Future in Perl

Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025| Tags: Perl

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Future in Perl

Recently I have been playing with Concurrent and Parallel Programming in Perl.

It is something that I don’t get to do on daily basis.

Having said this exercise, gave me an opportunity to try key features and document for future reference.

In the series, today I am talking about Futures in my favourite programming language Perl.

Futures, also called Promises represent the result of some async operation that will become available.

This helps us to carry on executing while awaiting the results of the said operation.

It serves as placeholders for the result rather than block the execution of the program, thus allowing easier juggling of multiple processes within the system.


1. Non-blocking execution: program execution continued while waiting for the result
2. Polling: can notify when the operation is done or be checked


This is the most basic pattern of Futures.


Let’s do this in Perl using the CPAN modules: Future and IO::Async::Loop.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use v5.38;
use Future;
use IO::Async::Loop;

my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;

sub fetch {
    my $future = $loop->new_future;
    $loop->delay_future(after => 1)->on_done(sub {
        $future->done({ data => "Fetched data" });
    return $future;

sub process($data) {
    my $future = $loop->new_future;
    $loop->delay_future(after => 1)->on_done(sub {
        $data->{processed} = "Processed: " . $data->{data};
    return $future;

sub save($data) {
    my $future = $loop->new_future;
    $loop->delay_future(after => 1)->on_done(sub {
        $data->{saved} = "Saved: " . $data->{processed};
    return $future;

sub display($data) {
    say "Displaying data: " . $data->{saved};
    return Future->done;

sub error($message) {
    say "Error: $message";
    return Future->done;

    ->then( sub { return process(@_); })
    ->then( sub { return save(@_);    })
    ->then( sub { return display(@_); })
    ->catch(sub { return error(@_);   })


$ perl future.pl
Displaying data: Saved: Processed: Fetched data


If you have any suggestions or ideas then please do share with us.

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