I am back to my routine life but still not there fully. I am going to talk about my Perl and Raku solutions to both tasks to start with. Last week, I only talked about my Perl and Raku solutions to the task Prime Sum. This week also, I skipped Swift contributions like last week, sorry. I would blame my laziness.
I am happy with my effort this week. It gives me immense pleasure when I do Raku implementation completely different from Perl.
YouTube Weekly
I present live coding session of mine for the tasks of the week. Please do comment the video if you have any suggestions. And if you like the video then please consider subscribing my YouTube Channel.
Task #1: Fibonacci Sum
Last but not the least, I would to love hear your view/opinion with regard to anything I do.
Please get in touch with me by email: mohammad.anwar@yahoo.com.
Let me share my solutions to the The Weekly Challenge - 077.
TASK #1 › Fibonacci Sum
Submitted by Mohammad S Anwar
Write a script to find out all possible combination of Fibonacci Numbers required to get $N
on addition.
You are NOT allowed to repeat a number. Print 0 if none found.
The Fibonacci Sum
task is more or less same as last week Prime Sum
task. However, for this week task, I didn’t try anything extravagant. I broke the task into subtasks as below:
1) Find the Fibonacci series upto the given number.
2) Find the combination of numbers of the generated series.
3) Capture the combination of numbers that returns the given number on summation.
4) Finally print all the captured combinations.
I came up with the following sub fibonacci_series_upto()
to address the subtask #1.
sub fibonacci_series_upto {
my ($num) = @_;
my @fibonacci = (1, 2);
while ($fibonacci[-1] + $fibonacci[-2] <= $num) {
push @fibonacci, ($fibonacci[-1] + $fibonacci[-2]);
return \@fibonacci;
Then comes the subtask #2 and subtask #3, so for that I created the sub fibonacci_sum()
as below.
Here I am taking the help of CPAN module Algorithm::Combinatorics
sub fibonacci_sum {
my ($fibonacci, $sum) = @_;
my $fibonacci_sum = [];
foreach my $i (1 .. $sum) {
last if ($i > @$fibonacci);
foreach my $comb (combinations($fibonacci, $i)) {
my $_sum = 0;
$_sum += $_ for @$comb;
push @$fibonacci_sum, $comb if ($_sum == $sum);
return $fibonacci_sum;
Finall subtask #4, the following sub p()
is more than enough.
sub p {
my ($fibonacci_sum) = @_;
foreach (@$fibonacci_sum) {
print sprintf("%s\n", join ", ", @$_);
For Raku, I followed the same pattern basically. But the power of Raku made it look compact. It may not be elegant solution but I like it. For fellow Perl dev, Raku has slightly different syntax to fetch the elements from the bottom of the list.
For example, you would do $list[-1]
to get the last element in the list in Perl but in case of Raku, you would have to do @list[*-1]
Did you notice something else?
The sigil also changed in the Raku.
sub fibonacci-series-upto(Int $num where $num > 0) {
my @fibonacci = (1, 2);
while @fibonacci.[*-1] + @fibonacci.[*-2] <= $num {
@fibonacci.push: @fibonacci.[*-1] + @fibonacci.[*-2];
return @fibonacci;
For subtask #2 and subtask #3, I simply translated the Perl subroutine. My favourite bit in the subroutine is line:
my $_sum = [+] $comb;
which is equivalent to the following 2 lines in Perl.
my $_sum = 0;
$_sum += $_ for @$comb;
Isn’t Raku cool?
sub fibonacci-sum(Int $sum where $sum > 0) {
my @fibonacci = fibonacci-series-upto($sum);
my @fibonacci_sum = Empty;
for 1 .. $sum -> $i {
last if $i > @fibonacci.elems;
for @fibonacci.combinations: $i -> $comb {
my $_sum = [+] $comb;
@fibonacci_sum.push: $comb if $_sum == $sum;
return |@fibonacci_sum;
Having done all the hard work, time to glue together all the subroutines to get the task done.
I tried to make it look method chaining as in Raku,
use strict;
use warnings;
use Algorithm::Combinatorics qw(combinations);
my $N = $ARGV[0];
print "USAGE: perl $0 <positive_number>\n" and exit
unless (defined $N && $N > 0);
p(fibonacci_sum(fibonacci_series_upto($N), $N));
Here is the compact solution to the task in Raku.
use v6.d;
sub MAIN(Int :$N where $N > 0) {
Standard unit test to cover the given the example in the task.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Deep;
use Algorithm::Combinatorics qw(combinations);
is_deeply(fibonacci_sum(fibonacci_series_upto(6), 6),
[ [1,5], [1,2,3] ],
"fibonacci sum = 6");
is_deeply(fibonacci_sum(fibonacci_series_upto(9), 9),
[ [1,8], [1,3,5] ],
"fibonacci sum = 9");
Raku unit test looks beautiful.
use Test;
is-deeply fibonacci-sum(6), ((1,5), (1,2,3)), "fibonacci sum = 6";
is-deeply fibonacci-sum(9), ((1,8), (1,3,5)), "fibonacci sum = 9";
TASK #2 › Lonely X
Submitted by Mohammad S Anwar
You are given m x n
character matrix consists of O
and X
Write a script to count the total number of X
surrounded by O
only. Print 0
if none found.
For the task Lonely X, I ask the user to provide the matrix dimension i.e. rows and columns. Then I generate the matrix with random O
and X
. The generated matrix then used to as an example to solve the task.
The following sub get_matrix()
is responsible to generate a random matrix given $rows and $cols. To help the user, it also dump the generated matrix by calling sub display()
sub get_matrix {
my ($rows, $cols) = @_;
my $min = 0;
my $max = 9;
my $array = [ 'X', 'O', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'X', 'O' ];
my $matrix = [];
foreach my $r (0..$rows) {
foreach my $c (0..$cols) {
$matrix->[$r][$c] = $array->[int($min + rand($max - $min))];
return $matrix;
The sub display()
is defined as below:
sub display {
my ($matrix) = @_;
print "Matrix:\n";
foreach my $r (0..$#$matrix) {
print sprintf("[ %s ]\n", join ', ', @{$matrix->[$r]});
print "\n";
The main task of is carried out by the sub find_lonely_x()
, which accepts the matrix then goes through each cell and checks all it neighbours to find out if it is lonely as per the definition.
sub find_lonely_x {
my ($matrix) = @_;
my $rows = $#$matrix;
my $cols = $#{$matrix->[0]};
my @lonely_x = ();
foreach my $row (0..$rows) {
foreach my $col (0..$cols) {
next unless $matrix->[$row][$col] eq 'X';
my @neighbours = ();
# top
push @neighbours, $matrix->[$row-1][$col] if $row > 0;
# bottom
push @neighbours, $matrix->[$row+1][$col] if $row < $rows;
# left
push @neighbours, $matrix->[$row][$col-1] if $col > 0;
# diagonal top left
push @neighbours, $matrix->[$row-1][$col-1] if $row > 0 && $col > 0;
# diagonal bottom left
push @neighbours, $matrix->[$row+1][$col-1] if $row < $rows && $col > 0;
# right
push @neighbours, $matrix->[$row][$col+1] if $col < $cols;
# diagonal top right
push @neighbours, $matrix->[$row-1][$col+1] if $row > 0 && $col < $cols;
# diagonal bottom right
push @neighbours, $matrix->[$row+1][$col+1] if $row < $rows && $col < $cols;
push @lonely_x, [$row+1, $col+1]
unless (grep /X/, @neighbours);
return 0 if @lonely_x == 0;
return @lonely_x;
Finally sub p()
to the print the result as expected.
sub p {
my (@data) = @_;
print "0\n" and return unless ref($data[0]);
foreach (@data) {
print sprintf("%s\n", join ", ", @$_);
The Raku solution is just full of special effects. My favourite is $array.pick
. It picks the random element from the list.
sub get-matrix(Int $rows where { $rows >= 1 },
Int $cols where { $cols >= 1 }) {
my $min = 0;
my $max = 9;
my $array = [ 'X', 'O', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'X', 'O' ];
my $matrix = [];
for 0..$rows -> $r {
for 0..$cols -> $c {
$matrix.[$r][$c] = $array.pick;
display-matrix('Matrix:', $matrix);
return $matrix;
To display the generated matrix, here is the sub display-matrix()
sub display-matrix($label, $matrix) {
say $label;
for 0..$matrix.elems - 1 -> $r {
say sprintf("[ %s ]", $matrix.[$r].join(', '));
The sub find-lonely-x()
is shamelessly translated line-by-line from Perl counterpart.
sub find-lonely-x($matrix) {
my $rows = $matrix.elems - 1;
my $cols = $matrix.[0].elems - 1;
my @lonely_x = ();
for 0..$rows -> $row {
for 0..$cols -> $col {
next unless $matrix.[$row][$col] eq 'X';
my @neighbours = ();
# top
@neighbours.push: $matrix.[$row-1][$col] if $row > 0;
# bottom
@neighbours.push: $matrix.[$row+1][$col] if $row < $rows;
# left
@neighbours.push: $matrix.[$row][$col-1] if $col > 0;
# diagonal top left
@neighbours.push: $matrix.[$row-1][$col-1] if $row > 0 && $col > 0;
# diagonal bottom left
@neighbours.push: $matrix.[$row+1][$col-1] if $row < $rows && $col > 0;
# right
@neighbours.push: $matrix.[$row][$col+1] if $col < $cols;
# diagonal top right
@neighbours.push: $matrix.[$row-1][$col+1] if $row > 0 && $col < $cols;
# diagonal bottom right
@neighbours.push: $matrix.[$row+1][$col+1] if $row < $rows && $col < $cols;
unless @neighbours.grep({ /X/ }) {
@lonely_x.push: ($row+1, $col+1);
return 0 if @lonely_x.elems == 0;
return |@lonely_x;
Time for getting the task done. Here I am doing standard command line parameter validation and rest is taken care by the helper subroutines defined above.
use strict;
use warnings;
print "USAGE: perl $0 <row> <col>\n" and exit
if (defined $ARGV[0] && ($ARGV[0] eq '-h'));
my $R = $ARGV[0] || 3;
my $C = $ARGV[1] || 3;
die "ERROR: Invalid rows [$R].\n" unless ($R =~ /^\d+$/ && $R >=2 );
die "ERROR: Invalid cols [$C].\n" unless ($C =~ /^\d+$/ && $C >=2 );
p(find_lonely_x(get_matrix(--$R, --$C)));
I used Raku powerful MAIN()
to take care of command line paramerter validation. It is clean and concise.
use v6.d;
sub MAIN(Int :$R is copy where { $R >= 2 } = 3,
Int :$C is copy where { $C >= 2 } = 3) {
find-lonely-x(get-matrix(--$R, --$C)).say;
Once again, using the example from the given task as the test case for unit test.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Deep;
my $example_1 = [ ['O', 'O', 'X'],
['X', 'O', 'O'],
['X', 'O', 'O'],
my $example_2 = [ ['O', 'O', 'X', 'O'],
['X', 'O', 'O', 'O'],
['X', 'O', 'O', 'X'],
['O', 'X', 'O', 'O'],
is_deeply([find_lonely_x($example_1)], [[1, 3]], "example 1");
is_deeply([find_lonely_x($example_2)], [[1, 3], [3,4]], "example 2");
Raku follows the same path as Perl.
use Test;
my $example_1 = [ ('O', 'O', 'X'),
('X', 'O', 'O'),
('X', 'O', 'O'),
my $example_2 = [ ('O', 'O', 'X', 'O'),
('X', 'O', 'O', 'O'),
('X', 'O', 'O', 'X'),
('O', 'X', 'O', 'O'),
is-deeply find-lonely-x($example_1), ((1, 3)), "example 1";
is-deeply find-lonely-x($example_2), ((1, 3), (3, 4)), "example 2";
That’s it for this week. Speak to you soon.