BLOG: The Weekly Challenge #070

Sunday, Jul 26, 2020| Tags: Perl, Raku


Before I talk about my contribution this week, I would like to talk about my encounter with Swift programming language recently. For the first time, I felt confident that I can share my Swift solution to the Character Swapping task of the Perl Weekly Challenge - 070. Why Task #1 only? Well, you guessed it correctly because it is meant for the beginners. With the submission of my first contribution in Guest Language, I now find myself in the Guest List as you must have seen in RECAPS every week. In the next edition of RECAPS, you would see my name in the list with other prominent guests. Ever since I started the Guest List, I always wanted to be a part of it but never had the courage to try new language other than Perl and Raku. While I am talking about Guest List, I would like to mention the first guest who started the trend was Orestis Zekai with the Python contributions in the Week #018.

Enough of Swift talk, let us focus on Perl and Raku contributions of the Week #070.

Luckily this week both the tasks didn’t trouble me much. For Gray Code Sequence, I borrowed code from Perl Cookbook to convert Binary into Decimal. As far as Raku is concerned, I found a clever solution for the same.

I have made Live Coding videos for this week tasks in Perl. If do like the video then please subscribe my YouTube Channel.

Task #1: Character Swapping

Task #2: Gray Code Sequence

Let me share my solutions to the Perl Weekly Challenge - 070.

TASK #1 › Character Swapping

Submitted by Mohammad S Anwar

You are given a string $S of size $N.

You are also given swap count $C and offset $O such that $C >= 1, $O >= 1, $C <= $O and $C + $O <= $N.

For the task Character Swapping, the sub swap() below did the job without any complain. This is the literal translation of the steps mentioned in the task itself.

sub swap {
    my ($string, $count, $offset) = @_;

    my $length = length($string);
    my @array  = split //, $string;
    foreach my $i (1..$count) {
        my $a = $i % $length;
        my $b = ($i + $offset) % $length;
        ($array[$a], $array[$b]) = ($array[$b], $array[$a]);

    return join '', @array;

For Raku, I went with comb() and not split() as I learnt recently. The comb() is ideal in this scenario. Rest of the stuff are usual Raku magic.

For my fellow Perl Hackers,

The my $length = length($string); in Perl became my $length = $string.chars;.

Similarly, my @array = split //, $string; became my @array = $string.comb;

Finally return join '', @array; became return @array.join('');

sub swap(Str $string, Int $count, Int $offset) {

    my $length = $string.chars;
    my @array  = $string.comb;
    for 1..$count -> $i {
        my $a = $i % $length;
        my $b = ($i + $offset) % $length;
        (@array[$a], @array[$b]) = (@array[$b], @array[$a]);

    return @array.join('');

Time to get the solution in Perl first like below. I have used the example from the task as my default data.

use strict;
use warnings;

my $S = $ARGV[0] || 'perlandraku';
my $C = $ARGV[1] || 3;
my $O = $ARGV[2] || 4;

print sprintf("%s => %s\n", $S, swap($S, $C, $O));

Raku is showing off the power of sub MAIN() making code looks cleaner for sure.

use v6.d;

sub MAIN(Str :$S = 'perlandraku', Int :$C = 3, Int :$O = 4) {
    ($S, swap($S, $C, $O)).join(' => ').say;

The good old friend Test::More dealing with unit test in Perl. Here I used both examples from the task as my test cases.

use Test::More;

is(swap('perlandraku', 3, 4),
   'testing perlandraku.');

is(swap('weeklychallenge', 5, 2),
   'testing weeklychallenge.');


Near identical to the Perl except one bit, here I didn’t use parenthesis around is().

use Test;

is swap('perlandraku', 3, 4),
   'testing perlandraku.';

is swap('weeklychallenge', 5, 2),
   'testing weeklychallenge.';


TASK #2 › Gray Code Sequence

Submitted by Mohammad S Anwar

You are given an integer 2 <= $N <= 5.

Write a script to generate $N-bit gray code sequence.

This was fun task as compared to the Task #1. Once again the task had all the finer details. It really helped in getting the job done. For this task, I borrowed code from the famous Perl Cookbook to convert binary into decimal i.e. sub bin2dec().

sub generate_gray_code_sequence {
    my ($n) = @_;

    my %S = (
        2 => ['00', '01', '11', '10'],

    foreach my $i (3 .. $n) {
        my $S1 = $S{$i - 1};
        my $S2 = [ reverse @$S1 ];
        $_ = '0' . $_ foreach @$S1;
        $_ = '1' . $_ foreach @$S2;
        $S{$i} = [ @$S1, @$S2 ];

    my @gray_codes = ();
    push @gray_codes, bin2dec($_) foreach (@{$S{$n}});

    return @gray_codes;
sub bin2dec {
    return unpack("N", pack("B32", substr("0" x 32 . shift, -32)));

Just for my fellow Perl Hackers, I would like to point out few bits here:

The line my $S1 = %S{$i - 1}; should come as surprise for Perl Hackers, in Raku we use % sigil to reference hash.

The following line does a lot and very different from Perl world. $S1.reverse reverse the contents of the list $S1.

If you noticed the symbol | prefixed.

What does it do?

If I am not wrong then it expands the list.

sub generate-gray-code-sequence(Int $n) {

    my %S = (
        2 => ['00', '01', '11', '10'],

    for 3 .. $n -> $i {
        my $S1 = %S{$i - 1};
        my $S2 = [ |$S1.reverse ];
        ${ $_ = '0' ~ $_ });
        ${ $_ = '1' ~ $_ });
        %S{$i} = [ |$S1, |$S2 ];

    my @gray_codes = ();
    for %S{$n} -> $list {
        for |$list -> $binary {
            @gray_codes.push: to-decimal($binary);

    return |@gray_codes;

Did you notice the use of sub to-decimal()? It is user defined subroutine like below:

sub to-decimal(Str $binary) {
    return ":2<$binary>".Int;

Time to get the Perl solution done with the help of above subroutine.

use strict;
use warnings;

my $N = $ARGV[0] || 3;

print sprintf("%d-bit Gray Code Sequence:\n[%s]\n",
              $N, join ', ', generate_gray_code_sequence($N));

Raku solution looks like below, a very thin wrapper around the above subroutine.

use v6.d;

sub MAIN(Int :$N = 3) {
    say sprintf("%d-bit Gray Code Sequence:\n[%s]",
                $N, generate-gray-code-sequence($N).join(', '));

Standard unit test in Perl.

use Test::More;
use Test::Deep;

is_deeply( [ generate_gray_code_sequence(3) ],
           [ 0, 1, 3, 2, 6, 7, 5, 4 ],
           'testing 3-bit gray code sequence.' );

is_deeply( [ generate_gray_code_sequence(4) ],
           [ 0, 1, 3, 2, 6, 7, 5, 4, 12, 13, 15, 14, 10, 11, 9, 8 ],
           'testing 4-bit gray code sequence.' );


Same goes with Raku.

use Test;

is-deeply generate-gray-code-sequence(3),
          (0, 1, 3, 2, 6, 7, 5, 4),
          'testing 3-bin grey code sequence.';

is-deeply generate-gray-code-sequence(4),
          (0, 1, 3, 2, 6, 7, 5, 4, 12, 13, 15, 14, 10, 11, 9, 8),
          'testing 4-bit grey code sequence.';


That’s it for this week. Speak to you soon.


If you have any suggestions or ideas then please do share with us.

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