Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #073

Sunday, Aug 23, 2020| Tags: perl

( …continues from previous week. )

Welcome to the Perl review for Week 073 of the Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered by the team, factor out the common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created.

Or really, talk about pretty much anything that stands out as remarkable or noteworthy.

Every week there is an enormous global collective effort made by the team, analyzing and creatively coding the submissions, and that effort deserves credit due. And that’s why I’m here, to try and figure out how to do that.

Let’s have a look and see what we can find.

For context before we begin, you may wish to revisit either of the pages for the original tasks or the summary recap of the challenge. But don’t worry, the challenges themselves will be briefly summarized, presented below as we progress from task by task. Oh, and one more thing before we get started:

Getting in Touch with Us

Email › Please email me (Colin) with any feedback, notes, clarifications or whatnot about this review.

GitHub › Submit a pull request to us for any issues you may find with this page.

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I’m always curious as to what the people think of these efforts. Everyone here at the PWC would like to hear any feedback you’d like to give.

So finally, without further ado…

•       Task 1       •       Task 2       •       BLOGS       •

TASK #1 › Min Sliding Window

You are given an array of integers @A and sliding window size $S. Write a script to create an array of min from each sliding window.

Example Input: @A = (1, 5, 0, 2, 9, 3, 7, 6, 4, 8) and $S = 3 Output: (0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4)

[(1 5 0) 2 9 3 7 6 4 8] = Min (0)
[1 (5 0 2) 9 3 7 6 4 8] = Min (0)
[1 5 (0 2 9) 3 7 6 4 8] = Min (0)
[1 5 0 (2 9 3) 7 6 4 8] = Min (2)
[1 5 0 2 (9 3 7) 6 4 8] = Min (3)
[1 5 0 2 9 (3 7 6) 4 8] = Min (3)
[1 5 0 2 9 3 (7 6 4) 8] = Min (4)
[1 5 0 2 9 3 7 (6 4 8)] = Min (4)

Solution Types:

The essence of the task here is to take an array of numbers and look at it as a collection of sub-arrays, in much the same way we can look inside a string as a collection of substrings. The “window” specified is a sub-array of length S whose lower boundary element starts at given index. By iterating over the indices, we can examine each window in turn, in this case to determine which of the elements is the smallest. The array slice is a natural fit here, and is the way almost everyone implemented the concept of a window.

The basic solution can be broken down into three parts:

  • to iterate,
  • applying a minimum function, on a
  • window subset of the input array

the TYPICAL solution

The quintessential solution used a for loop to iterate over an the array indices, then applied min from List::Util to obtain the minimum of an array slice ranging from the index to the size of the window. Typically this form is demonstrated in

Simon Green’s submission:

# Go through the list, and calculate the minimum value
foreach my $i ( 0 .. scalar(@list) - $s ) {
    push @result, min( @list[ $i .. $i + $s - 1 ] );

This solution does everything we need in concise, clear form. Cheok-Yin Fung, Jaldhar H. Vyas, Lance Wicks, Laurent Rosenfeld, and Wanderdoc produced nearly identical solutions to this archetypical example.


The variations to this form used alternate loops, or hand-rolled minimum functions, but basically operate the same way. To give a few examples,

Niels van Dijke

made a classic C-style for loop:

for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@A) - $S + 1; $i++) {
  my @s = @A[$i .. $i + $S - 1];

  push(@S, min(@s));

  printf "min(%s) = %d\n", join(', ',@s), $S[-1];

Cristina Heredia

Gave us a unique recursive function to accomplish her looping:

sub slidingWindow {
    if ($next != $max) {
        if ($counter == $S ) {
            $counter = 0;
            @window = ();
        else {
            foreach (my $i = $next; $i<$S; $i++) {
                push @window, $A[$i];
            $counter = $S;
            push @outout, min(@window);
    else {
        print Dumper \@outout;


Lubos Kolouch and Mohammad S Anwar

both use a while to get the job done, which requires the use of an external position counter in the index. Here’s Mohammad’s loop:

while ($index + $size - 1 <= $#$list) {
    push @min_sliding_window,
    min ( map { $list->[$_] } $index .. $index + $size - 1 );

But notice here Mohammad has done something else as well, in mapping the array values into a generated list of indices before computing the minimum, instead of using an array slice. Dave Jacoby does the same trick to generate his windowing.

As I said, most everyone used List::Util to find their minimum. Now this is an XS module written in C, so can reasonably be assumed to be the fastest option. It’s also core, so it’s going to be there for the taking. But some of us feel unconstrained by such concepts of efficacy and common sense, and went out and wrote our own anyway. Note the pronoun here; as way of example I present

My Own Solution, because I’m really quite fond of the way it turned out.

sub minimum {
    my $min = "inf";
    $_ < $min and $min = $_ for @_;
    return $min;

I have always been a fan of artistic minimalism, and I like its clean lines, short-circuiting logic and use of the special string inf.

Fellow mavericks here, shouting at the Moon, were Laurent Rosenfeld, Pavel Kuptsov, Roger Bell_West, Steven Wilson, and Ulrich Rieke. Dream on, dreamers, and never stop fighting for what you believe in.

on the SUBJECT of sort()

Several people pulled out a great little trick to find the smallest element of an array: take the array, sort it, and then pull out the first element. This can be succinctly done all in a single line by wrapping the sort in parens and indexing [0]:

my $min = ( sort @array )[0];

The problem is that for a list of integers, the above doesn’t work. In fact, it’s worse than that because it appears to work, works for a while and then fails under select circumstances. Why? Because the default sort will be ascii-alphabetic rather than numeric. 1 through 9 will sort correctly but then 10 will insert after 1, and 100 immediately after that.

One of my biggest minor irritations in the Perl language is that sorting numerically isn’t an out-of-the-box option. For some reason or another I’m always finding myself writing an explicit sort function, enough that it’s just habituated by this point. This, for instance, will work:

my $min = ( sort {$a <=> $b} @array )[0];

As I said it’s a minor annoyance, not a deal-breaker or anything. I’ve been in love with the map/sort/grep idiom as long as I, well, first found map, so maybe it’s just me. Including something like

sub bynumber {$a <=> $b};

allows one to say

my $min = ( sort bynumber @array )[0];

which is really nice if you’re sorting all over the place and have to use it a lot, but in the end I normally and consistently find myself, automatically at this point, writing that block yet again. This is a public service announcement: don’t forget to write the block. The way it fails only after small values can make it a hard bug to spot. To those of you affected, I believe you already know who you are.

the CONDENSED Solution

Have a look at

Jorg Sommrey’s code:

sub sliding_min {
    my $S = shift;

    # Take the minimum of a sliding window
    map min(@_[$_ .. $_ + $S - 1]), 0 .. $#_ - $S + 1;

By combining a map function to apply the min of an array slice over the relevant indices, Jorg has distilled things down into a single, condensed pass. Notice how he passes in the window size followed by the array. The window is immediately shifted off the parameter list and the remaining array is directly accessed, resulting in a very elegant solution.

E. Choroba Walt Mankowski

kudos to all of them.


Arne Sommer

Arne imports List::Util to get his min function, but prefers Perl6::Junction to import all for his validation check. It’s an interesting little module, with its own syntax particulars; it is nice to write all(@this) == something. The fundamental idea is to treat the elements of the array as a single object that simultaneously exists with multiple values, in fact this object can be assigned to a scalar as any other, and overrides comparison and equality operators applicable to it. List::Util::all would do the work fine, but this is a different way to look at a list; not to compare each value, but to compare the whole list.

Meanwhile, buried deep within the code is the single phrase

map { min @A[$_ .. $_ + $S -1] } (0 .. @A - $S)

which does the work.


Minimum sliding window, you say?

Of course there’s a module for that, and this is it: PerlX::Window. Athanasius’ code ends up looking like this:

my   @minima;
push @minima, min(@window) while window(@A, $S);

The window function does exactly what we’ve been doing here. This is good reminder that after a few decades, there is a cpan module for everything, even this.

Lance Wicks

Lance has given us a what now should be familiar technique,

for my $i (0 .. $the_end){
    my @slice = @numbers[$i .. ($i-1) + $args{window_size}];
    push @array_of_mins, min @slice;

Aside from making a comment on his slightly more verbose and hence very easy to read variable naming conventions — thank you Lance — I mention this here because his workflow seems to be to write everything in its own subroutine and then in turn pack that up in its own module. It’s a very robust system that nicely catalogs and compartmentalizes the logic away from any possibility of namespace collisions. Unfortunately as the script becomes a simple wrapper, or in this case test suite, it makes the actual code, for the purposes of the PWC, a bit harder to find. So I submit to you now, for your perusal, a link to, which you will find tucked alongside the script in the same github directory.

Mano Chandar

Mano doesn’t shift the window frame, but rather shifts the array behind it, playing a little switcheroo on our our data sets. The code looks at the first S elements of A, finds the minimum for that set, then shifts A out from underneath before repeating for the next group.

while( @A >= $S ) #process the array upto slidiing window size match
    my $min;
    foreach( 0..$S - 1 )    #traverse upto size of sliding window
        $min = $A[$_] if( !defined $min || $A[$_] < $min ); #find minimum value in array
    push( @min, $min ); #push the minum value from siliding window array
    shift @A;

Just because everybody does it one way doesn’t mean there aren’t other, equally valid frames of reference. Always a good thing to remember.

Myoungjin Jeon

Jeon give us a brace of solution functions, groupMinimumList and groupMinimumListComplex.

The first, groupMinimumList, moves incrementally through the windows, but once it has found a minimum value, caches the position of that value. Then, in comparing further windows, first he checks whether the existing current minimum value is contained within that window. If so, the only comparison required is the newly added value to that memoized value. This saves a bit of checking when the last minimum is still within the current window. If not, then all the elements are examined and a new minimum is selected.

the second routine grapples with the question “What if comparing more complex object and comparing process is not very delightful?” Charming language aside, he continues with a groupMinimumListComplex version of the routine, and both are output.

Pete Houston

my (@win, @mins);
(@win[0..$size-1], @a) = (undef, @a);

while ($#a > -1) {
    shift @win;
    push @win, shift @a;
    push @mins, min (@win);

In a manner similar to yet uniquely different from that of Mano, above, Pete starts by reassigning our input array into two new arrays, the window and the rest of the array elements. Well actually, almost all of the window and the rest of the parts. In this way he has set up his loop process properly from the beginning: to shift the window one (the undef element for the first pass), to shift the remainder of the array one into the window, then take the minimum of that set. After the last item has been shifted into the windowed view and examined, the process is finished. I like this approach.

Shawn Wagner

As Shawn notes in his comments, “This is really just a thin layer of perl over SQLite to solve the problems using SQL window functions.” Which is most certainly is.

The result is this hilarious and wonderful solution. I must admit I did not see that one coming.

    my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:","","");
    $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE data(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, val INTEGER)");
    my $stmt = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO data(val) VALUES (?)");
    $stmt->execute_array({}, $A);
    $S -= 1;
    my $len = @$A - $S;
    my $nums = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(<<EOS);
FROM data
LIMIT $len

William West

Breaking the task down into components in his own personal style, William strives to show the the logic flow of his programs through his distinct routine names. After adding a few newlines for clarity:


This is really the same pattern at heart to the familiar “iterate minimum of each slice” paradigm we’ve seen elsewhere, just phrased differently. I can almost hear his thoughts; express your goal in a complete sentence, then create the components to make that sentence happen. It’s very interesting to watch the process.

Here’s the side-routine he uses to calculate the individual windows. Note the map function is not being used in void context, as the result of the function is being implicitly returned by the subroutine.

sub slideMap{
   my($aref,   #can be anything
      $span    #window size

   $span = 1 unless $span;
   my $adjSpan = $span - 1; #beware off by one

TASK #2 › Smallest (Smaller) Neighbour

You are given an array of integers @A. Write a script to create an array that represents the smallest element to the left of each corresponding index. If none found then use 0.

Example 1 Input: @A = (7, 8, 3, 12, 10) Output: (0, 7, 0, 3, 3)

For index 0, the smallest number to the left of $A[0]      is none, so we put 0.
For index 1, the smallest number to the left of $A[1] in (7), is 7 so we put 7.
For index 2, the smallest number to the left of $A[2] in (7, 8) is none, so we put 0.
For index 3, the smallest number to the left of $A[3] in (7, 8, 3) is 3, so we put 3.

For index 4, the smallest number to the left of $A[4] in (7, 8, 3, 12) is 3, so we put 3 again.

Example 2 input: @A = (4, 6, 5) Output: (0, 4, 4)

For index 0, the smallest number to the left of $A[0]  in none, so we put 0.
For index 1, the smallest number to the left of $A[1]  in (4) is 4, so we put 4.
For index 2, the smallest number to the left of $A[2]  in (4, 6) is 4, so we put 4 again.

Solution Types:

As I said elsewhere, “Smallest Neighbor” is a somewhat misleading title for this challenge, as we are not in fact looking for the smallest element to the left of a given index, but rather the smallest element to the left of the index that is smaller than that element.

There were a couple of strategies that dominated the field of solutions:

As written, this challenge resembles the one before it; only in this case the size of the window is dynamic and there is some additional comparison going on. But there are some important differences that opened the door to a very swift shortcut. Many people noticed that as the window to the left of a given digit grew, unlike the previous challenge it always still encompassed every smaller window before it. Thus any given minimum will remain in the set and in its role until a smaller minimum supersedes it. This is key to the main solution, as it turns out.

Everybody figured quickly out that because there would never be any elements to the left of the first array position, the first element output would always be 0. Some people made a special case for the first window, others just started their output array as (0) and went forward from there. So the first real position to be checked is index 1, being compared to the sole other element and de facto minimum, the element at index 0. From that point, though, things diverged.

keeping a RUNNING TALLY of the MINIMUM

Athanasius, Cheok-Yin Fung, E. Choroba, Javier Luque, Laurent Rosenfeld, Lubos Kolouch, Mano Chandar, Myoungjin Jeon, Pete Houston, Roger Bell_West, Simon Green, Walt Mankowski,

Commonly people looked at the window, an the minimum, and realized that if a minimum was found, it would remain the minimum until something smaller came around. Add to this that the dataset is only expanded one element at a time as well, as each new index is evaluated, and the rule becomes: if the value at the current index is less than minimum, replace the minimum and write 0. Otherwise write the minimum to output. This is nice and clearly laid out in

Walt Mankowski’s submission:

my @output = (0);
my $min = $A[0];

for my $x (@A[1..$#A]) {
    push @output, $min < $x ? $min : 0;
    $min = $x if $x < $min;

Or perhaps this one by

Lubos Kolouch

for my $i (1 .. scalar @$a_ref-1) {
   if ($min < $a_ref->[$i]) {
       push @return_array, $min;
   } else {
       push @return_array, 0;
   $min = $a_ref->[$i] if @$a_ref[$i] < $min;

is clearer to you.

As you can see, because of the logical simplicity there really isn’t a lot of room for variation in implementing this algorithm. One notable exception to this would be the solution submitted by

Pete Houston

The short-circuit logic of Pete’s answer is a beauty to behold. Taking the basic form of the running tally on the minimum, he evaluates each iterated element: is it less than the minumum? If not, keep the old minimum. If so, then evaluate a boolean expression: first set the minimum to $_, which evaluates to the value being set (generally True but it really isn’t important), and then evaluate the expression 0, which is by definition False. The and expression thus evaluates to False and a 0 is pushed onto @mins. Lovely.

push @mins, $_ < $min ? ($min = $_ and 0) : $min for @ARGV;


Arne Sommer, Cristina Heredia, Dave Jacoby, Jaldhar H. Vyas, Jorg Sommrey, Mohammad S Anwar, Niels van Dijke, Wanderdoc, and My Own Solution.

In the second form, the process is very similar to the previous challenge: iterate acrosss the field, selecting a slice for each index, and determine the minimum value within that slice. Instead of just taking the minimum value, though, we add some additional processing when we hand over the partition, to make sure it’s smaller than the indexed element.

I think My Own Solution may be the most systematically laid out example of this approach.

for (1..@input-1) {
    my @slice = @input[0..$_];
    my $smallest = smallest_neighbor( @slice );
    push @output, $smallest;

sub smallest_neighbor {
## find the minimum value to the left and return it if
## min < given value, else 0
    my $value = pop @_;
    my $min = "inf";
    $_ < $min and $min = $_ for @_;
    $min < $value ? $min : '∅';

I think it’s pretty easy to follow; I’ve rolled the check against the index value into the minimum function, renaming it smallest_neighbor. For a discussion on why I went with the null sign for output, look down to my comments on Myoungjin Jeon’s efforts, below.

For a more representative, condensed version, have a look at

Mohammad S Anwar’s example:

my @smallest_neighbour = (0);
foreach my $i (1 .. $#$list) {
    my $min = min( map { $list->[$_] } 0..$i-1 );
    push @smallest_neighbour, ($min < $list->[$i])?($min):(0);

Jaldhar H. Vyas’s submission looked a lot like this as well.

Taking the condensation and code tightening to its logical conclusion ends up in basically a three-way tie between Arne Sommer, Jorg Sommrey, and Wanderdoc. Because they’re all so short, why don’t we just list them all?


say "(0, ",
  join (", ",
      map { my $c = min @A[0 .. $_ -1]; $c < $A[$_] ? $c : 0 } (1 .. @A -1)),


      map {my $e = $_[$_]; min(grep {$_ < $e} @_[0 .. $_-1]) // 0} 0 .. $#_;


 for my $i ( 1 .. $#arr )
      push @small, min(@arr[0..$i-1]) < $arr[$i] ? min(@arr[0..$i-1]) : 0;

as you can see, they all operate the same way


Myoungjin Jeon {#MYOUNGJINTASK2}

The algorithm used beneath Jeon’s code is essentially to keep a running tally of the minimum, comparing new elements as they are added to the pool. But Jeon obviously wants more out of life, and has decided to lay an explicit boolean logic structure over the decision making, by importing the module. What’s the difference? Practically, not a lot, as the idea of Truth is straightforward and well-defined in Perl. But having “real” Boolean types, or things that act just like them, is nice, and I do see the case for adding them in. One of the more interesting side-effect of doing things this what to do when when there is no smaller number to the left of a given index.

sub gen_smallest_( $$ ) {
    my ( $s, $c ) = @_;         # (s)mallest (c)urrent
    # return true               if we couldn't find the smallest
    #                                   because we found new one
    # return false              if we couldn't find the smallest
    # return current smallest   if we find the one
    if ( isBoolean( $s ) || $s > $c ) {
        true                        # 0         && new smallest
    else {
        ( $s < $c ) ? $s            # smallest  && keep smallest
                    : false         # 0         && keep smallest

Per the challenge description, we are supposed to return 0 in this instance. But then again the action we are documenting is that the match missed and failed. Thus it makes sense to record, instead of 0, False. Which is what Jeon has done, internally. This value is in turn recorded in the output string as 0, in accordance with the directives. We come full circle to exactly the same place, but in a different and pleasantly internally consistant manner.

sub processSmallest ( @ ) {
    my $smallest = boolean( not 'given' );
    map {
        my $current_is_smallest_or_just = gen_smallest_ $smallest, $_;
        isTrue( $current_is_smallest_or_just )     and $smallest = $_;
        isBoolean( $current_is_smallest_or_just )  ? 0 : $smallest;
      } @_;

I do like the idea of returning False for a miss, and in my own solution I unilaterally decided to ignore the directive to report a 0, choosing to instead return ∅, the null sign. Which looks a whole lot like a zero in the font I’m using right now, but quite definitely is not. My own thinking centered around negative numbers never being excludied, and 0 thus being right in the middle of possible valid outcomes, and the possibility of confusion. No one else seemed to care enough to make a fuss, but I believe me and Jeon here are seeing eye to eye on this. The thing being reported is False, not 0, so using 0 muddies the logic.

Niels van Dijke

Although Niels’ “iterate and check” algorithm follows the standard progression, I cannot help but notice his impressively loquacious output. He doesn’t just tell you what the answer is, but gives you a very thorough blow-by-blow on how exactly he gets there, writing out the variables and logic employed at every step along the way. Definitely above and beyond the call of duty, and very informative. This draws attention to one of the best things about these challenges: it’s not about doing it in the fastest time, or the shortest script, or even the fastest execution. It’s about whatever you want to make of it, and sharing that insight with the world. I very much applaude this extra effort and encourage people to run this to see what it does.

printf "Input:\n\t\@A = (%s)\n\n", join(', ', @A);

for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@A); $i++) {
  my @s = @A[0 .. $i-1];
  my $min = min(@s);

  push(@N, $min < $A[$i] ? $min : 0);

  printf "%d\tmin(%s) = %d, %d < %d ? %d : 0 => %d\n",
    $A[$i], join(', ',@s), $min, $A[$i], $min, $min, $N[-1];

printf "\nOutput:\n\t\@S = (%s)\n", join(', ', @N);

Shawn Wagner

Mr. Wagner has presented us with another mutant hybrid Perl/SQL solution that answers the important question: “Yea, yea, that’s great, whatever. Now can we solve it in the database?”

Well, I’m glad you asked because of course we can. I’m just going to include the whole thing in all its glory:

sub task2 {
  my @A = @_;
  my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:","","");
  my $stmt = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO data(val) VALUES (?)");
  $stmt->execute_array({}, \@A);

  my $nums = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(<<EOS);
         WHEN min(val) OVER w < val THEN min(val) OVER w
         ELSE 0
FROM data
  say "Task 2:\t", join(", ", map { $_->[0] } @$nums);

Forget Elmer’s, Perl still makes the best glue. And for those interested, SQL with Common Table Expressions and Windowing is apparently Turing complete. So I look forward to more of these from Shawn in the future. Perhaps a complier.


That’s it for me this week, people!

But if Your THIRST for KNOWLEDGE is not SLAKED,

then RUN (dont walk!) to the WATERING HOLE

( don’t think, trust your training, you’re in the zone, just do it … )

Andrew Shitov

Arne Sommer

Cheok-Yin Fung

Colin Crain

Jaldhar H. Vyas

Javier Luque

Lance Wicks

Laurent Rosenfeld

Luca Ferrari

Mohammad S Anwar

Simon Green

Walt Mankowski


If you have any suggestions or ideas then please do share with us.

Contact with me