        # cache is full, get rid of the least recently used element
        foreach (keys %cachehash) {
            if ( $cachehash{$_} == 0) {
                $headposition = $cachecoming[$headposition];
                delete $cachehash{$_};
            } else {
                my $v = --$cachehash{$_};
        $cachecoming[$tailposition] = $L-1;
        $cachehash{$_[0]} = $L-1;
        $cachecoming[$L-1] = -1;
        $cacheprevious[$L-1] = $tailposition-1;
        $tailposition = $L-1;
    return "";

Colin Crain

Colin Crain’s solution is an LRU package (class):

my $size = shift @ARGV;
my $cache = LRU->new($size);

package LRU;
sub new {
    my ($class, $size)  = @_;
    my $self    = { "list"      => [],
                    "lookup"    => {},
                    "size"     => $size     };
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

The actual list operations are carried out with splice, which are asymptotically slower than the O(1) linked-list operations we’ve seen, but Perl’s splice is itself quite well optimized, so for small list sizes, it is likely to compare very favourably.

Here is Colin’s set routine:

sub set {
    my ($self, $label, $data) = @_;
    ## if it already exists, bump up its timestamp and update the data
    if (exists $self->{lookup}->{$label} ) {
        $self->{lookup}->{$label} = $data;
        my $idx;
        for ( 1..scalar $self->{list}->@* ) { $idx = $_; last if $self->{list}->[$idx-1] eq $label };
        splice( $self->{list}->@*, $idx-1, 1);
        push $self->{list}->@*, $label;
        say "set($label, $data)   cache is now [", (join ', ',$self->{list}->@*), ']';
    ## else create and insert at head
    $self->{lookup}->{$label} = $data;
    push $self->{list}->@*, $label;
    ## delete if cache is overfilled
    if (scalar $self->{list}->@* > $self->{size}) {
        my $deleted = shift $self->{list}->@*;
        delete $self->{lookup}->{$deleted};
    ## inspection code left in to demonstrate
    say "set($label, $data)   cache is now [", (join ', ',$self->{list}->@*), ']';

When given a $size on the commandline, Colin’s library performs as expected.

Dave Jacoby

Dave Jacoby’s solution also provides an LRU package:

package LRU;
sub new ( $class, $capacity = 3 ) {
    $capacity = int $capacity;
    croak 'Invalid capacity' if $capacity < 1;
    my $self = {};
    $self->{class}    = $class;
    $self->{cache}    = {};
    $self->{order}    = [];
    $self->{capacity} = $capacity;
    $self->{max}      = $capacity - 1;
    return bless $self;
sub set ( $self, $key, $value ) {
    my @array = grep { $_ ne $key } $self->{order}->@*;
    unshift @array, $key;
    $#array              = $self->{max} if $#array > $self->{max};
    $self->{order}->@*   = @array;
    $self->{cache}{$key} = $value;
    for my $k ( keys $self->{cache}->%* ) {
        my $f = grep { $_ eq $k } $self->{order}->@*;
        delete $self->{cache}{$k} if $f == 0 ;
sub get ( $self, $key ) {
    my $n = grep { $_ eq $key } $self->{order}->@*;
    my $flag = $n ? 1 : 0;
    return -1 unless $flag;
    my @array = grep { $_ ne $key } $self->{order}->@*;
    unshift @array, $key;
    $#array = $self->{max} if $#array > $self->{max};
    $self->{order}->@* = @array;
    return $self->{cache}{$key};

Dave’s code also uses Perl’s list builtins, rather than a linked list. This does help make the code somewhat more concise.

Duane Powell

Duane Powell’s solution defines an LRU_Cache package, and uses a linked list for the underlying representation of the cache. I’ll show the set routine:

sub set {
    my $self = shift;
    my $curr = shift;
    my $data = shift;
    # Count how many times we've been called
    # On first call the vars head, current and tail are all the same
    if ( $self->{set} == 1 ) {
        $self->{tail} = $curr;
        $self->{head} = $curr;
    # Try to get data before setting data.
    # As written cache values can not be changed, they
    # must be evicted and then re-set
    if ( $self->get($curr, SILENT) eq EVICTED) {
        # Generate new node, set it as the head.
        # Update caches internal pointers.
        my $node = $self->node_generate($data);
        my $old_head = $self->{head};
        my $new_head = $curr;
        $self->{cache}{$old_head}{prev} = $new_head;
        $self->{cache}{$new_head} = $node;
        $self->{cache}{$new_head}{next} = $old_head;
        $self->{head} = $new_head;
        # If the cache is full set new tail and evict old tail
        if ($self->{set} > $self->{cap}) {
            my $old_tail  = $self->{tail};
            $self->{tail} = $self->{cache}{$old_tail}{prev};
            delete $self->{cache}{$old_tail};
    say "set($curr,$data)" if ($self->{verb});
    return $data;

This demonstrates the core logic in Duane’s solution pretty well, I think. This task is almost a study in edge cases, and Duane does a good job in catching them all.

Duncan C. White

Duncan C. White’s solution uses Perl’s list builtins for a concise solution:

use Function::Parameters;
fun get( $key ) {
    return -1 unless exists $cache{$key};
    my $x = $cache{$key};
    @keysused = grep { $_ != $key } @keysused;
    unshift @keysused, $key;
    say "debug: keysused = ", join(',',@keysused);
    return $x;

fun set( $key, $value ) {
    @keysused = grep { $_ != $key } @keysused;
    unshift @keysused, $key;
    $cache{$key} = $value;
    if( @keysused > $capacity ) {
        my $leastusedkey = pop @keysused;
        delete $cache{$leastusedkey};
    say "debug: keysused = ", join(',',@keysused);

E. Choroba

E. Choroba’s solution is written in his usual concise style, using Perl list builtins:

{   package Cache::LRU;
    use enum qw( CAPACITY HASH ARRAY );
    sub new {
        my ($class, $capacity) = @_;
        bless [$capacity, {}, []], $class
    sub capacity { $_[0][CAPACITY] }
    sub _value { $_[0][HASH]{ $_[1] } }
    sub _move_to_start {
        my ($self, $key) = @_;
        @{ $self->[ARRAY] } = ($key, grep $_ ne $key, @{ $self->[ARRAY] });
    sub get {
        my ($self, $key) = @_;
        return undef unless exists $self->[HASH]{$key};
        return \$self->_value($key)
    sub set {
        my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
        $self->[HASH]{$key} = $value if 3 == @_;
        delete $self->[HASH]{ pop @{ $self->[ARRAY] } }
            if @{ $self->[ARRAY] } > $self->capacity;
    sub inspect {
        [reverse @{ $_[0][ARRAY] }]

Factoring out things like _move_to_start is smart; even though it’s just a one-line function, it’s usually wise to avoid repetition, especially if you can clarify your intent with a good self-documenting name like _move_to_start.

BlogPerl Weekly Challenge 049: Smallest Multiple and LRU Cache | E. Choroba [blogs.perl.org]

Ian Rifkin

Ian Rifkin’s solution takes a much different approach. Ian basically built a REPL loop for his LRU cache using Term::Prompt and one big monolithic while(1) { ... } loop (Ian did mention he had planned to factor out more code into subroutines).

Here is the get operation:

    if ( $action eq 'get' ) {
        my $item_key = &prompt( 'x', "Input item key to get", '' );
        if ( defined $lru_map{$item_key} ) {
            say "Data from cache for key $item_key:";
            say $lru_map{$item_key}{'data'};
            $lru_map{$head}{'prev'} =
              $item_key;    #set outgoing first item's prev to new first item
            $lru_map{$item_key}{'next'} =
              $head;        #set new item's 'next' to outgoing head
            $head = $item_key;    #Update head to current item key
            $lru_map{$item_key}{'prev'} = undef;   #no prev since first in cache
            if ( $tail eq $head ) {    #if the new head was the old tail
                $tail = $lru_map{$tail}{'next'};    #set tail to new last item
        else {
            say "Item $item_key not currently in cache. Maybe you want to set it?";

And here is set:

    elsif ( $action eq 'set' ) {
        my $item_key =
          &prompt( 'x', "Input key of new item to add to the cache", '' );
        my $item_data = &prompt( 'x', "Input item to add to cache", '' );
        $lru_map{$item_key} = {};
        if ($head) {
            $lru_map{$head}{'prev'} =
              $item_key;    #set outgoing head's prev to current item
            $lru_map{$item_key}{'next'} =
              $head;        #set new item's 'next' to outgoing head
        $head = $item_key;    #set new item as head
        $tail = $item_key
          unless $tail;       #set tail if no tail yet AKA 1st in cache
        my $size = keys %lru_map;
        $size--;                     #don't count item being currently added
        if ( $size > $max_cap ) {    #if this new item can't fit in cache
            $tail = $lru_map{$tail}{'prev'};    #set new tail
            delete $lru_map{ $lru_map{$tail}{'next'} }
              ;                                 #delete last item in cache
            delete $lru_map{$tail}{'next'}
              ;    #delete new last item's next since it's now last
        $lru_map{$item_key}{'data'} = $item_data;  #load actual cache
        $lru_map{$item_key}{'prev'} = undef;       #no prev since first in cache

Ian’s linked list implementation looks fairly solid to me, including maintaining the head and tail elements to avoid the need to scan the list.

Javier Luque

Javier Luque’s solution uses Mouse for OO. I’m a huge fan of Mouse, having used it in plenty of real-world code myself.

Javier’s design includes a Cache::LRU class that uses LL::Node linked list objects as its elements. Each LL::Node has a key and a value, plus next and prev LL::Node references.

The Cache::LRU get and set subs are as follows:

sub set {
    my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
    # New node
    my $new_node = LL::Node->new(
        key => $key, value => $value
    # Push out 1 if at capacity
    if ($self->capacity >= $self->max_capacity) {
        my $node_to_kill = $self->first;
        delete $self->positions->{$node_to_kill->key};
        $self->capacity($self->capacity - 1);
    # Set the first and last reference to the new node
    if ( $self->first ) {
    } else {
    $self->positions->{$key} = $new_node;
    $self->capacity($self->capacity + 1);
    say "Setting: ($key, $value)" . $self->show_nodes;
sub get {
    my ($self, $key) = @_;
    my $node = $self->positions->{$key};
    # Cache miss
    unless ($node) {
        say "Getting: ($key) - cache miss" .
        # Return the cache miss -1
        return -1;
    # This might be the first node
    if ($node->prev) {
    } else {
    my $value = $node->value;
    say "Getting: ($key) Value: $value)" . $self->show_nodes;
    return $node->value;

Blog049 Perl Weekly Challenge

Laurent Rosenfeld

Laurent Rosenfeld’s solution is functional. It begins with a call to create_lru, which is a closure around the state (%cache and @order, for a Perl list builtin underlying representation). create_lru returns two subroutine references: the $getter and the $setter:

sub create_lru {
    my $capacity = shift;
    my (%cache, @order);
    sub display { say "Order: @{$_[0]} \n", "Cache: ", Dumper $_[1];}
    my $setter = sub {
        my ($key, $val) = @_;
        $cache{$key} = $val;
        push @order, $key;
        if (@order > $capacity) {
            my $invalid = shift @order;
            delete $cache{$invalid};
        display \@order, \%cache;
    my $getter = sub {
        my $key = shift;
        return -1 unless exists $cache{$key};
        @order = grep { $_ != $key } @order;
        push @order, $key;
        display \@order, \%cache;
        return $cache{$key}
    return $setter, $getter;

These then work like any other sub refs, but both references act on the common state created by the initial call to create_lru (meaning, you could have multiple caches if you wanted, just as with the OO solutions):

my ($set, $get) = create_lru(3);
$set->(1, 3);
$set->(2, 5);
$set->(3, 7);
say "should print  5: ", $get->(2);
say "should print  3: ", $get->(1);
say "should print -1: ", $get->(4);
$set->(4, 9);
say "should print -1: ", $get->(3);

It’s a different and fun way to do it (these were Laurent’s stated design motivations, which I wholeheartedly agree with!). If you aren’t familiar with functional programming, this is a great example to rip apart to figure out how it works.

BlogSmallest Multiple and LRU Cache

Lubos Kolouch

Lubos Kolouch’s solution uses the Cache::LRU CPAN package:

use Cache::LRU;
my $size = $ARGV[0] or die 'Usage: script size';
my $cache = Cache::LRU->new(
    size => $size
use Test::More;

Mohammad S Anwar

Mohammad S Anwar’s solution also uses Cache::LRU:

use Cache::LRU;
my $cache = Cache::LRU->new(size => 3);
$cache->set(1 => 3);
$cache->set(2 => 5);
$cache->set(3 => 7);
print "get(2) => ", $cache->get(2), "\n";
print "get(1) => ", $cache->get(1), "\n";
print "get(4) => ", $cache->get(4)||-1, "\n";
$cache->set(4 => 9);
print "get(3) => ", $cache->get(3)||-1, "\n";

BlogBLOG: The Weekly Challenge #049

Roger Bell West

Roger Bell West’s solution defines a Local::LRU package:

package Local::LRU;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self  = {};
    $self->{size}  = shift || 3;
    $self->{store} = {};
    $self->{lru}   = [];
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

set and get are nice and short, thanks to using Perl list builtins:

sub set {
    my $self = shift;
    my $k    = shift;
    my $v    = shift;
    $self->{store}{$k} = $v;
    if ( scalar @{ $self->{lru} } > $self->{size} ) {
        delete $self->{store}{ $self->{lru}[0] };
        shift @{ $self->{lru} };

sub get {
    my $self = shift;
    my $k    = shift;
    if ( exists $self->{store}{$k} ) {
        return $self->{store}{$k};
    else {
        return -1;

sub update_lru {
    my $self = shift;
    my $k    = shift;
    my @l    = grep { $_ != $k } @{ $self->{lru} };
    push @l, $k;
    @{ $self->{lru} } = @l;

Factoring out update_lru was a good decision.

Ruben Westerberg

Ruben Westerberg’s solution uses a given..when block to handle the different commands:

given ($cmd) {
    when ($GET_CMD) {
        print "\nRead Cache: ";
        do {
            given ( $index{$index} ) {
                when (undef) {
                    print "-Miss\n";

                    #cache miss
                    my $val = largeSlowStore( $GET_CMD, $index );
                    fastSmallCache( $UPDATE_CMD, $index, $val )
                      if defined $val;
                default {
                    #cache hit
                    print "-Hit\n";
                    fastSmallCache( $UPDATE_CMD, $index, $_ );
    when ($SET_CMD) {
        print "\nWrite cache: \n";
        fastSmallCache( $UPDATE_CMD, $index, $value );
    when ($UPDATE_CMD) {
        print "Updating cache: $index =>  $value\n";
        my ($k) = grep { $lru[$_] == $index } 0 .. @lru - 1;
        my $tmp;
        $tmp = splice @lru, $k, 1 if defined $k;

        #print "cached pre key: $tmp\n";
        my $del = shift @lru unless @lru < $capacity;
        if ( defined $del ) {
            print "Cache overflow\n";
            largeSlowStore( $SET_CMD, $del, $index{$del} );
            delete $index{$del};
        push @lru, $index;
        $index{$index} = $value;

Under the hood, Ruben uses Perl list builtins (splice, etc.) to maintain the internal list.

Ryan Thompson

My solution is another linked list OO implementation. My class, Local::LRU, supports get, set, and a few others, like capacity, which allows the capacity to be changed after the cache exists. Here are the get and set operations:

sub set {
    my ($s, $key, $val) = @_;
    $s->evict($key) if $s->exists($key);
    my $elem = { key => $key, val => $val, next => $s->{_head} };
    $s->{_cache}{$key} = $elem;
    $s->{_head} and $s->{_head}{prev} = $elem;
    $s->{_tail} //= $elem;
    $s->{_head} = $elem;

# Get an item named $key, or croak
sub get {
    my ($s, $key) = @_;
    croak "$key does not exist" unless $s->exists($key);
    my $val = $s->{_cache}{$key}{val};
    $s->set($key, $val);

As you can see, a get is basically a set, since the item needs to be promoted to the head of the list regardless, so I just call set.

BlogLRU Cache

Saif Ahmed

Saif Ahmed’s solution is another REPL “shell”. Saif sets up a dispatch table to define the allowed operations (the re regexps are there only to extract parameters):

my %dispatch=(
  set     =>{   # set (key,value) or set key,value: sets a key with a value
    re      =>'\s*\(?\s*\b(.+)\b\s*,\s*\b(.+)\b\s*\)?',
    action =>sub{my ($p1,$p2)=@_;set($p1,$p2)},
  get     =>{   # get (key) or get key : gets key value
    re      =>'\s*\(?\s*\b(.+)\b\s*\)?',
    action  =>sub{my ($p1)=@_;print get($p1),"\n";},
  cache   =>{   # cache: prints cache in recency order
    re      =>'cache',
    action  =>sub{printCache()},

Here are the get and set routines, along with a helper, access:

sub access {
    my $key = shift;    # key being accessed
    push @recency, $key;    # put the key into most recently used
         # starting from next most recently used slot, search for key
         # and remove any other occurence of key;
    my $index = $#recency - 1;
    $index-- while ( ( $index >= 0 ) and ( $recency[$index] ne $key ) );
    splice @recency, $index, 1 if ( $index >= 0 );

    # if capacity exceeded then shift lru out and delete from cache
    delete $cache{ shift @recency } while ( $capacity < @recency );

sub get {    # get value if key exists else -1
    my $key = shift;
    return -1 unless exists $cache{$key};
    access($key);          # recency updated
    return $cache{$key}    # return stored value

sub set {                  # set key value pair
    my ( $key, $value ) = @_;
    $cache{$key} = $value;
    access($key);          # recency updated

Jen Guerra

Jen Guerra’s solution has a set and a get, and (aside from some initialization code) that’s it!

sub set {
    my ( $key, $val ) = @_;

    # remove oldest element if we're full
    if ( scalar @keys >= $cap ) {
        my $discard = shift @keys if scalar @keys >= $cap;
        delete $cache{$discard};

    # push returns number of elements, so subtract 1
    my $index = ( push @keys, $key ) - 1;

    # populate the cache
    $cache{$key} = { 'value' => $val, 'index' => $index };
sub get {
    my $key = shift;
    my $val = $cache{$key}->{'value'} || undef;
    my $index = $cache{$key}->{'index'};
    my $removed = splice @keys, $index, 1;
    push @keys, $key;

    # this will be number of elements - 1 unless something has gone wrong
    $index = scalar @keys - 1;

    # also update the cache index
    $cache{$key}->{'index'} = $index;
    return $val;

There was quite a bit more debug code in the original solution, so if you want to see this one in motion, you’ll be greeted with a good look at what is going on inside.

User Person

User Person’s solution is also basically just lruSet and lruGet:

my @cIndex    = ();
my %cache     = ();
sub lruSet {
    my $lruPos = $_[0];
    my $lruVal = $_[1];
    if (exists($cache{$lruPos})) {
        print "position $lruPos currently occupied in cache\n\n";
    } else {
        push @cIndex, $lruPos;
        $cache{$lruPos} = $lruVal;
        if ( scalar @cIndex == $CAPACITY ) {
            print "\nCache at this point:\n";
        } elsif ( scalar @cIndex > $CAPACITY ) {
            my $shifted = shift @cIndex;
            delete $cache{$shifted};
            print "Cache is full, so pushes out key = $shifted:\n";
sub lruGet {
    my $lruInd = $_[0];
    my $lruGetRet = -1;
    if (exists($cache{$lruInd})) {
        my $moveElement;
        for (my $j = 0;$j <= $#cIndex; ++$j) {
            if ( $cIndex[$j] == $lruInd ) {
                $moveElement = $j;
                last FIND;
        if ($moveElement != $#cIndex) {
            my $toPush = splice @cIndex,$moveElement, 1;
            push @cIndex, $toPush;
        $lruGetRet = $cache{$lruInd};
    return $lruGetRet;


Wanderdoc’s solution gives us an LRU class using Perl list builtins to manage the internal list:

package LRU {


    sub set {
        my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
        push @{ $DATA{refaddr $self} }, {$key => $value};
        while ( scalar @{ $DATA{refaddr $self} } > $CAPACITY{refaddr $self} ) {
            shift @{ $DATA{refaddr $self} };

    sub get {
        my ($self, $key) = @_;
        return -1 if not exists $MAP{refaddr $self}{$key};
        my $idx = $MAP{refaddr $self}{$key};
        my $value = $DATA{refaddr $self}[$idx]->{$key};
        my $last = splice( @{$DATA{refaddr $self}}, $idx, 1);
        push @{$DATA{refaddr $self}}, $last;
        return $value;

     sub _update_map {
        my $self = shift;
        %{$MAP{refaddr $self}} =
            map { my ($k) = keys %{$DATA{refaddr $self}[$_]}; $k => $_;}
            0 .. $#{ $DATA{refaddr $self} };

Yet Ebreo

Yet Ebreo’s solution gives us an OO lru class and a splice based list. Here are set and get:

sub set {
    my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
    #Delete LRU from hash and update order if
    #cache is FULL (hash size is equal to cache size)
    if ((!exists ($self->{hash}{$key})) && (~~keys %{$self->{hash}} >= $self->{size})) {
        delete $self->{hash}{$self->{order}[0]};
        shift @{$self->{order}};
    #Update order array
    #If the key already exists in cache remove the key from order array then...
    if (exists ($self->{hash}{$key})) {
        @{$self->{order}} = grep  { $_ != $key } @{$self->{order}};
    #put it in last/highest index (Considered as MRU)
    push @{$self->{order}}, $key;
    #Update hash key-value pair
    $self->{hash}{$key} = $value;

sub get {
    my ($self, $key) = @_;
    if (exists $self->{hash}{$key}) {
        #Update the order of the array same as the one in Set method
        @{$self->{order}} = grep  { $_ != $key } @{$self->{order}};
        #put it in last/highest index (Considered as MRU)
        push @{$self->{order}}, $key;
        #Return the value of the given key
        return $self->{hash}{$key}
    } else {
        return -1;

See Also

Blogs this week:

E. ChorobaSmallest Multiple and LRU Cache

Javier Luque049

Laurent RosenfeldSmallest Multiple and LRU Cache

Luca FerrariLRU and Smallest Multiples made by 1 and 0

Mohammad S AnwarBLOG: The Weekly Challenge #049

Ryan ThompsonSmallest multiple containing only 1 and 0 | LRU Cache


If you have any suggestions or ideas then please do share with us.

Contact with me