BLOG: The Weekly Challenge #066

Monday, Jun 29, 2020| Tags: Perl, Raku


The much awaited event, **Conference in the Cloud” took most of my free time. Having said that I still managed to do Live Coding YouTube videosfor Divide Integers and Power Integers.

I really enjoyed both tasks, specially Power Integers. It didn’t take long to solve both tasks. I was able to get it done by midweek. But for YouTube video, I had to wait until the conference was over. Thanks to the Chief Editor of Perl Weekly newletter editorial note, I now have 67 subscribers to my YouTube Channel. I would like to thank each and every subscriber. I promise to do regular video every week.

Let me share my solutions to the Perl Weekly Challenge - 066.

TASK #1 › Divide Integers

Submitted by Mohammad S Anwar

You are given two integers $M and $N.

Write a script to divide the given two integers i.e. $M / $N without using multiplication, division and mod operator and return the floor of the result of the division.

For the first task Divide Integers, I created sub natural_div() as below. It does everything that is required for this task. As per thr tradition that I follow generally, I started with standard parameter checking. Based on the example, I had to deal with the signs as well.

sub natural_div {
    my ($m, $n) = @_;

    die "ERROR: Missing dividend.\n" unless defined $m;
    die "ERROR: Missing divisor.\n"  unless defined $n;
    die "ERROR: Dividend > Divisor [$m / $n].\n"     unless abs($m) > abs($n);
    die "ERROR: Invalid divisor [$n], can't be 0.\n" if $n == 0;

    my $sign = '';
    if ($m < 0) {
        $sign = '-' if ($n > 0);
    else {
        $sign = '-' if ($n < 0);

    my $abs_m = abs($m);
    my $abs_n = abs($n);

    my $i = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $abs_m >= $abs_n; $i++) {
        $abs_m -= $abs_n;

    $i++ if ($sign ne '');

    return sprintf("%s%d", $sign, $i);

Standard Perl to Raku translation and we have sub natural-div().

sub natural-div(Int $m, Int $n where $n != 0) {

    my $sign = '';
    if $m < 0 {
        $sign = '-' if $n > 0;
    else {
        $sign = '-' if $n < 0;

    my $abs_m = abs($m);
    my $abs_n = abs($n);

    my $i = 0;
    for 0 .. $abs_n {
        last if $abs_m <= $abs_n;
        $abs_m -= $abs_n;

    $i++ if $sign ne '';

    return sprintf("%s%d", $sign, $i);

Perl standalone app using the sub natural_div().

use strict;
use warnings;

my $M = $ARGV[0];
my $N = $ARGV[1];

print sprintf("%d / %d = %s\n", $M, $N, natural_div($M, $N));

Similar Raku app using the sub natural-div(),

use v6.d;

sub MAIN(Int :$M = -5, Int :$N where { $N != 0 } = 2) {
    say sprintf("%d / %d = %s", $M, $N, natural-div($M, $N));

Completed with unit test as below.

use strict;
use warnings;

use POSIX;
use Test::More;

is (natural_div( 5,  2), floor( 5 /  2), ' 5 /  2 =  2');
is (natural_div(-5,  2), floor(-5 /  2), '-5 /  2 = -3');
is (natural_div(-5, -2), floor(-5 / -2), '-5 / -2 =  2');


Along with Raku unit test.

use Test;

is natural-div( 5,  2),  2, ' 5 /  2 =  2';
is natural-div(-5,  2), -3, '-5 /  2 = -3';
is natural-div(-5, -2),  2, '-5 / -2 =  2';


TASK #2 › Power Integers

Submitted by Mohammad S Anwar

You are given an integer $N.

Write a script to check if the given number can be expressed as mn where m and n are positive integers. Otherwise print 0.

Please make sure m > 1 and n > 1.

BONUS: If there are more than one ways to express the given number then print all possible solutions.

Below is the sub get_power_integers() returns all possible solutions.

sub get_power_integers {
    my ($n) = @_;

    my $power_integers = [];

    my $i = 2;
    while ( $i <= sqrt($n) ) {
        my $j = 2;
        while ( $j <= $n ) {
            if (($i ** $j) == $n) {
                push @$power_integers, sprintf("%d ^ %d", $i, $j);

    $power_integers = [0] unless scalar(@$power_integers);

    return $power_integers;

Doing Raku version was fun as you can see below.

sub get-power-integers(Int $n where { $n > 1 }) {

    my $power_integers = [];

    my $i = 2;
    while $i <= sqrt($n) {
        my $j = 2;
        while $j <= $n {
            if ($i ** $j) == $n {
                $power_integers.push: sprintf("%d ^ %d", $i, $j);

    return $power_integers if $power_integers.elems > 0;
    return 0;

Perl app for the Power Integers task.

use strict;
use warnings;

my $N = $ARGV[0];
print sprintf("%d = %s\n", $N, join(", ", @{get_power_integers($N)}));

Similar Raku app for the same task.

use Test;

is sprintf("%d = %s", 9, get-power-integers(9).join(", ")),
   '9 = 3 ^ 2',
   '9 = 3 ^ 2';
is sprintf("%d = %s", 45, get-power-integers(45).join(", ")),
   '45 = 0',
   '45 = 0';
is sprintf("%d = %s", 64, get-power-integers(64).join(", ")),
   '64 = 2 ^ 6, 4 ^ 3, 8 ^ 2',
   '64 = 2 ^ 6, 4 ^ 3, 8 ^ 2';


Perl unit test.

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Test::Deep;

          ['3 ^ 2'],
          ' 9 = 3 ^ 2');
          [ 0 ],
          '45 = 0');
          ['2 ^ 6', '4 ^ 3', '8 ^ 2'],
          '64 = 2 ^ 6, 4 ^ 3, 8 ^ 2');


Finally Raku unit test in the end.

use Test;

is sprintf("%d = %s", 9, get-power-integers(9).join(", ")),
   '9 = 3 ^ 2',
   '9 = 3 ^ 2';
is sprintf("%d = %s", 45, get-power-integers(45).join(", ")),
   '45 = 0',
   '45 = 0';
is sprintf("%d = %s", 64, get-power-integers(64).join(", ")),
   '64 = 2 ^ 6, 4 ^ 3, 8 ^ 2',
   '64 = 2 ^ 6, 4 ^ 3, 8 ^ 2';


That’s it for this week. Speak to you soon.


If you have any suggestions or ideas then please do share with us.

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