Advent Calendar 2019 is in the last leg. We have had some very interesting solutions by respected members of the team.
Day 1: Word Ladder Puzzle by Laurent Rosenfeld
Day 2: Ranking by Dave Jacoby
Day 3: Encode/Decode Roman Numerals by Joelle Maslak
Day 4: Hoftadter Female and Male Sequence by E. Choroba
Day 5: Longest english word using US state postal abbreviation by Neil Bowers
Day 6: Pythagoras Pie Puzzle by Arne Sommer
Day 7: Ackermann Function by Jaldhar H. Vyas
Day 8: Priority Queue by Adam Russell
Day 9: Five Weekends by Dave Cross
Day 10: Split on change of character by Mark Senn
Day 11: Sexy Primes by Yet Ebreo
Day 12: nth Order Difference Series by Laurent Rosenfeld
Day 13: Demonstrate Array/Hash Slices by Burkhard Nickels
Day 14: Pascal Triangle by Scimon Proctor
Day 15: Dynamic Variable by Javier Luque
Day 16: Vigenere Cipher by Yozen Hernandez
Day 17: Bitcoin Validation by Athanasius
Day 18: FizzBuzz by Philippe Bruhat
Day 19: Trim leading zeros by Khalid
Day 20: Word Game by Roger Bell_West
Day 21: Base35 Representation by Gustavo Chaves
Day 22: Replace character and count by JJ Merelo
Day 23: Perfect Numbers by Francis J Whittle
Ryan Thompson shared his solutions to the past challenges in Perl and Raku.
Challenge - 001
Challenge - 002
Challenge - 003
Challenge - 004
Challenge - 005
Fernando Correa de Oliveira shared solution to Perl Weekly Challenge - 039 as below in Raku:
Task #1
sub to-min(Str $str) {
do given $str.comb(/\d+/) {
60*.[0] + .[1]
proto calc(Int $count, Int $prev, @in, @out --> Int) {*}
multi calc(0, Int, [], [] --> 0) {}
multi calc(Int, Int, [], []) { die "Finished with guest inside house" }
multi calc(0, Int $prev, [Int $in, *@in], @out where $in <= *.head) { calc 1, $in, @in, @out }
multi calc(Int $count, Int $prev, [Int $in, *@in], @out where $in <= *.head) { $in - $prev + calc $count + 1, $in, @in, @out }
multi calc(Int $count, Int $prev, @in (Int $in, *@), [Int $out where $in > *, *@out]) { $out - $prev + calc $count - 1, $out, @in, @out }
multi calc(Int $count, Int $prev, [], [Int $out, *@out]) { $out - $prev + calc $count - 1, $out, [], @out }
my (@in, @out) := ([[],[]], |lines).reduce: -> (@in, @out), $_ {
my ($in, $out) = .comb(/\d+":"\d+/);
[ |@in, to-min $in, ], [ |@out, to-min $out ]
say calc 0, 0, @in.sort, @out.sort
Task #2
multi calc(@mem, Int $num) { [ $num, |@mem ] }
multi calc([Int() $x, Int() $y, *@mem], "+" ) { [ $y + $x, |@mem] }
multi calc([Int() $x, Int() $y, *@mem], "-" ) { [ $y - $x, |@mem] }
multi calc([Int() $x, Int() $y, *@mem], "−" ) { [ $y - $x, |@mem] }
multi calc([Int() $x, Int() $y, *@mem], "*" ) { [ $y * $x, |@mem] }
multi calc([Int() $x, Int() $y, *@mem], "×" ) { [ $y * $x, |@mem] }
multi calc([Int() $x, Int() $y, *@mem], "/" ) { [ $y / $x, |@mem] }
multi calc([Int() $x, Int() $y, *@mem], "÷" ) { [ $y / $x, |@mem] }
multi calc(@mem (Int() $x, *@), "=" ) { @mem }
my @mem;
for words() {
@mem = calc @mem, .&val;
say @mem.head
1) Laurent Rosenfeld (488)
2) Joelle Maslak (330)
3) Jaldhar H. Vyas (326)
4) Ruben Westerberg (308)
5) Adam Russell (262)
6) Arne Sommer (240)
7) Athanasius (208)
8) E. Choroba (202)
9) Roger Bell_West (200)
10) Kian-Meng Ang (160)
11) Andrezgz (152)
12) Scimon Proctor (148)
13) Duncan C. White (136)
14) Dave Jacoby (132)
15) Steven Wilson (120)
16) Yet Ebreo (114)
17) Kevin Colyer (108)
Checkout the masterpiece collection of blogs by Damian Conway solving “Perl Weekly Challenge”.
Adam Russell
[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [BLOG #1] [BLOG #2]
Burkhard Nickels
Colin Crain
Duane Powell
Duncan C. White
[PERL #1]
Nazareno Delucca
Saif Ahmed
Steven Wilson
Arne Sommer
Daniel Mita
[RAKU #1]
Kevin Colyer
Ulrich Rieke
Javier Luque
[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1]
Laurent Rosenfeld
[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1]
Roger Bell_West
[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]
Ruben Westerberg
[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2]
Ryan Thompson
[PERL #1] [PERL #2] [RAKU #1] [RAKU #2] [BLOG #1]
Last but not the least, I would like to request all members, please send us your photo, that you already use on some other web platform, to use in the weekly blog, if not already sent.