
The Weekly Challenge - Guest Contributions

Thursday, Oct 17, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Ada, APL, Awk, BASIC, Bash, Bc, Befunge-93, Bourne Shell, BQN, Brainfuck, C3, C, CESIL, Chef, COBOL, Coconut, C Shell, C++, Clojure, Crystal, D, Dart, Dc, Elixir, Elm, Emacs Lisp, Erlang, Excel VBA, F#, Factor, Fennel, Fish, Forth, Fortran, Gembase, GNAT, Go, GP, Groovy, Haskell, Haxe, HTML, Hy, Idris, IO, J, Janet, Java, JavaScript, Julia, K, Korn Shell, Kotlin, Lisp, Logo, Lua, M4, Maxima, Miranda, Modula 3, MMIX, Mumps, Myrddin, Nelua, Nim, Nix, Node.js, Nuweb, Oberon, Octave, OCaml, Odin, Ook, Pascal, PHP, Python, PostgreSQL, Postscript, PowerShell, Prolog, R, Racket, Rexx, Ring, Roc, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Scheme, Sed, Smalltalk, SQL, Standard ML, SVG, Swift, Tcl, TypeScript, Uiua, V, Visual BASIC, WebAssembly, Wolfram, XSLT, YaBasic, Zig

As you know, The Weekly Challenge, primarily focus on Perl and Raku. During the Week #018, we received solutions to The Weekly Challenge - 018 by Orestis Zekai in Python. It was pleasant surprise to receive solutions in something other than Perl and Raku. Ever since regular team members also started contributing in other languages like Ada, APL, Awk, BASIC, Bash, Bc, Befunge-93, Bourne Shell, BQN, Brainfuck, C3, C, CESIL, Chef, COBOL, Coconut, C Shell, C++, Clojure, Crystal, D, Dart, Dc, Elixir, Elm, Emacs Lisp, Erlang, Excel VBA, F#, Factor, Fennel, Fish, Forth, Fortran, Gembase, GNAT, Go, GP, Groovy, Haskell, Haxe, HTML, Hy, Idris, IO, J, Janet, Java, JavaScript, Julia, K, Korn Shell, Kotlin, Lisp, Logo, Lua, M4, Maxima, Miranda, Modula 3, MMIX, Mumps, Myrddin, Nelua, Nim, Nix, Node.

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