MCE - How to?

Sunday, Mar 2, 2025| Tags: Perl

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MCE, Many-Core Engine provides parallel processing capabilities in Perl.

It is now one of my favourite CPAN module when it comes to parallel processing.

There is another player, Parallel::ForkManager, if you are interested.

Having said, MCE is designed primarily for process-based parallelism, and NOT thread-based parallelism.

MCE uses processes to isolate the execution of each task, allowing each process to operate independently.

It is universal fact that process is heavier than thread but provides more isolation, which can help avoid issues such as race conditions or memory sharing between tasks.

Here is an example, using MCE for process-based parallelism.

In the example below, I create one process for each task i.e. 5 processes for 5 tasks.

[Source Code]

#/usr/bin/env perl

use v5.38;
use MCE;
use MCE::Shared;

my $counter = MCE::Shared->scalar(0);

my $mce = MCE->new(
    max_workers => 5,
    chunk_size  => 1,
    user_func   => sub {
        my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
        my $task = $chunk_ref->[0];

        my $value = $counter->get;
        $value += $task;

        say "Process $$: task $task";


say "Final counter: ", $counter->get;

Running the above code, you should see a new process, PID, for each task.

$ perl
Process 15295: task 2
Process 15292: task 1
Process 15291: task 5
Process 15293: task 4
Process 15294: task 3
Final counter: 15

Let’s use MCE once again but this time for thread-based parallelism.

In the example below, within a process, there is one thread per task i.e. 1 process spawning 5 threads for 5 tasks.

[Source Code]

#/usr/bin/env perl

use v5.38;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use MCE;

my $counter :shared = 0;

my $mce = MCE->new(
    max_workers => 5,
    chunk_size  => 1,
    user_func   => sub {
        my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
        my $task = $chunk_ref->[0];

            $counter += $task;

        my $tid = threads->tid;
        say "Process $$ - Thread $tid: task $task";


say "Final counter: $counter";

Run the above code, you can see the 5 threads inside 1 process dealings with 5 tasks.

$ perl
Process 15333 - Thread 3: task 1
Process 15333 - Thread 1: task 2
Process 15333 - Thread 5: task 3
Process 15333 - Thread 4: task 4
Process 15333 - Thread 2: task 5
Final counter: 15

NOTE: The use MCE should be the last import otherwise you wouldn’t get the expected behaviour.


If you have any suggestions or ideas then please do share with us.

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