Ryan Thompson › Perl Weekly Review #054

Sunday, Apr 12, 2020| Tags: perl

Continues from previous week.

Welcome to the Perl review for Week 054 of the Weekly Challenge! For a quick overview, go through the original tasks and recap of the weekly challenge.

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We’d greatly appreciate any feedback you’d like to give.

Table of Contents

Task 1 › kth Permutation Sequence

[ Andrezgz | Athanasius | Cheok-Yin Fung | Colin Crain | Dave Jacoby | Duncan C. White | E. Choroba | Jaldhar H. Vyas | Javier Luque | Laurent Rosenfeld | Lubos Kolouch | Mohammad S Anwar | Peter Meszaros | Roger Bell West | Ruben Westerberg | Ryan Thompson | Saif Ahmed | User Person | Wanderdoc | Yet Ebreo ]

Task 2 › Collatz Conjecture

[ Alicia Bielsa | Andrezgz | Athanasius | Cheok-Yin Fung | Colin Crain | Cristina Heredia | Dave Jacoby | Duncan C. White | E. Choroba | Jaldhar H. Vyas | Javier Luque | Laurent Rosenfeld | Lubos Kolouch | Markus Holzer | Mohammad S Anwar | Peter Meszaros | Roger Bell West | Ruben Westerberg | Ryan Thompson | Saif Ahmed | Shahed Nooshmand | Ulrich Rieke | User Person | Wanderdoc | Yet Ebreo ]


Task #1 - kth Permutation Sequence

Original Description:

Write a script to accept two integers n (>=1) and k (>=1). It should print the kth permutation of n integers. For more information, please follow the wiki page.

For example, n=3 and k=4, the possible permutation sequences are listed below:

123 132 213 231 312 321

The script should print the 4th permutation sequence 231.

Solution Types

1. Use a module

Several hackers used various CPAN modules to avoid having to write permutation code. Algorithm::Combinatorics was a popular one, but there were others.

2. Roll your own

Writing code to enumerate permutations isn’t so bad. Heap’s algorithm or Knuth’s “Algorithm L” are effective.

One hilarious method I considered, but did not implement, is a “Bogoperm” algorithm, similar to Bogosort, that just randomly shuffles the set k times, and if those random shuffles are in lexicographic order, the kth shuffle is the winner. Implementing it would have been easy. Testing, less so.


  • Number of submissions: 20

  • Total SLOC: 961

  • Average SLOC: 48


Andrezgz’s solution includes a factorial function to calculate the factorial of $n:

sub factorial {
    my $n = shift;
    return 1 if ($n == 0);
    return $n * factorial($n-1);

A factorial function is useful for bounds checking. Since there are n! permutations of n numbers, you can check if the user’s k value is in bounds:

my $n_max_perm = factorial($n);
die $usage . "$n integers have $n_max_perm permutations,"
           . "so <k> should be less than $n_max_perm\n"
    if ($k > $n_max_perm);

I appreciate this attention to detail.

The permute sub generates the permutations, and dies when the $kth permutation is reached:

my $perm_n = 0;
permute( [1..$n]);

sub permute {
    my $numbers = shift;
    my $perm = shift // '';

    if (!@$numbers){
        die $perm.$/ if (++$perm_n == $k); #finish on kth permutation

    foreach my $i (0 .. @$numbers-1) {
        my $c = $numbers->[$i];
        my @new_n = grep { $_ != $c } @$numbers;
        permute( \@new_n  , $perm . $c);


Athanasius’s solution uses Algorithm::LoopsNextPermuteNum sub to generate the next permutation of @list $k-1 times:

use Algorithm::Loops      qw( NextPermuteNum );
my  @list   =  1 .. $n;
my  $sep    = ($n < 10) ? '' : ' ';

NextPermuteNum( @list ) for 2 .. $k;

printf "The %s permutation of %s is %s\n",
        ordinal($k), join($sep, 1 .. $n), join($sep, @list);

Athanasius even gives us a nice little ordinal function to turn a number into its ordinal, like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and so on:

sub ordinal {
    my ($n)     = @_;
    my  $suffix = 'th';
    my  $dig1   = int(($n % 100) / 10);

    unless ($dig1 == 1) {
        my $dig0 = $n % 10;
        $suffix  = $dig0 == 1 ? 'st' :
                   $dig0 == 2 ? 'nd' :
                   $dig0 == 3 ? 'rd' : 'th';

    return $n . $suffix;

Cheok-Yin Fung

Cheok-Yin Fung’s solution generates all permutations, and then sorts them and takes the $kth result from the array. The code to generate the permutations is a bit lengthy, but I don’t think I can give a partial excerpt and have it make sense:

my @result = ();
my @char = 1..$P;

my @arrow = map { 1 } @char; #arrows for algorithm for generating permututations
                             #true for pointing to left, undef for pointing to right

my $n = 1;

my @mobile = ();    #store the indices

sub mmax {  #modified from "Learning Perl", return the index of the largest char which in the status of  mobile
    my @mchar = @char;
    my $champion = shift @_;
    foreach (@_) {
        if ( $mchar[$_] gt $mchar[$champion]) {$champion = $_;}

my $noofperm = 1;
for my $i (1..$P) {$noofperm *= $i;}

push @result, join("", @char);

while ( $n <= $noofperm-1  ) {
    my $j;
    @mobile = ();
    $j = 0; if ( ($char[$j] gt $char[$j+1]) and not($arrow[$j])) {
        push @mobile, $j;
    for $j (1..$#char-1) {
        if ( ( $char[$j] gt $char[$j-1] and $arrow[$j]) or
        ( $char[$j] gt $char[$j+1] and not($arrow[$j])) ) {
            push @mobile, $j;
    $j = $#char; if ( $char[$j] gt $char[$j-1] and $arrow[$j]) {
        push @mobile, $j;

    if ( $#mobile >= 0 ) {
        my $m = &mmax(@mobile);
        my $todaychamp;   # a character
        my $arrowdirection; # a boolean
        if (not($arrow[$m])) {
            $todaychamp = $char[$m];
            $char[$m+1] = $todaychamp;
            $arrowdirection = $arrow[$m];
            $arrow[$m] = $arrow[$m+1];
            $arrow[$m+1] = $arrowdirection;
    # then switch the direction of all the arrows above integers p with p>m
            foreach (0..$#char) {
                if ($char[$_] gt $todaychamp ) {
                    $arrow[$_] = &knot($arrow[$_]);
        } else {
            $todaychamp = $char[$m];
            $char[$m-1] = $todaychamp;
            $arrowdirection = $arrow[$m];
            $arrow[$m] = $arrow[$m-1];
            $arrow[$m-1] = $arrowdirection;
            foreach (0..$#char) {
                if ($char[$_] gt $todaychamp  ) {
                    $arrow[$_] = &knot($arrow[$_]);
    #switch the largest mobile integer m and the adjacent integer its arrow points to;
    #the algorithms used here ref to
    #"Introductory Combinatorics" 4th Edition by page 88, by Richard A. Brualdi
    push @result, join("", @char);


my @result = sort {$a <=> $b} @result;

print $result[$k-1];

Cheok Yin mentions that she wrote this code as an exercise a long time ago, so I won’t do an in-depth review, as her skills have evolved since then.

BlogCY’s take on PWC#054

Colin Crain

Colin Crain’s solution includes two methods of generating permutations. First up is the recursive method:

sub permute_with_recursion {
    my ( $end, $selected_sequence ) = @_;
    my @set          = (1..$end);
    my @working;
    my $permutations = [];
    my $data         = { seq_number => $selected_sequence,
                         result     => undef };

    permute_recursive( \@set, \@working, $permutations, $data);

    return $data->{result};

sub permute_recursive {
## given a starting set, a working list and a permutations set
## computes complete permutations as arrays and places the arrays on the permutations array
## which is maintained throughout by reference
    my ($setref, $workref, $permutations, $data) = @_;
    my @set = $setref->@*;

    ## if there is only one element left, push it on the working list,
    ## push that array reference onto the permutations array and return.
    ## This unique permutation list is complete.
    if ( scalar @set == 1 ) {
        my @working = $workref->@*;
        push @working,      $set[0];
        if (scalar $permutations->@* == $data->{seq_number} - 1) {
            $data->{result} = \@working;
        else {
            push $permutations->@*,  \@working;

    ## iterate through the remaining elements of the set,
    ## creating  new copy of the working list, moving the element
    ## from the set to the working list and recursing with these
    ## new lists. The permutations list reference is passed through unchanged.
    for my $element ( @set ) {

        ## collapse the recursion if we have our result
        last if defined $data->{result};

        my @working = $workref->@*;
        push @working, $element;
        my @subset = grep { $_ != $element } @set;
        permute_recursive( \@subset, \@working, $permutations, $data );

Next up is the in-place algorithm, based on Knuth’s Algorithm L, a classic in computer science:

sub permute_in_place {
    my ( $end, $selected_sequence ) = @_;
    my @set = (1..$end);

    ## the unrearranged sequence, the identity permutation,
    ## counts as sequence #1 as per the task
    for (1..$selected_sequence-1) {
        compute_next_permutation( \@set );

    return \@set;

I’ll let Colin’s comments do the talking here. The L1..L4 refer to Knuth’s own annotations from the passage I’ve linked, above, from The Art of Computer Programming. Here is the in-place next permutation sub:

sub compute_next_permutation {
## in place algorithm (from Knuth Algorithm L, The Art of Computer Programming)
#      «before we start we assume a sorted sequence a[0] <= a[1] <= ... <= a[n]»
# L1.  «Visit»  Take the given arrangement
# L2.  «Find j»  Find the largest index j such that a[j] < a[j + 1]. If no such index
#         exists, terminate the algorithm and we are done
# L3.  «Increase a[j]»  Find the largest index k greater than j such that a[j] < a[k],
# L3a.    then swap the values of a[j] and a[k].
# L4.  «Reverse a[j+1]..a[n]»  Reverse the subsequence starting at a[j + 1] through the end of the permutation,
#         a[n]. Do nothing if j+1 >= n. Return to L1.
    ## L1
    my $set = shift;
    my $end = scalar $set->@* - 1;

    ## L2
    my @one = grep { $set->[$_] < $set->[$_+1] } (0..$end-1);
    my $j = $one[-1];
    return if ! defined $j;

    ## L3
    my @two = grep { $_ > $j and $set->[$_] > $set->[$j] } (0..$end);
    my $k = $two[-1];

    ## L3a
    ($set->[$j], $set->[$k]) = ($set->[$k], $set->[$j]);

    ## L4
    return unless ( $j+1 < $end );

    my @reversed = reverse($set->@[ ($j+1)..$end ]);
    splice $set->@*, $j+1, $end-$j, @reversed;

Colin mentions that he does not always go for the “fastest, most sensible” methodology for these tasks, and that he likes to explore the task “to see what’s there.” That’s a great attitude. After all, if we were all chasing performance and sensibility above all else, there would be very little to differentiate our solutions every week, which would make my life as a reviewer exceedingly boring.

Dave Jacoby

Dave Jacoby’s solution has a return_permutation sub that returns the $kth permutation of $n integers:

use feature qw{ fc postderef say signatures state switch };
no warnings qw{ experimental };

sub return_permutation ( $n, $k ) {
    $n = int $n;
    $k = int $k;
    croak 'n < 1' unless $n >= 1;
    croak 'k < 1' unless $k >= 1;
    my $src->@* = 1 .. $n;
    my @permutations = permute_array($src);
    my @output;

    if ( $permutations[ $k - 1 ] ) {
        push @output, $permutations[ $k - 1 ]->@*;

    return wantarray ? @output : \@output;

The recursive D&C permute_array does the hard work, however:

sub permute_array ( $array ) {
    return $array if scalar $array->@* == 1;
    my @response = map {
        my $i        = $_;
        my $d        = $array->[$i];
        my $copy->@* = $array->@*;
        splice $copy->@*, $i, 1;
        my @out = map { unshift $_->@*, $d; $_ } permute_array($copy);
    } 0 .. scalar $array->@* - 1;
    return @response;

First, if you’re not already using post-deref syntax, let me highlight what I think one of the nice things about it is: making a shallow copy of an array ref. my $copy->@* = $array->@* is compact, and (provided you’ve seen ->@* before) neatly describes the intent of the code.

Dave’s code permutes the array in order by doing a depth-first traversal, calling permute_array on smaller subsets of the elements. This is essentially Heap’s algorithm in more idiomatic Perl.

BlogPermutations and Conjectures

Duncan C. White

Duncan C. White’s solution starts with the following fun fact:

use Function::Parameters;

fun fact( $n ) {
    my $result = 1;
    $result *= $_ for 1..$n;
    return $result;

This fun fun fact factorial function fairly frugally fences fed-in figures. To all of the non-native (and native) English speakers out there, I sincerely apologize, but I couldn’t resist. Please see Andrezgz‘s solution for a more direct explanation.

The nthperm function recursively finds the $nth permutation of a string:

fun nthperm( $permno, $alldigits, $n, $nperms ) {
    if ( $n == 1 ) {
        return substr( $alldigits, $permno, 1 );
    my $w = $nperms / $n;

    my $firstdigit = substr( $alldigits, int( $permno / $w ), 1 );
    my $permstr    = $firstdigit;
    $alldigits =~ s/$firstdigit//;
    $permstr .= nthperm( $permno % $w, $alldigits, $n - 1, $nperms / $n );
    return $permstr;

E. Choroba

E. Choroba’s solution uses recent List::Util‘s product as an easy factorial:

my $factorial = product(1 .. @n);

The recursive D&C perm_recurse sub finds the $kth permutation of @n:

use List::Util qw{ product };

sub perm_recurse {
    my ($k, @n) = @_;
    return "" unless @n;

    my $factorial = product(1 .. @n);
    my $step = $factorial / @n;

    my $select = int($k / $step);
    --$select unless $k % $step;

    return $n[$select]
        . perm_recurse(($k % $step) || $step,
                       @n[ grep $_ != $select, 0 .. $#n ])

sub kth_perm { perm_recurse($_[1], 1 .. $_[0]) }

my ($n, $k) = @ARGV;
say kth_perm($n, $k);

BlogKth Permutation Sequence + Collatz Conjecture

Jaldhar H. Vyas

Jaldhar H. Vyas’s solution takes the permutation code directly from perlfaq4:

sub permute (&@) {
    my $code = shift;
    my @idx = 0..$#_;
    while ( $code->(@_[@idx]) ) {
        my $p = $#idx;
        --$p while $idx[$p-1] > $idx[$p];
        my $q = $p or return;
        push @idx, reverse splice @idx, $p;
        ++$q while $idx[$p-1] > $idx[$q];

Jaldhar provides a callback that simply pushes a reference to each permutation onto @permutations, and then prints the $kth permutation:

my @permutations;
permute { push @permutations, \@_; } (1 .. $n);
say join q{}, @{ $permutations[$k - 1] };

BlogJaldhar’s Week #054 Blog

Javier Luque

Javier Luque’s solution uses Algorithm::Combinatorics to generate permutations:

use Algorithm::Combinatorics qw(permutations);

my $n = $ARGV[0];
my $k = $ARGV[1];

my @data = 1 .. $n;
my @all_permutations = permutations(\@data);
say join '', @{$all_permutations[$k - 1]};

Blog054 – Perl Weekly Challenge

Laurent Rosenfeld

Laurent Rosenfeld’s solution uses a recursive D&C permute sub:

my @start = 1..$n;
permute("", @start);

sub permute {
    my ($str, @vals) = @_;
    if (scalar @vals == 0) {
        say $str and exit unless --$k;
    permute("$str " . $vals[$_], @vals[0..$_-1], @vals[$_+1..$#vals]) for 0..$#vals;

Blogk-th Permutation Sequence and the Collatz Conjecture

Lubos Kolouch

Lubos Kolouch’s solution uses Algorithm::Permute to iterate all permutations until the $kth permutation is reached:

use Algorithm::Permute;

sub get_nth_permutations {
    my ( $n, $k ) = @_;
    my @numbers = ( 1 .. $n );
    my $p = Algorithm::Permute->new(\@numbers, $n);

    my @all_perms;
    while (my @res = $p->next) {
        push @all_perms, join("", @res);
    my @sorted_perms = sort @all_perms;

    return $sorted_perms[$k-1];

say(get_nth_permutations( 3, 4 ));

Lubos keeps all permutations seen so far in @all_perms, and then sorts them once $k have been seen, as the A::P documentation states the order of permutations is not guaranteed.

Mohammad S Anwar

Mohammad S Anwar’s solution uses Algorithm::Combinatorics to generate permutations:

use List::Util qw(reduce);
use Algorithm::Combinatorics qw(permutations);

my $n = $ARGV[0];
my $k = $ARGV[1];

die "ERROR: Missing digit count.\n"        unless defined $n;
die "ERROR: Missing sequence number.\n"    unless defined $k;
die "ERROR: Invalid digit count $n.\n"     unless $n > 0;
die "ERROR: Invalid sequence number $k.\n" unless $k > 0 && ($k <= reduce { $a * $b } 1 .. $n);

print [ map { join "", @$_ } permutations([ 1..$n ]) ]->[$k-1];

I like the use of reduce to calculate the factorial inline with the error checking. After all, if you know you’ll only need something once, there’s often no reason to factor it out.

BlogBLOG: The Weekly Challenge #054

Peter Meszaros

Peter Meszaros is submitting to the Challenge for the first time this week! Please join me in welcoming him.

Peter Meszaros’s solution uses a D&C recursive solution to generate permutations in order:

sub perm {
    state $n = 0;
    my ($k, $perm, @set) = @_;
    unless (@set) {
        printf "%2d %s\n", $n, $perm if $k == $n;
        return $k == $n;
    foreach (0..$#set) {
        return 1 if perm($k, $perm.$set[$_], @set[0..$_-1], @set[$_+1..$#set]);

Usage is simple:

my @inp = 1..$ARGV[0];
perm($k, '', @inp);

For Peter’s first submission, I am impressed! I hope we’ll see a lot more from Peter in the weeks ahead.

Roger Bell West

Roger Bell West’s solution generates permutations in place:

my ( $n, $k ) = @ARGV;

my @f;
my $b = 1;
my $v = 1;
while ( ( scalar @f == 0 ) || $f[-1] < $k ) {
    push @f, $v;
    $v *= $b;

my $nk = $k - 1;
my @n;
for ( my $i = $#f ; $i >= 0 ; $i-- ) {
    unshift @n, $nk / $f[$i];
    $nk -= $f[$i] * $n[0];

my @i = ( 1 .. $n );
my @o;
for ( my $i = $n ; $i >= 1 ; $i-- ) {
    my $f = $n[ $i - 1 ] || 0;
    push @o, splice @i, $f, 1;

I like the sly use of the conditional operator to sneak in commas when the numbers go above two digits:

print join( $n > 9 ? ',' : '', @o ), "\n";

Ruben Westerberg

Ruben Westerberg’s solution also provides a factorial sub with List::Util's reduce, to validate $k. The combinations sub generates and returns all permutations:

sub combinations {
    my @combinations=();
    my ($data,$size)=@_;
    my @indexes=(0) x ($size+1);;
    my $i=0;
    until ($indexes[$size]) {
        my $count=List::Util::uniq(@indexes[0..$size-1]);
        push @combinations, [@$data[@indexes[0..$size-1]]] if $count == $size;
        for (0..$size-1) {
            if ($indexes[$_] != 0 and 0 == ($indexes[$_] % @$data)) {

The permutations require sorting. After that, the $kth element is printed:

my @perm=sort {$a > $b} map {join "", @$_} combinations([1..$n], $n);
say $perm[$k-1];

Ryan Thompson

My solution uses Algorithm::Combinatorics, which provides a nice iterator so I can stop on the $kth permutation:

my $it = permutations([1..$n], $n);
$it->next for 1..$k-1;
say join '', @{ $it->next };

The array version is quite compact, if slower, especially as the size increases:

say join '', @{ ( permutations([1..$n], $n) )[$k-1] };

Blogkth Permutation

Saif Ahmed

Saif Ahmed’s solution provides a flexible kPermutation sub that supports three different modes of operation:

print "\nGetting all permutations\n";
print join( " ", @$_ ), "\n" foreach kPermutation(3);
print "\nGetting kth permutation\n";
print join( " ", @$_ ), "\n" foreach kPermutation( 3, 4 );
print "\nGetting selected permutations\n";
print join( " ", @$_ ), "\n" foreach kPermutation( 3, [ 5, 2, 3 ] );

Here is the kPermutation sub, as well as the permute sub which handles the actual recursive permutation building:

sub kPermutation {
    my $n = shift;
    our $k    = shift // "all";
    our @list = ();
    permute( [ 1 .. $n ], 0, $n - 1 );

    if ( ref $k eq "ARRAY" ) {
        @list = @list[@$k];
    return @list;

    # A recursive permutation function.
    # takes an array ref, start for swap and end of swap
    sub permute {
        my ( $str, $l, $r ) = @_;
        my @perm = @$str;    # deref the passed array
        if (    ( $l == $r )
            and ( ( ref $k ) or ( $k eq "all" ) or ( --$k == 0 ) ) )
            push @list, [@perm];
        } # base case, populates the entire list with permutations or just kth one
        else {
            for my $idx ( $l .. $r ) {
                ( $perm[$l], $perm[$idx] ) = ( $perm[$idx], $perm[$l] );  # swap
                permute( [@perm], $l + 1, $r );    # recurse
                ( $perm[$l], $perm[$idx] ) =
                  ( $perm[$idx], $perm[$l] );      # backtrack

User Person

User Person’s solution uses List::Permutor to get an iterator that they can trigger $k times to get the correct permutation. It works well, but it’s worth pointing out that the solution generates sequences from 1..$n-1, which might be initially confusing. Here is the code:

use List::Permutor;

my @sequence = 1 .. $n-1;
my $perm = new List::Permutor @sequence;
my $kth = 1;
my $failure++;

while (my @set = $perm->next) {
    if ( $kth++ == $k) {
        print @set, "\n";
        last LOOP;

print "There is no '$k'-th number in the '$n sequence'.\n" if $failure;


Wanderdoc’s solution uses Algorithm::Combinatorics‘s permutations in the iterative mode, to generate permutations:

use Algorithm::Combinatorics qw(permutations);

my $iter = permutations([1 .. $options{n}]);
my $counter = 0;
while (my $c = $iter->next) {

     if ( $counter == $options{k} ) {
          print join(' ', @$c), $/;
print "Do not have so many permutations.\n" if $counter < $options{k};

Yet Ebreo

Yet Ebreo’s solution provides a recursive generate, which fills the global @r with permutations:

my @r;
my $n = $ARGV[0] || 3;
my $k = $ARGV[1] || 4;

# Definitely not optimized, can only easily handle $n = 9,
# larger n should work too but would take some time
sub generate {
    my ($A,$k) = @_;
    if ($k == 1) {
        push @r, join "", @{$A};
    } else {

        for my $i (0..$k-1) {

            if ($i <= $k ) {
                my $h = $A->[$k-1];
                my $j = $k % 2 ? 0: $i;

                #swap values
                ($A->[$j],$A->[$k-1]) = ($A->[$k-1],$A->[$j]);

The results are then sorted, and the $kth permutation is printed:

my @x = 1..$n;
@r = sort @r;
say $r[$k-1];

Task #2 - Collatz Conjecture

It is thought that the following sequence will always reach 1:

  • $n = $n / 2 when $n is even
  • $n = 3*$n + 1 when $n is odd

For example, if we start at 23, we get the following sequence:

23 → 70 → 35 → 106 → 53 → 160 → 80 → 40 → 20 → 10 → 5 → 16 → 8 → 4 → 2 → 1

Write a function that finds the Collatz sequence for any positive integer. Notice how the sequence itself may go far above the original starting number.

Extra Credit

Have your script calculate the sequence length for all starting numbers up to 1000000 (1e6), and output the starting number and sequence length for the longest 20 sequences.

Since I contributed this task, I can give you a glimpse into my thought process. First, you are asked to write a function to find a Collatz sequence for any positive integer. Supposing you named that function collatz(), you could solve the Extra Credit portion by simply looping from 1..1e6 and running collatz(). A decent brute force implementation will run in under a minute, but my hope was that some of you would strive for an even faster solution. I was not disappointed.

It was a real joy to see all of the solutions, and all of the interesting ways people reasoned their way through the extra credit part. Even those of you who did not do the extra credit part managed to provide differing implementations of the Collatz sequence (iterative, recursive, string return, array return, etc.)

Solution Types

1. No Extra Credit

Several people opted out of doing the extra credit part, and just focused on providing a great Collatz sequence generator. For the most part, this looks like a while loop that either divides by two or multiplies by 3 and adds 1, but people differed on how they structured the conditional, and how they provided the result.

2. Extra Credit › Brute Force

A simple way to solve the Extra Credit is to simply loop from 1..1e6, then loop to find the sequence (and hence its length), as in #1, above, and print the top 20. On my machine, with a decently-optimized collatz, it took 38 seconds to calculate the length of the first million Collatz sequences. Printing the top 20 by storing all one million lengths and sorting that, adds 2-3 seconds to the run time.

3. Extra Credit › Memoization

The key optimization to make with the extra credit part is memoization. Since all Collatz sequences (except for Collatz(1) of course) contain other Collatz sequences, we can avoid the vast majority of the looping by simply keeping a record of the length of each sequence seen so far. Let’s say we have $collatz[$n] mean “The length of the Collatz sequence starting at $n”. Then if we have already stored $collatz[1..22], when we get to Collatz(23), this happens:

  • Steps = 0, Collatz(23) › 23 odd, so Collatz(23) = 3*23 + 1 = 70
  • Steps = 1, Collatz(71) › 70 even, so Collatz(70) = 70 / 2 = 35
  • Steps = 2, Collatz(35) › 35 odd, so Collatz(35) = 3*35 + 1 = 106
  • Steps = 3, Collatz(106) › 106 even, so Collatz(106) = 106 / 2 = 53
  • Steps = 4, Collatz(53) › 53 odd, so Collatz(53) = 3*53 / 2 = 160
  • Steps = 5, Collatz(160) › 160 even, so Collatz(160) = 160 / 2 = 80
  • Steps = 6, Collatz(80) › 80 even, so Collatz(80) = 80 / 2 = 40
  • Steps = 7, Collatz(40) › 40 even, so Collatz(40) = 40 / 2 = 20
  • Steps = 8, $collatz[20] = 8. Steps = 8 + 7 = 15

As soon as the sequence landed on a known number (20), we got a cache hit that saved us 8 out of 15 iterations. As the starting number increases, however, the average savings is much greater. By 100000, the savings is 85.6%, by 500000, it is 87.6%, and by one million, 88.2%.

Further optimizations (such as avoiding function call overhead) are possible, but memoization gets you most of the way there.

4. Optimizing the Top 20

Once you get a well-optimized memoized solution, you would find that actually finding the top 20 becomes the bottleneck. For instance, in my solution, the million iterations took 1.5 seconds, but sorting the results took an extra 3 seconds! There are a few options for optimizing this. Choroba implemented his own heap, while I and a few others used the insertion algorithm.


  • Number of submissions: 25

  • Total SLOC: 1424

  • Average SLOC: 56

Alicia Bielsa

Alicia Bielsa’s solution uses memoization, but stores every sequence (not just the length) in %hSequences:

my %hSequences = ();
for my $i ( 1 .. 1000000 ) {
    my @aSequence = findCollatzSequence($i);
    push( @{ $hSequences{$i} }, @aSequence );

Here is the sequence generator. Note the if exists check, to use the cache:

sub findCollatzSequence {
    my $currentPoint = shift;
    my $endPoint     = 1;
    my @aSequence    = ();
    while ( $currentPoint != $endPoint ) {
        if ( exists( $hSequences{$currentPoint} ) ) {
            push( @aSequence, @{ $hSequences{$currentPoint} } );
            return @aSequence;
        push( @aSequence, $currentPoint );
        if ( $currentPoint % 2 == 0 ) {
            $currentPoint = $currentPoint / 2;
        else {
            $currentPoint = $currentPoint * 3 + 1;
    push( @aSequence, $endPoint );
    return @aSequence;

Finally, the sequence lengths are printed as follows:

my $count = 20;
foreach my $number (
    sort { scalar( @{ $hSequences{$b} } ) <=> scalar( @{ $hSequences{$a} } ) }
    keys %hSequences )
    print "$number\t" . scalar( @{ $hSequences{$number} } ) . "\n";
    last if ( $count == 0 );

This script ran my 2GB virtual machine out of memory. (131.4 million numbers with SV and other overhead adds up!)


Andrezgz’s solution first provides collatz_seq which returns a string of the Collatz sequence for the given number:

sub collatz_seq {
    my $n = shift;
    my $s;
    while ($n != 1) {
        $s .= $n . ' -> ';
        if ($n % 2 == 0) { $n = $n / 2;   }
        else             { $n = 3*$n + 1; }
    return $s . 1;

Andrezgz then tackles the extra credit challenge by looping in reverse from 1000000 to 1, to minimize the number of sorts required on the @long_seq array:

sub top_seq {

    my @long_seq;
    my $min = 0;

    for (reverse 1 .. 1_000_000) {
        my $l = seq_length($_);

        # Add sequence
        next if ($l < $min);
        push @long_seq, {'n' => $_, 'l' => $l};
        @long_seq = sort { $a->{l} <=> $b->{l} } @long_seq;

        # Adjust minimum sequence
        next if (@long_seq <= TOP_SEQ);
        shift @long_seq;
        $min = $long_seq[0]->{l};


    print $_->{n} . ': ' . $_->{l}.$/ for (reverse @long_seq);


The following seq_length sub calculates the sequence length for a given starting number:

sub seq_length {
    my $n = shift;
    my $l = 0;
    while ($n != 1) {
        if ($n % 2 == 0) { $n = $n / 2;   }
        else             { $n = 3*$n + 1; }
    return ++$l;


Athanasius’s solution uses List::Priority to maintain the top 20 list more efficiently. His script supports both single sequences, and the extra credit top 20. It also includes some timing code to display its own run time, which for me was 9.6 seconds.

Here is the main loop that handles the Top 20:

sub find_longest_seqs {
    my $longest_seqs = List::Priority->new( capacity => $MAX_TERMS );
    $longest_seqs->insert( 1, 1 );

    for my $start ( 2 .. $MAX_N ) {
        my $terms = count_terms($start);
        $longest_seqs->insert( $terms, $start );

    my @longest_seqs;

    while ( $longest_seqs->size > 0 ) {
        my $seq_len = $longest_seqs->highest_priority;
        my $start   = $longest_seqs->pop;

        push @longest_seqs, [ $start, $seq_len ];

    return \@longest_seqs;

The Collatz sequence lengths are memoized, recursively, in the following block:

    my %chains;

    BEGIN {
        $chains{1} = 1;

    sub count_terms {
        my ($n) = @_;

        return $chains{$n} if exists $chains{$n};

        return $chains{$n} = 1 + count_terms( $n / 2 ) unless $n % 2;
        return $chains{$n} = 1 + count_terms( $n * 3 + 1 );

Cheok-Yin Fung

Cheok-Yin Fung’s solution, when supplied instead with an integer on the commandline, calculates a single sequence with the following code:

if ($ARGV[0] != undef ) {
    my $mazed = $ARGV[0];
    print $mazed, " ";
    while ($mazed != 1) {
            if ($mazed % 2 == 1) {
                $mazed = $mazed*3+1;
            } else {
                $mazed = $mazed/2;
            print $mazed, " ";
} else {

The extra credit code is extensive, and contains a number of small optimizations, such as pre-seeding the sequence length table with powers of two, which are easy to calculate:

foreach (1..27) {
    $seqlength[2**$_] = 1+$_;
    $SeqlengthLargeInt{2**$_} = 1+$_;

By itself, this optimization would give a ~4.3% savings in the total sequence length for the first million starting integers. Once memoization is added, however, this savings would be greatly reduced.

Cheok Yin maintains two data structures: @seqlen maps array index to Collatz sequence length, and is used for smaller integers, under $MAX_U. %SeqlengthLargeInt performs a similar task for large integers. I assume Cheok Yin uses a hash after $MAX_U to save memory.

#space allocation
my @seqlength;
my %SeqlengthLargeInt = { 1 => 1 };

$seqlength[1] = 1;

The following sub takes a partial sequence and updates the @seqlength array:

sub traceSmallint {
    my @route = reverse @_;

    my $h = shift @route;
    my $ref;
    foreach $ref (@route) {
        $seqlength[$ref] = 1 + $seqlength[$h];
        $h = $ref;
    $SeqlengthLargeInt{ $route[0] } = $seqlength[ $route[0] ];

Lastly, here is the main code that calculates the Extra Credit sequences. Cheok Yin does not calculate the top twenty; instead, every sequence length is output to a million-line log file:

my $MAX_U = 333334;

open LOG, ">", "ch-2_logfile";
foreach ( $TARGET_BEGIN .. $TARGET_END ) {
    my @temp  = ();
    my @tempB = ();
    push @temp, $_;
    my $mazed = $_;
    while (
        $mazed < $MAX_U
        and not( defined( $SeqlengthLargeInt{$mazed} ) )

        if ( $mazed % 2 == 1 ) {
            $mazed = $mazed * 3 + 1;
            push @temp, $mazed;
        else {
            $mazed = $mazed / 2;
            push @temp, $mazed;
    if ( $mazed < $MAX_U ) {
    else {
        push @tempB, $mazed;
        while ( not( defined( $SeqlengthLargeInt{$mazed} ) ) ) {
            if ( $mazed % 2 == 1 ) {
                $mazed = $mazed * 3 + 1;
                push @tempB, $mazed;
            else {
                $mazed = $mazed / 2;
                push @tempB, $mazed;
        $seqlength[$_] = $#tempB + $#temp + $SeqlengthLargeInt{$mazed};

    print LOG $seqlength[$_], "\n";


close LOG;

Note the two distinct cases for large and small numbers. I would be curious to know how much of a difference this optimization made.

Cheok Yin’s blog this week is another great story of the journey Cheok Yin went on in the completion of this task.

BlogCY’s take on PWC#054

Colin Crain

Colin Crain’s solution, always with the excellent commentary, ponders the following:

#         method: since the conjecture is that _all_ such sequences converge, it
#             seems safe to say that the it's been checked for a lot of numbers.

Indeed, the Collatz sequence has been calculated for starting numbers exceeding 1017, and in fact may be even higher by now. The longest known sequence (that I could find reference to) is for the number 93,571,393,692,802,302, clocking in at 2091 steps, which was easy and fun to verify with bigint. It’s a sure bet that anything smaller than that will eventually reach 1.

Here’s Colin’s make_collatz_sequence, which returns an array ref of the Collatz sequence for the given starting number:

sub make_collatz_sequence {
    my $prev = shift;
    my @seq = ($prev);
    my $next;

    while ($prev != 1) {
        $next = next_collatz($prev);
        push @seq, $next;
        $prev = $next;

    return \@seq;

sub next_collatz {
    $_[0] % 2 == 0  ?   $_[0] / 2
                    :   3 * $_[0] + 1;

For the Extra Credit portion, Colin gives us the following calling code:

my $data = {  seq_lengths    => {},
              highest_number => 0,
              highest_value  => 0   };


## display length totals
my $count;
my @sorted = sort { $data->{seq_lengths}->{$b} <=> $data->{seq_lengths}->{$a} || $a <=> $b } keys $data->{seq_lengths}->%*;
say '-' x 35;
say ' count   number   sequence length';
say '-------+--------+------------------';
printf "  %2d     %6d %6d\n", ++$count, $_, $data->{seq_lengths}->{$_} for @sorted[0..19];

## display max number found
say '-' x 35;
say "largest value found was ", $data->{highest_value};
say "for number ", $data->{highest_number};

The get_collatz_metadata does the hard work of looping through the first million counting numbers, memoizing into $data->{seq_lengths}:

sub get_collatz_metadata {
    my $data = shift;

    for my $number (1..1000000) {
        my $prev = $number;
        my $len  = 1;
        my $next;

        while ($prev != 1) {
            $next = $prev % 2 == 0  ?   $prev / 2
                                    :   3 * $prev + 1;
            $prev = $next;
            if ($next > $data->{highest_value}) {
                $data->{highest_number} = $number;
                $data->{highest_value}  = $next;
        $data->{seq_lengths}->{$number} = $len;

Cristina Heredia

Cristina Heredia’s solution gives the option to find a single Collatz sequence, or solve the extra credit problem. Here is the recursive findCollatz:

sub findCollatz {

    if ($number == 1) {
        if ($option == 1){
            print "The Collatz sequence for $origin is:\n$result\n";
        else {
    elsif ($number % 2 == 0) {
        $number = $number / 2;
        $result = $result." - $number";
    else {
        $number = 3*$number + 1;
        $result = $result." - $number";

The extraCredit sub solves the extra credit part, by calling findCollatz:

sub extraCredit {

    $sizes{1} = 1;
    foreach (my $i = $minimum; $i <= $maximum; $i++) {
        $result = '';
        $number = $i;
        $sizes{$i} = $length;



Helper subs:

sub countResult {
    @array = split(' - ', $result);
    $length = @array;

sub sortHash {
    my $count = 0;

    foreach my $key (sort { $sizes{$b} <=> $sizes{$a} } keys %sizes) {
        print "The starting number is: $key and the length is:$sizes{$key}\n";
        if ($count == $numberToShow) {

Dave Jacoby

Dave Jacoby’s solution solves the base task with the collatz recursive sub:

use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state switch };
no warnings qw{ experimental recursion };

sub collatz ( $n ) {
    $n = int $n;
    croak if $n < 1;
    my @sec;
    if ( $n == 1 ) {
        push @sec, 1;
    elsif ( $n % 2 == 1 ) {    #odd
        my $o = ( 3 * $n ) + 1;
        push @sec, $n, collatz($o);
    elsif ( $n % 2 == 0 ) {    #even
        my $o = $n / 2;
        push @sec, $n, collatz($o);
    return wantarray ? @sec : \@sec;

BlogPermutations and Conjectures

Duncan C. White

Duncan C. White’s solution gives us a nice and concise collatz function:

use Function::Parameters;

fun collatz( $n ) {
    my @seq = ( $n );
    while( $n != 1 ) {
        if( $n%2==0 ) { $n = $n / 2 } else { $n = 3*$n + 1 }
        push @seq, $n;
    return @seq;

Here is Duncan’s extra credit code. Note the -$n in the loop is because his script will run collatz on a single integer if the argument ($n) is positive, or all integers 1..-$n if $n is negative.

my @longest20;    # array of [ len, sequence ]

foreach my $x (1..-$n) {
    my @seq = collatz( $x );
    my $len = @seq;
    push @longest20, [ $len, @seq ];
    @longest20 = sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @longest20;
    $#longest20 = 19 if @longest20>20;
    #say "x=$x longest: ", join(',',@$_) for @longest20;

say "longest 20 collatz sequences:";
foreach my $longest (@longest20) {
    my( $len, @seq ) = @$longest;
    say "len=$len: ", join(',',@seq);

E. Choroba

E. Choroba’s solution solves the base and extra credit, concisely:

sub collatz {
    my ($start) = @_;
    my @seq = $start;
    push @seq, ($seq[-1] / 2, 3 * $seq[-1] + 1)[$seq[-1] % 2]
        while $seq[-1] != 1;
    return @seq

my @sizes;
push @sizes, [$_, scalar collatz($_)] for 1 .. 1e6;
say "@$_" for (sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } @sizes)[0 .. 19];

It is relatively quick for a brute force implementation at ~58 seconds on my VM. Choroba mentions dynamic programming in his blog, but did not try it.

Second solution: My::Heap

Choroba also provided a second solution that includes a My::Heap class to maintain the top 20. He found that it was even slower:

my $h = 'My::Heap'->new(20);

$h->add($_, scalar collatz($_)) for 1 .. 1e6;

Choroba’s add method and its dependencies looks like this:

sub add {
    my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
    push @{ $self->{heap} }, [$key, $value];
    $self->_up($#{ $self->{heap} });
    $self->extract_top if @{ $self->{heap} } > $self->{max_size};

sub extract_top {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return unless @{ $self->{heap} };
    my $top = shift @{ $self->{heap} };
    unshift @{ $self->{heap} }, pop @{ $self->{heap} };
    return @$top

sub _up {
    my ($self, $idx) = @_;
    return if 0 == $idx;

    my $parent = int(($idx + 1) / 2) - 1;
    if ($self->{heap}[$idx][VALUE] < $self->{heap}[$parent][VALUE]) {
        @{ $self->{heap} }[$idx, $parent]
            = @{ $self->{heap} }[$parent, $idx];

sub _down {
    my ($self, $idx) = @_;
    return if $idx * 2 + 1  > $#{ $self->{heap} };

    my @ch_indices = ($idx * 2 + 1, $idx * 2 + 2);
    $ch_indices[-1] = $ch_indices[0] if $idx * 2 + 2 > $#{ $self->{heap} };
    my $ch_idx = $ch_indices[ $self->{heap}[$ch_indices[0] ][VALUE]
                              > $self->{heap}[ $ch_indices[1] ][VALUE] ];
    if ($self->{heap}[$idx][VALUE] > $self->{heap}[$ch_idx][VALUE]) {
        @{ $self->{heap} }[$idx, $ch_idx]
            = @{ $self->{heap} }[$ch_idx, $idx];

Since $h->add() is called for every Collatz sequence, and add always triggers a rather complex sequence of method calls, array manipulation, and list creation, this imposes a significant penalty on each iteration. add() really only needs to be called when the top 20 would change.

Thus, the efficiency penalty could be mostly avoided with a bit of bookkeeping by remembering the minimum value in the heap and only calling $h->add() if it would fit in the heap (or calling a find_min method right at the top of add, if you want to stick with traditional heap semantics and encapsulation).

I still like this idea!

BlogKth Permutation Sequence + Collatz Conjecture

Jaldhar H. Vyas

Jaldhar H. Vyas’s solution gives us the following iterative collatzSequence sub:

sub collatzSequence {
    my ($n) = @_;
    my @sequence = ($n);

    while ($n != 1) {
        $n = ($n % 2) ? (3 * $n + 1) : ($n / 2);
        push @sequence, $n;

    return @sequence;

That sub is then used to find the 20 numbers with the longest sequences:

my $maxlength = 0;
my @longest = ();

for my $n (1 .. 1e6) {
    my $length = scalar collatzSequence($n);

    if ($length >= $maxlength) {
        $maxlength = (scalar @longest) ? $longest[-1]->[1] : $length;
        push @longest, [$n, $length];

        @longest = sort {$b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } @longest;
        if (scalar @longest > 20) {
            pop @longest;

for my $long (@longest) {
    say $long->[0], ': ', $long->[1];

Jaldhar sorts the @longest array every time a sequence is inserted, and then pops off an element if the array has more than 20 elements. Jaldhar’s code runs in 50 seconds, which is not bad for a brute force implementation.

BlogJaldhar’s Week #054 Blog

Javier Luque

Javier Luque’s solution cuts to the chase with a collatz sub that returns the sequence length:

sub collatz {
    my $n = shift;
    my $length = 0;

    while ($n != 1) {

        $n = ($n % 2) ?
            3 * $n + 1  :
            $n / 2;

    return $length;

He then takes a brute force approach to find the 22 (not 20) longest sequences, making his output at least 10% better, by my calculation!

my %lengths;
for my $i (1 .. 1_000_000) {
    my $length = collatz($i);
    $lengths{$i} = $length
        if ($length > 440);

# Grab the 22 longest numbers
my @keys = (
    sort {
        $lengths{$b} <=> $lengths{$a}
    } keys %lengths
)[0 .. 21] ;

for my $i ( @keys ) {
    say "$i : Length " . $lengths{$i};

Javier’s code runs in 37 seconds, which is good for brute force solution.

Blog054 – Perl Weekly Challenge

Laurent Rosenfeld

Laurent Rosenfeld’s solution uses memoization, but stores the entire sequence, not just the length, so it unfortunately ran my 2GB sandbox VM out of memory after 27 seconds.

use constant MAX => 300000;

my %cache;

sub collatz_seq {
    my $input = shift;
    my $n = $input;
    my @result;
    while ($n != 1) {
        if (exists $cache{$n}) {
            push @result, @{$cache{$n}};
        } else {
            my $new_n = $n % 2 ? 3 * $n + 1 : $n / 2;
            push @result, $new_n;
            $cache{$n} = [$new_n, @{$cache{$new_n}}]
                if defined ($cache{$new_n}) and $n < MAX;
            $n = $new_n;
    $cache{$input} = [@result] if $n < MAX;
    return @result;

my @long_seqs;
for my $num (1..1000000) {
    my @seq = ($num, collatz_seq $num);
    push @long_seqs, [ $num, scalar @seq] if scalar @seq > 400;

@long_seqs = sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1]} @long_seqs;
say  "$_->[0]: $_->[1]" for @long_seqs[0..19];

Blogk-th Permutation Sequence and the Collatz Conjecture

Lubos Kolouch

Lubos Kolouch’s solution revolves around the get_sequence_length sub:

my %length_cache;

sub get_next_sequence {
    my $seq_pos = shift;

    return 0 if $seq_pos == 1;
    return 3 * $seq_pos + 1 if $seq_pos % 2 == 1;
    return int( $seq_pos / 2 );

sub get_sequence_length {
    my $seq_pos = shift;

    if ($seq_pos == 1) {
        $length_cache{1} = 1;
        return 1;

    my $seq_length;
    my $cur_pos = $seq_pos;

    while ( $cur_pos >= 1 ) {
        if ( $length_cache{$cur_pos} ) {
            # If we have already the length cached, return it
            $seq_length += $length_cache{$cur_pos};
        # otherwise increse the length and move to next step
        $cur_pos = get_next_sequence($cur_pos);
    $length_cache{$seq_pos} = $seq_length;

    return $seq_length;

The first 20 results from %length_cache are then sorted and displayed:

my $count;
foreach my $name (sort { $length_cache{$b} <=> $length_cache{$a} } keys %length_cache) {
    printf "%-8s %s\n", $name, $length_cache{$name};
    last if $count == 20;

Lubos’s code runs in 9.2 seconds, thanks to the memoization. It’s worth noting that the sort at the end takes about 3 seconds by itself, making it a candidate for optimization if more performance is needed.

Markus Holzer

Markus Holzer’s solution also clocks in at 9.2 seconds, thanks to a similar algorithm:

my %result = (1 => 1);

for my $n ( 1..$N ) {
    my $current = 0;
    my $next    = $n;

    while (1) {
        # Dynamic programming:
        # see what you have computed so far, so you
        # don't have to compute it again
        $result{ $n } = $result{ $next } and last
            if $result{ $next };

        $next = $next % 2 == 0 ? $next / 2 : $next * 3 + 1;

    $result{ $n } += $current;

Results sorting and printing:

print "n: $_, length: ", $result{ $_ }, "\n" for
    (sort { $result{ $b } <=> $result{ $a } } keys %result)[0..19]

Mohammad S Anwar

Mohammad S Anwar’s solution finds the @collatz sequence for a starting integer as follows:

my @collatz = ($n);
while ($n != 1) {
    $n = ($n % 2 == 0) ? ($n / 2) : ((3 * $n) + 1);
    push @collatz, $n;

print sprintf("%s\n", join " -> ", @collatz);

In his blog, Mohammad mentions there is “hardly anything to talk about in this solution.” I suppose I’ll have to come up with a more difficult challenge next time! :-)

BlogBLOG: The Weekly Challenge #054

Peter Meszaros

Peter Meszaros’s solution gives us an iterative collatz sub first:

sub collatz {
    my $n = shift;
    my @r = $n;
    while ($n > 1) {
        $n = ($n % 2) ? ($n * 3 + 1) : (int($n / 2));
        push @r, $n;
    return \@r;

That collatz sub is then used to help find the sequence lengths for the first million starting integers, as follows:

my @n = @ARGV ? @ARGV : 1..1_000_000;

my %res;
for my $i (@n) {
    my $c = collatz($i);
    $res{$i} = {
        num => scalar @$c,
        max => max(@$c),

Finally, the results are sorted and printed:

my @ores = sort { $res{$b}->{num} <=> $res{$a}->{num} } keys %res;
my $e = $#ores;

my $j;
for my $i (@ores[0..(19, $e)[19 > $e]]) {
    printf "%2d %6d length: %6d max: %12d\n", ++$j, $i, $res{$i}->{num}, $res{$i}->{max};

Peter’s code runs in just over a minute on my VM, and, interestingly, also prints the maximum value that each sequence reaches. While 837799 has the longest sequence at 525 steps, it only reaches a maximum of 2974984576, putting it in 6th place overall. 1st place goes to 886953, which reaches a whopping 52483285312 before going all the way back down to 1.

Roger Bell West

Roger Bell West’s solution is a clean, no-frills Collatz sequence generator:

use integer;

while ( my $n = shift @ARGV ) {
    my @k = ($n);
    while ( $n != 1 ) {
        if ( $n % 2 == 0 ) {
            $n /= 2;
        else {
            $n *= 3;
        push @k, $n;
    print join( ', ', @k ), "\n";

Extra Credit Solution

Roger provided a second solution that tackles the extra credit part, using memoization:

my %l;
my %s;

$l{1} = 1;

foreach my $n ( 1 .. 1e6 ) {
    my $k  = 1;
    my $na = $n;
    while ( !exists $l{$na} ) {
        if ( $na % 2 == 0 ) {
            $na /= 2;
        else {
            $na *= 3;
    $l{$n} = $k + $l{$na};
    push @{ $s{ $l{$n} } }, $n;

The results (%s) are then sorted and the top 20 printed:

my $k = 20;
foreach my $c ( sort { $b <=> $a } keys %s ) {
    print "$c: " . join( ', ', sort @{ $s{$c} } ), "\n";
    $k -= scalar @{ $s{$c} };
    if ( $k <= 0 ) {

Ruben Westerberg

Ruben Westerberg’s solution includes the following recursive collaz sub:

sub collaz {
    my ($seq)=@_;
    given ($seq->[-1]) {
        when ($_%2 == 0) {
            push @$seq, $_/2;
        default {
            push @$seq, 3*$_+1;
    &collaz unless $seq->[-1]==1;

That sub is then used $ARGV[0] times to find the sequence lengths for the entire integer range:

my $max=$ARGV[0]//23;         #sane default without cmd line args
my @seqs=( ([]) x 20);        #Initalise the largest 20 sequences found

for ( 1..$max) {
    my $s=collaz([int($_)]);
    for my $i (0..@seqs-1) {
        if (@$s  > @{$seqs[$i]}) {
            pop @seqs unless @seqs < 20;
            splice @seqs,$i,0,$s;

say "Top 20 Collaz Sequence lengths for starting numbers 1..$max";
for(grep { @$_ != 0} @seqs) {
    printf "Starting Number: %10d Sequence Length: %d\n", $_->[0],scalar @$_;

Ruben’s code runs in about 1m45s on my VM, which is reasonable for a recursive brute force approach that works with full sequences (rather than lengths only).

Ryan Thompson

My solution uses memoization, and an O(n) insertion into the @top array of top 20 sequences. A few variables are required:

my @seqlen = (-1,1);    # Memoize sequence length
my $top    = 20;        # Report this many of the top sequences
my @top    = [ -1,-1 ]; # Top $top sequences
my $upper  = 1e6;       # Upper limit starting term
my $mintop = 0;         # Lowest value in @top

Here is the main array:

for (my $start = 3; $start < $upper; $start += 2) {
    my ($n, $len) = ($start, 0);
    while (! defined $seqlen[$n]) {
        $len += 1 + $n % 2;
        $n = $n % 2 ? (3*$n + 1)/2 : $n / 2;

    $len += $seqlen[$n];
    $seqlen[$start] = $len if $start < $upper * 2; # Cache

    top($start => $len)            if $len > $mintop  and     $start <= $upper;
    top($n * 2 => $seqlen[$n] + 1) if   $n < $upper/2 and $seqlen[$n] > $mintop;

There are a couple of other minor optimizations, here: first, note that instead of doing 3*$n + 1 on odd numbers, I do (3*$n + 1)/2, and I add 2 to $len for odd numbers, which bypasses some iteration while keeping the sequence length correctly tallied.

I also call another sub, top to handle inserts to @top instead of just pushing and sorting later. This saved a few seconds (which, in my case, was most of the execution time):

# Sorted insert [ $n, $len ] to @top, keep @top to $top length
sub top {
    my ($n, $len) = @_;

    my $idx = first { $top[$_][1] < $len } 0..$#top;
    splice @top, $idx, 0, [ $n, $len ];

    pop @top if @top > $top;
    $mintop = $top[-1][1];

The execution time on my VM is 1.7 seconds.

BlogCollatz Conjecture

Saif Ahmed

Saif Ahmed’s solution gives us the following curious Collatz sub:

sub Collatz {
    my $n = shift;
    my @sequence;
    while ( $n != 1 ) {
        push @sequence, $n;
        $n = $n % 2 ? 3 * $n + 1 : $n / 2;    # comment this line and uncomment the next two
                                              # to enable caching.  On my system, caching takes
                                              # 50% longer
            # $next{$n} = $n %2 ? 3*$n + 1: $n / 2  unless defined $next{$n};;
            # $n=$next{$n};
    return @sequence, 1;

The comment about caching taking 50% longer is unexpected, given what we already know about memoization in this task. The script does indeed take longer to run with the caching lines enabled. Can you see why?

Saif is only caching the next number in the sequence. As a result, this code essentially just adds a hash lookup to the existing code, and that’s why it’s slow. Caching the sequence length would result in large savings.

Here is the top 20 code:

my %next;    # cache of next numbers in the Collatz sequence;
             # helps if look up quicker than the math

print join( "->", Collatz(837799) ), "\n\n\n";


sub top20Collatz {    # this uses pop instead of the usual "shift"
    my $end   = pop;        # if one parameter is supplied it is used as the end
    my $start = pop // 1;   # if two are supplied, then they are start and end
    my @top20 = ();
    my $stopwatch = time();
    for ( $start .. $end ) {
        print "Calculating $_ \r";    # takes some time to work out 1000_000
                                      # gives visual feedback oc activity
        my @seq = Collatz($_);        # get the Collatz sequence
            # perl handily uses size of array if array is used in scalar context
        if ( ( @top20 < 20 ) or ( @seq > @{ $top20[-1] } ) )
        {    # will end in top 20
            unshift @top20, [@seq];    # store the sequence
            @top20 = sort { @$b <=> @$a } @top20;    # resort (reverse
            pop @top20 if @top20 > 20;               # remove any surplus
    $stopwatch -= time();

    #  section that displays results
    my $count = 1;
    print "Top 20 longest Collatz Sequences between $start and $end\n";
    foreach (@top20) {
        printf "Rank: %3d  Number: %8d  Sequence Size: %4d\n", $count++,
          $$_[0],, scalar @$_;
    print "takes " . -$stopwatch . " seconds";

Shahed Nooshmand

Shahed submitted a Raku solution last week, but this is their first time submitting a Perl solution, meaning it’s my first chance to welcome them to the Challenge. Welcome!

Shahed Nooshmand’s solution is impressively concise for an extra credit solution:

my %hail = (1 => 1);

for (1..1e6-1) {
    my $n = $_;
    my $i = 0;
    until (exists $hail{$n}) {
        $n = $n % 2 ? $n * 3 + 1 : $n / 2;
    $hail{$_} = $i + $hail{$n}

print "$_    $hail{$_}\n" for (sort { $hail{$b} <=> $hail{$a} } keys %hail)[0..19]

The Collatz sequence is sometimes called the hailstone sequence, which is why you see the alternative symbol names, here. This code runs in 9.5 seconds, which is about average for a memoized solution.

It’s really great to have another blogger participating in the challenge.

BlogPerl Weekly Challenge: week 54

Ulrich Rieke

Ulrich Rieke’s solution begins with a findSequence sub:

sub findSequence {
    my $n = shift;
    my @sequence;
    while ( $n != 1 ) {
        push( @sequence, $n );
        if ( $n % 2 == 0 ) {
            $n /= 2;
        else {
            $n = $n * 3 + 1;
    push( @sequence, $n );
    return @sequence;

The one million loop uses findSequence:

my @sequences;
for my $i ( 1 .. 1000000 ) {
    @sequence = findSequence($i);
    push( @sequences, [ $i, scalar @sequence ] );
my @sorted = sort { ${$b}[1] <=> ${$a}[1] } @sequences;
print "The 20 longest Collatz sequences in numbers up to 1000000:\n";
map { print ${$_}[0] . " " . ${$_}[1] . "\n" } @sorted[ 0 .. 19 ];

This brute force implementation runs in about 1m7sec.

User Person

User Person’s solution is a rather comprehensive script. When run with the m{-{0,2}extra[-~!@#$%^&*=+|\\;:'",.?/ ]?credit}i option (better to be permissive with inputs, right‽), the following loop runs through 2..$MAX:

my %high = ();
my $i = $n;

while ($i <= $MAX) {
    my $count = 0;

    while ($n != 1) {

        if ($extraCredit) {
        } else {
            print "$n -> ";

        if ($n % 2 == 0) {          # EVEN
            $n /= 2;
        } else {                    # ODD
            $n = 3*$n + 1;

    if ($extraCredit) {
        checkHighKeys( $i, $count, \%high);
        $n = ++$i;
        if ($n % 20_000 == 0) {
            print STDOUT "#";
    } else {
        print "1\n";
        last OUTER_LOOP;

Finally, the top results are printed:

if ($extraCredit) {
    print STDERR "\n\n";
    foreach my $key (sort { $high{$b} <=> $high{$a} or $b <=> $a } keys %high) {
        print "Starting number: ", $key, " with sequence length: ",  $high{$key}, "\n";


Wanderdoc’s solution begins with collatz, which memoizes the next number in the sequence:

my %collatz_mem = ( 4 => 2, 2 => 1 ); # ( 5 => 16, 16 => 8, 8 => 4, 4 => 2, 2 => 1, );

sub collatz {
    my $n = $_[0];
    my @seq;
    while ( $n != 1 ) {
        if ( exists $collatz_mem{$n} ) {
            my $key = $n;
            while ( $key > 1 ) {
                push @seq, $key;

                $key = $collatz_mem{$key};
            push @seq, 1;

            return @seq;
        } else {

            my $old_n = $n;
            push @seq, $n;

            if ( 0 == $n % 2 ) {
                $n = $n / 2;
            } else {
                $n = 3 * $n + 1;
            $collatz_mem{$old_n} = $n;

As I’ve explained previously, caching the next number in sequence trades a hash lookup for a quick arithmetic operation, which is going to be slower than just doing the arithmetic operation every time.

Here is the million Collatz loop:

my $EDGE = 20;
my %longest;

for my $N ( 1 .. 1_000_000 ) {
    my @sequence = collatz($N);

    my $length = scalar @sequence;

    my $max = max keys %longest || 1;

    if ( $length > $max ) {
        $longest{$length} = [@sequence];

    my $how_many = scalar keys %longest;

    if ( $how_many > $EDGE ) {
        my $min = min keys %longest;
        delete $longest{$min};

for my $n ( sort { $b <=> $a } keys %longest ) {
    print ${ $longest{$n} }[0], ': ', scalar @{ $longest{$n} }, $/;
    print join( ' -> ', @{ $longest{$n} } ), $/ if 1 == $PRINT_SEQUENCE;

This code runs in 1m22sec on my VM.

Yet Ebreo

Yet Ebreo’s solution has a memoized recursive gen_seq sub, and I really like to see the hints of iterative development, with the code comment, below:

my @out;
my $r;
my %mem;
my $cnt = 0;
my $ctr = 20;
sub gen_seq {
    my ($n) = @_;
    #The if statement below improved execution time from 75 secs to 10 secs
    if ($mem{$n}) {
        $cnt    += $mem{$n} =~y/ //;
        $r      .= $mem{$n};
    $r .= "$n ";
    return if ($n == 1);
    gen_seq( $n & 1 ? 3*$n+1 : $n/2 );

It’s worth noting that gen_seq and the %mem table both work with string-based sequences. The global $cnt keeps track of how many total iterations are saved with memoization, and that is obtained by counting the spaces between elements in the sequence with y///.

Up next is the one million sequence code:

for my $n (2..1e6) {
    $r = "";
    $mem{$n} = $r;
    push @{$out[$r=~y/ //]}, "$r";

See Also

Blogs this week:

Cheok-Yin FungCY’s take on PWC#054

Dave JacobyPermutations and Conjectures

E. ChorobaKth Permutation Sequence + Collatz Conjecture

Jaldhar H. VyasJaldhar’s Week #054 Blog

Javier Luque054 – Perl Weekly Challenge

Kevin ColyerPerl Weekly Challenge – Week 54

Laurent Rosenfeldk-th Permutation Sequence and the Collatz Conjecture

Mohammad S AnwarBLOG: The Weekly Challenge #054

Ryan Thompsonkth Permutation | Collatz Conjecture

Shahed Nooshmandweek 54 ― Rafraîchissoir


If you have any suggestions or ideas then please do share with us.

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