

The Weekly Challenge - Guest Contributions

Friday, Feb 7, 2025 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Ada, APL, Awk, BASIC, Bash, Bc, Befunge-93, Bourne Shell, BQN, Brainfuck, C3, C, CESIL, Chef, COBOL, Coconut, C Shell, C++, Clojure, Crystal, D, Dart, Dc, Elixir, Elm, Emacs Lisp, Erlang, Excel VBA, F#, Factor, Fennel, Fish, Forth, Fortran, Gembase, GNAT, Go, GP, Groovy, Haskell, Haxe, HTML, Hy, Idris, IO, J, Janet, Java, JavaScript, Julia, K, Kap, Korn Shell, Kotlin, Lisp, Logo, Lua, M4, Maxima, Miranda, Modula 3, MMIX, Mumps, Myrddin, Nelua, Nim, Nix, Node.js, Nuweb, Oberon, Octave, OCaml, Odin, Ook, Pascal, PHP, Python, PostgreSQL, Postscript, PowerShell, Prolog, R, Racket, Rexx, Ring, Roc, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Scheme, Sed, Smalltalk, SQL, Standard ML, SVG, Swift, Tcl, TypeScript, Uiua, V, Visual BASIC, WebAssembly, Wolfram, XSLT, YaBasic, Zig

As you know, The Weekly Challenge, primarily focus on Perl and Raku. During the Week #018, we received solutions to The Weekly Challenge - 018 by Orestis Zekai in Python. It was pleasant surprise to receive solutions in something other than Perl and Raku. Ever since regular team members also started contributing in other languages like Ada, APL, Awk, BASIC, Bash, Bc, Befunge-93, Bourne Shell, BQN, Brainfuck, C3, C, CESIL, Chef, COBOL, Coconut, C Shell, C++, Clojure, Crystal, D, Dart, Dc, Elixir, Elm, Emacs Lisp, Erlang, Excel VBA, F#, Factor, Fennel, Fish, Forth, Fortran, Gembase, GNAT, Go, GP, Groovy, Haskell, Haxe, HTML, Hy, Idris, IO, J, Janet, Java, JavaScript, Julia, K, Kap, Korn Shell, Kotlin, Lisp, Logo, Lua, M4, Maxima, Miranda, Modula 3, MMIX, Mumps, Myrddin, Nelua, Nim, Nix, Node.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 306

Sunday, Feb 2, 2025 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 307

Sunday, Feb 2, 2025 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Check Order 10. TASK #2: Find Anagrams HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #307 of The Weekly Challenge. Today is the first Monday of the month and time to declare the first champion of the year 2025. With great pleasure, I declare Andreas Mahnke. as Champion of the Month: January.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 305

Monday, Jan 27, 2025 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 306

Monday, Jan 27, 2025 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Odd Sum 10. TASK #2: Last Element HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #306 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome a new member, Jeffrey “japhy” Pinyan, an experienced Perl hacker from USA. Thanks for the first contributions in Perl. Welcome back, Richard Park, and thanks for your contributions in APL.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 304

Monday, Jan 20, 2025 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 305

Monday, Jan 20, 2025 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Binary Prefix 10. TASK #2: Alien Dictionary HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #305 of The Weekly Challenge. We got the gift of new year 2025 in the form of sponsorship. Thank you, Lance Wicks, for continued sponsoring the weekly challenge. Year 2024 Report Jan: Nelo Tovar - PAID Feb: Mustafa Aydin - Waiting response Mar: Asher Harvey-Smith - PAID Apr: Reinier Maliepaard - PAID May: Laurent Rosenfeld - Waiting response Jun: Jaldhar H.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 303

Monday, Jan 13, 2025 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 304

Monday, Jan 13, 2025 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Arrange Binary 10. TASK #2: Maximum Average HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #304 of The Weekly Challenge. Year 2024 ends with yet another power packed contributions. Except year 2021, every year we had more than 5K contributions where we had full year. Even in the year 2021, it was just 24 less than the magic number.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 302

Monday, Jan 6, 2025 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 303

Monday, Jan 6, 2025 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: 3-digits Even 10. TASK #2: Delete and Earn HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #303 of The Weekly Challenge. Today is the first Monday of the month and year 2025, so it is time to declare the last champion of the year 2024. With great pride, I announce, Arne Sommer as the Champion of the Month for the second time.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 301

Monday, Dec 30, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 302

Monday, Dec 30, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Ones and Zeroes 10. TASK #2: Step by Step HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #302 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome a new member, Andreas Mahnke, from Germany. Thanks for sharing your first contributions in Perl. Two in a row, we received contributions in Perl and C from Ryan Thompson.

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Advent Calendar - December 25, 2024

Wednesday, Dec 25, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 24 | Day 25 | The gift is presented by Mohammad Sajid Anwar. Today I am looking back at the Year 2024 performance as a whole. The Weekly Challenge: REVIEW 2024 SPONSORS CHAMPIONS REVIEWERS REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS GUEST CONTRIBUTORS CONTRIBUTIONS GUEST LANGUAGES GITHUB REPOSITORY Merry Christmas everyone !!! Being a practice muslim, I don’t celebrate Christmas but I do wish all my friends (Christian by faith) on this occassion.

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Advent Calendar - December 24, 2024

Tuesday, Dec 24, 2024 by Jaldhar H. Vyas Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 23 | Day 24 | Day 25 | The gift is presented by Jaldhar H. Vyas. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 299. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 299 Challenge #1: Replace Words You are given an array of words and a sentence. Write a script to replace all words in the given sentence that start with any of the words in the given array.

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Advent Calendar - December 23, 2024

Monday, Dec 23, 2024 by Luca Ferrari Java, PostgreSQL, Raku, Python

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 22 | Day 23 | Day 24 | The gift is presented by Luca Ferrari. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 298. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Perl Weekly Challenge 298 This post presents my solutions to the Perl Weekly Challenge 298. I keep doing the Perl Weekly Challenge in order to mantain my coding skills in good shape, as well as in order to learn new things, with particular regard to Raku, a language that I love.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 300

Monday, Dec 23, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 301

Monday, Dec 23, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Largest Number 10. TASK #2: Hamming Distance HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #301 of The Weekly Challenge. Last week, I noticed a slight jump in contributions by Team PWC members. Well done team. Ryan Thompson didn’t want to miss the celebration either. So here we have his contributions in Perl.

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Advent Calendar - December 22, 2024

Sunday, Dec 22, 2024 by Packy Anderson Perl, Raku, Python, Elixir

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 21 | Day 22 | Day 23 | The gift is presented by Packy Anderson. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 286. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Spammer Game For some reason, my brain saw “Order Game” and I thought “Circle Game“. Perhaps because my wife and I watched a Joni Mitchell documentary last week.

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Advent Calendar - December 21, 2024

Saturday, Dec 21, 2024 by Bruce Gray Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | The gift is presented by Bruce Gray. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 277. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Strength Uncombined Task #1: Count Common Given two arrays of strings, return the count of words that appears in both arrays exactly once. Observations: The task specifies two input arrays, but is easier to express once we allow for unlimited input arrays.

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Advent Calendar - December 20, 2024

Friday, Dec 20, 2024 by BarrOff Raku, BQN

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | The gift is presented by BarrOff. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 260. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Occurrences with BQN Task #1: Unique Occurrences You are given an array of integers, @ints. Write a script to return 1 if the number of occurrences of each value in the given array is unique or 0 otherwise.

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Advent Calendar - December 19, 2024

Thursday, Dec 19, 2024 by David Ferrone Perl

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | The gift is presented by David Ferrone. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 285. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Lost Connections and Making Changes Task #1: No Connection Given a list of routes, find the destination with no outgoing connection. For example, given [B, C] [D, B] [C, A] we have routes B -> C -> A D -> B -> C -> A C -> A Output: A I make two lists, in-routes and out-routes, and then I see if there is an out that is not also an in.

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Advent Calendar - December 18, 2024

Wednesday, Dec 18, 2024 by Cheok-Yin Fung Perl

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | The gift is presented by Cheok-Yin Fung. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 281. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Where is the chess piece going to? Knight’s Move The Weekly Challenge(TWC) is a weekly activity organized by the Perl enthusiast Mohammad Sajid Anwar.

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Advent Calendar - December 17, 2024

Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024 by E. Choroba Perl

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | The gift is presented by E. Choroba. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 287. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Strong Password You are given a string, $str. Write a program to return the minimum number of steps required to make the given string very strong password.

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Advent Calendar - December 16, 2024

Monday, Dec 16, 2024 by Ryan Thompson Perl, Python

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 15 | Day 16 | Day 17 | The gift is presented by Ryan Thompson. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 276. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Maximum Frequency and now my Day is Complete This post is part of a series on Mohammad Anwar’s excellent Weekly Challenge, where hackers submit solutions in Perl, Raku, or any other language, to two different challenges every week.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 299

Monday, Dec 16, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 300

Monday, Dec 16, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Beautiful Arrangement 10. TASK #2: Nested Array HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #300 of The Weekly Challenge. Well done, Team PWC, for achieving another milestone. Getting to the Week #300 is a big achievement, in my humble opinion. Everybody need a big round of applause.

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Advent Calendar - December 15, 2024

Sunday, Dec 15, 2024 by Lance Wicks Perl

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 14 | Day 15 | Day 16 | The gift is presented by Lance Wicks. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 221. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. TDD for Good… strings One of the things about Test Driven Development (TDD) is that it’s something that takes practice. A great way to do that is via the amazing Weekly Challenge which is led by the amazing Mohammad Anwar.

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Advent Calendar - December 14, 2024

Saturday, Dec 14, 2024 by W. Luis Mochan Perl

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 13 | Day 14 | Day 15 | The gift is presented by W. Luis Mochan. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 264. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Perl Weekly Challenge 264 Task #1: Greatest English Letter You are given a string, $str, made up of only alphabetic characters [a.

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Advent Calendar - December 13, 2024

Friday, Dec 13, 2024 by Ali Moradi Perl

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | The gift is presented by Bob Lied. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 263. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Don’t Sort It, Be Happy Task #1: Target Index You are given an array of integers, @ints, and a target element $k. Write a script to return the list of indices in the sorted array where the element is the same as the given target element.

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Advent Calendar - December 12, 2024

Thursday, Dec 12, 2024 by Ali Moradi Perl

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | The gift is presented by Ali Moradi. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 262. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Weekly Challenge 262 Task #1: Max Positive Negative You are given an array of integers, @ints. Write a script to return the maximum number of either positive or negative integers in the given array.

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Advent Calendar - December 11, 2024

Wednesday, Dec 11, 2024 by Simon Green Perl, Python

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | The gift is presented by Simon Green. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 261. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Weekly Challenge 261 Task #1: Element Digit Sum You are given an array of integers, @ints. Write a script to evaluate the absolute difference between element and digit sum of the given arra My solution Given that Perl doesn’t care (most of the time) between numbers and strings, this is one of those challenges that is easier to do in Perl.

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Advent Calendar - December 10, 2024

Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024 by Robbie Hatley Perl

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | The gift is presented by Robbie Hatley. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 260. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. The Weekly Challenge 260 Task #1: Unique Occurrences You are given an array of integers, @ints. Write a script to return 1 if the number of occurrences of each value in the given array is unique or 0 otherwise.

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Advent Calendar - December 9, 2024

Monday, Dec 9, 2024 by James Smith Perl

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | The gift is presented by James Smith. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 263. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. The Weekly Challenge - 263 Task #1: Target Index You are given an array of integers, @ints and a target element $k. Write a script to return the list of indices in the sorted array where the element is same as the given target element.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 298

Monday, Dec 9, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 299

Monday, Dec 9, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Replace Words 10. TASK #2: Word Search HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #299 of The Weekly Challenge. Advent Calendar 2024 Day 1: Leaping from Tree to Tree as They Float Down the Mighty Rivers of British Columbia by Dave Jacoby. Day 2: Special Zeroes by Jorg Sommrey.

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Advent Calendar - December 8, 2024

Sunday, Dec 8, 2024 by Adam Russell Perl

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | The gift is presented by Adam Russell. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 258. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Count Sumofvaluacula Part 1: Count Even Digits Number You are given an array of positive integers, @ints. Write a script to find out how many integers have even number of digits.

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Advent Calendar - December 7, 2024

Saturday, Dec 7, 2024 by Roger Bell_West Raku, Scala

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | The gift is presented by Roger Bell_West. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 257. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Smaller than Echelon Task 1: Smaller than Current You are given an array of integers, @ints. Write a script to find out how many integers are smaller than current i.

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Advent Calendar - December 6, 2024

Friday, Dec 6, 2024 by Matthias Muth Perl

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | The gift is presented by Matthias Muth. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 256. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Easy Pairs - Easy Merge Task 1: Maximum Pairs You are given an array of distinct words, @words. Write a script to find the maximum pairs in the given array.

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Advent Calendar - December 5, 2024

Thursday, Dec 5, 2024 by Laurent Rosenfeld Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | The gift is presented by Laurent Rosenfeld. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 255. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post 1. and post 2. Task 1: Odd Character You are given two strings, $s and $t. The string $t is generated using the shuffled characters of the string $s with an additional character.

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Advent Calendar - December 4, 2024

Wednesday, Dec 4, 2024 by Arne Sommer Raku

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | The gift is presented by Arne Sommer. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 254. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Reverse Power Challenge #254.1: Three Power You are given a positive integer, $n. Write a script to return true if the given integer is a power of three otherwise return false.

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Advent Calendar - December 3, 2024

Tuesday, Dec 3, 2024 by Peter Campbell Smith Perl

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 The gift is presented by Peter Campbell Smith. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 253. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Split the weakest Task 1: Split Strings You are given an array of strings and a character separator. Write a script to return all words separated by the given character, excluding empty ones.

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Advent Calendar - December 2, 2024

Monday, Dec 2, 2024 by Jorg Sommrey Perl

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | The gift is presented by Jorg Sommrey. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 252. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Special Zeroes Task 1: Special Numbers You are given an array of integers, @ints. Write a script to find the sum of the squares of all special elements of the given array.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 297

Monday, Dec 2, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 298

Monday, Dec 2, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Maximal Square 10. TASK #2: Right Interval HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #298 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome a new guest contributor, Dorian ‘vxern’ Oszczeda to Team PWC. Thank you, Dorian, for sharing your first contributions in Uiua. Today is the first Monday of the month, which means it’s time to announce the next champion.

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Advent Calendar - December 1, 2024

Sunday, Dec 1, 2024 by Dave Jacoby Perl

Advent Calendar 2024 | Day 1 | Day 2 | The gift is presented by Dave Jacoby. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 250. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2024 from the original post. Leaping from Tree to Tree as They Float Down the Mighty Rivers of British Columbia Happy New Year to those who celebrate! Here we are at Weekly Challenge #250!

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Advent Calendar 2024

Sunday, Dec 1, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

| 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | Welcome to our 6th Advent Calendar. It doesn’t look real to be very honest, coming this far is a collective efforts of every Team PWC members. MON TUE WED

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 296

Monday, Nov 25, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 297

Monday, Nov 25, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Contiguous Array 10. TASK #2: Semi-Ordered Permutation HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #297 of The Weekly Challenge. Welcome back, Adam Russell and thanks for catching up with last week solutions in Perl and Prolog alongwith bonus blog post. Just one week left before the Advent Calendar kicks in.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 295

Monday, Nov 18, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 296

Monday, Nov 18, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: String Compression 10. TASK #2: Matchstick Square HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #296 of The Weekly Challenge. Welcome back, Luca Ferrari and thanks for sharing solutions in Raku, Python, Java and PostgreSQL. Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve noticed a slightly slower pace of participation.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 294

Monday, Nov 11, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 295

Monday, Nov 11, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Word Break 10. TASK #2: Jump Game HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #295 of The Weekly Challenge. Welcome back, Jorg Sommrey and thanks for sharing solutions to Week #290, Week #291, Week #292, Week #293 and Week #294. It is always pleasure to see contributions to past challenges.

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Multiple Inheritance vs Role

Thursday, Nov 7, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl

In the world of Perl, we all believe in this philosophy for Multiple Inheritance in general: Don’t use multiple inheritance if you can do it in any other way. To address this, there is a general consensus to use roles. Personally, I have never had to deal with multiple inheritance. Being a big fan of roles, I want to simplify the comparison for my own understanding. With the inclusion of Corinna in core Perl v5.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 293

Monday, Nov 4, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 294

Monday, Nov 4, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Consecutive Sequence 10. TASK #2: Next Permutation HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #294 of The Weekly Challenge. Today is the first Monday of the month and time to declare our next champion. With great pride, I declare Santiago Leyva as the Champion of the Month.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 292

Monday, Oct 28, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 293

Monday, Oct 28, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Similar Dominos 10. TASK #2: Boomerang HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #293 of The Weekly Challenge. It was a bit rough week for me as I am trying to get back to my usual routine. Also I was a bit busy with London Perl Workshop 2024.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 291

Monday, Oct 21, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 292

Monday, Oct 21, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Twice Largest 10. TASK #2: Zuma Game HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #292 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome two new Perl hackers, Tomasz Mucha and Pawel Kuciel to the Team PWC. Thank you, Tomasc Mucha, for your first contributions in Perl.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 290

Monday, Oct 14, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 291

Monday, Oct 14, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Middle Index 10. TASK #2: Poker Hand Rankings HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #291 of The Weekly Challenge. Thank you, Ryan Thompson, for back to back contributions in Perl and blog post. We received 72 guest contributions back to back. Thank you everyone. As of today, we received 2705 contributions in the year 2024 beating last year contributions 2629.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 289

Monday, Oct 7, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 290

Monday, Oct 7, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Double Exist 10. TASK #2: Luhn’s Algorithm HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #290 of The Weekly Challenge. Today is the first Monday of the month and time to declare our next champion. With great pride, I announce Roger Bell_West as our next champion. Thank you, Roger for your support and encouragements.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 288

Monday, Sep 30, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 287

Monday, Sep 23, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 288

Monday, Sep 23, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Closest Palindrome 10. TASK #2: Contiguous Block HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #288 of The Weekly Challenge. Welcome back, Luca Ferrari, and thanks for sharing solutions in Raku, Python, Java and PostgreSQL. Welcome back, Lubos Kolouch and thanks for sharing solutions in Perl and Python.

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The Weekly Challenge - 289

Monday, Sep 23, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Third Maximum 10. TASK #2: Jumbled Letters HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #289 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome one more Perl hacker, Andre Ploger to Team PWC and thanks for the first contributions in Perl and Go. Even we had blog post too.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 286

Monday, Sep 16, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 287

Monday, Sep 16, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Strong Password 10. TASK #2: Valid Number HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #287 of The Weekly Challenge. Thanks Torgny Lyon for sharing profile photo. Thanks Peter Penchtev for sharing solutions in Perl for the first time. Thank you, Conor Hoekstra, for catching up with solutions in BQN.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 285

Monday, Sep 9, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 286

Monday, Sep 9, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Self Spammer 10. TASK #2: Order Game HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #286 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome guest contributor, Peter Pentchev, to the Team PWC. Thanks for sharing solutions in Python and Rust. I have see many contributions in Python and Rust before but this seems to be truly complete solutions.

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The Weekly Challenge - 285

Monday, Sep 2, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: No Connection 10. TASK #2: Making Change HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #285 of The Weekly Challenge. First thing first, today is the first Monday of the month and time to declare the next champion. With great pleasure, I announce Mariano Ortega as the next Champion of the Month.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 284

Sunday, Sep 1, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 283

Monday, Aug 26, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 284

Monday, Aug 26, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Lucky Integer 10. TASK #2: Relative Sort HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #284 of The Weekly Challenge. Last week we had another member, Peter Meszaros joining Paulo Custodio dealing with past week challenges. It gives me immense pleasure to see the flood of regular contributions.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 282

Monday, Aug 19, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 283

Monday, Aug 19, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Unique Number 10. TASK #2: Digit Count Value HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #283 of The Weekly Challenge. Thank you, Paulo Custodio, for dealing with past weeks challenges. Kudos for your efforts. I know it is not easy and time consuming. It shows your love for Perl.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 281

Monday, Aug 12, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 282

Monday, Aug 12, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Good Integer 10. TASK #2: Changing Keys HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #282 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome two new Perl hackers, Kavya S P and GarciaAutomation to Team PWC. Thank you, GarciaAutomation, for sharing your first contributions in Perl.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 280

Monday, Aug 5, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 281

Monday, Aug 5, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Check Color 10. TASK #2: Knight’s Move HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #281 of The Weekly Challenge. Today is the first Monday of the month and time to declare our next champion. With great pride, I announce Andrew Schneider as the next Champion of the Month.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 279

Monday, Jul 29, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 280

Monday, Jul 29, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Twice Appearance 10. TASK #2: Count Asterisks HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #280 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome two new guest contributors, Tymoteusz Moryto and Richard Loveland to Team PWC. Thank you, Tymoteusz, for sharing solution to Task #1 and Task #2 in Uiua.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 278

Sunday, Jul 21, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 279

Sunday, Jul 21, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Sort Letters 10. TASK #2: Split String HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #279 of The Weekly Challenge. Thank you, Cheok-Yin Fung, for sharing contributions in Lisp for [Week #258 | Week #271 | Week #273 | Week #278]. Welcome back, Lance Wicks, and thanks for sharing solution to Task #1 in Perl.

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The Weekly Challenge - 278

Monday, Jul 15, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Sort String 10. TASK #2: Reverse Word HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #278 of The Weekly Challenge. I was hoping to see the historical win for England in the final of UEFA Euro 2024. Unfortunately we were outplayed by the energetic Spain. Honestly speaking, Football is the only sport where I wholeheartedly support Team England.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 277

Sunday, Jul 14, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 276

Monday, Jul 8, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 277

Monday, Jul 8, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Count Common 10. TASK #2: Strong Pair HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #277 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us welcome new member, Mariano Ortega, an experl Perl hacker from Argentina. He shared his first contributions in Perl. We have been surprised by Ryan Thompson contribution this week.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 275

Monday, Jul 1, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 276

Monday, Jul 1, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Complete Day 10. TASK #2: Maximum Frequency HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #276 of The Weekly Challenge. Today is the first Monday of the month and time to declare the next champion. With great pride, I declare Jaldhar H. Vyas as our next champion for the second time.

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What's new in Perl v5.40?

Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl

Perl, the most versatile and powerful programming language, continues to evolve. With the addition of Corinna to the core Perl, I look forward to every release for new features. On 9th June 2024, we had the latest release Perl v5.40 public. There have been significant enhancements in this release. You can checkout the main attraction yourself. In this post, I would like to share my personal favourites. 1. New __CLASS__ keyword 2.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 274

Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 275

Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Broken Keys 10. TASK #2: Replace Digits HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #275 of The Weekly Challenge. Thank you, Andrew Shitov, for yet another quality Raku review for Week #273. Last 5 weeks mainstream contribution stats. Thank you Team PWC for your support and encouragements.

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Andrew Shitov Weekly Review: Challenge - 273

Tuesday, Jun 18, 2024 by Andrew Shitov Raku

Raku Solutions Weekly Review Note from the Reviewer This week’s review has been generated by ChatGPT, an AI language model. The AI has analyzed the submitted solutions for both tasks and grouped them based on the methods and features used. It also includes the AI's own solutions for each task. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and clarity of the review, please feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 273

Monday, Jun 17, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 274

Monday, Jun 17, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Goat Latin 10. TASK #2: Bus Route HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #274 of The Weekly Challenge. Last week, we had agressive contributions, thanks to every members of Team PWC. Welcome back, Joelle Maslak and thanks for sharing solutions in Go, Perl and Raku.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 272

Monday, Jun 10, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 273

Monday, Jun 10, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Percentage of Character 10. TASK #2: B After A HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #273 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome two new members, Chazzka and Santiago Leyva. Chazzka in the first week shared solution in Coconut. Santiago Levya shared solution in Perl in the very first week.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 271

Monday, Jun 3, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 272

Monday, Jun 3, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Defang IP Address 10. TASK #2: String Score HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #272 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome new member Andrew Schneider, an experienced Perl hacker. Thank you for sharing solutions in Perl and Haskell in the very first week.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 270

Monday, May 27, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 271

Monday, May 27, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Maximum Ones 10. TASK #2: Sort by 1 bits HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #271 of The Weekly Challenge. Thank you. Lance Wicks, for yet another contribution in Perl. I would also like to thank, Nelo Tovar, for getting back to me with regard to the prize money.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 269

Monday, May 20, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 270

Monday, May 20, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Special Positions 10. TASK #2: Equalize Array HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #270 of The Weekly Challenge. Thank you, Andrew Shitov, for yet another Raku review for Week #268. Did you notice, in recent time, we are exploring guest languages more than the primary languages Perl and Raku?

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Andrew Shitov Weekly Review: Challenge - 268

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 by Andrew Shitov Raku

Raku Solutions Weekly Review Pre-thoughts The first task was to find the magic number that, when added to every item of the first array, converts the array in such a way that all the numbers that you get after the addition are found in the second array of the same length. Sounds messy, but it effectively means that if you sort both arrays, then the difference between their corresponding elements is constant.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 268

Monday, May 13, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 269

Monday, May 13, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Bitwise OR 10. TASK #2: Distribute Elements HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #269 of The Weekly Challenge. One more language, Nu, added to the guest lanuages, thanks to Asher Harvey-Smith. You can find the solution to Task #1 and Task #2 in Nu.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 267

Sunday, May 5, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 268

Sunday, May 5, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Magic Number 10. TASK #2: Number Game HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #268 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome, Princy Mangla from India to Team PWC. She was one of the applicants of Outreachy Program. She first shared solutions to Week #263 in Perl.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 266

Monday, Apr 29, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 267

Monday, Apr 29, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Product Sign 10. TASK #2: Line Counts HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #267 of The Weekly Challenge. I would like to thank, Lance Wicks, for yet another contribution in Perl. Jorg Sommrey pointed out that we have finally reached the 1000th pull request by Peter Meszaros.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 265

Monday, Apr 22, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 266

Monday, Apr 22, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Uncommon Words 10. TASK #2: X Matrix HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #266 of The Weekly Challenge. Normally we focus on varieties of solutions in different languages every week but never talked about blog post we received every week. We have handful of regulars who blog every week without fail.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 264

Monday, Apr 15, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 265

Monday, Apr 15, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: 33% Appearance 10. TASK #2: Completing Word HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #265 of The Weekly Challenge. Thank you, Andrew Shitov, for reviewing Raku solutions for the Week #263. This was 2 in a row. Thank you, Andrew, for the reviews. Welcome back, Clifton Wood and thanks for sharing solutions in Raku.

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Andrew Shitov Weekly Review: Challenge - 263

Monday, Apr 8, 2024 by Andrew Shitov Raku

Raku Solutions Weekly Review Task 1 In the first task, you have an array of integers @ints and a target number $k. You need to print the indices of those elements, which are equal to the target, but you need to search in the sorted source data. Thoughts What does Raku offer that can be used in this task? First, the sort routine, which you can use as a method or as a stand-alone function:

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 263

Monday, Apr 8, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 264

Monday, Apr 8, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Greatest English Letter 10. TASK #2: Target Array HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #264 of The Weekly Challenge. Thank you, Andrew Shitov, for reviewing Raku solutions for the Week #262. There was a time when we used to have weekly reviews of both Perl and Raku solutions.

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Andrew Shitov Weekly Review: Challenge - 262

Sunday, Apr 7, 2024 by Andrew Shitov Raku

Raku Solutions Weekly Review Task 1 The first task was to find and display the number of either positive or negative integers, whatever is larger. Let us start from the easy part. In Raku, there is a a built-in max function (or method if you want to use an object notation: @array.max). So, the code is: say max($neg, $pos); where $neg and $pos are the numbers of negative and positive data items in the original array.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 262

Monday, Apr 1, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 263

Monday, Apr 1, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Target Index 10. TASK #2: Merge Items HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #263 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome, Reinier Maliepaard from Netherlands to Team PWC. He shared solutions to the Week 260 and Week 262. We have interviewed champion Nelo Tovar finally.

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Meet The Champion: January 2024

Monday, Mar 25, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl

Get to know about Nelo Tovar Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we declared Kjetil Skotheim, the winner of December 2023. Today we are talking to Nelo Tovar, the winner of January 2024 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Nelo: I graduated as a Computer Engineer from UCLA (Barquisimeto - Venezuela) in Nov/1992.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 261

Monday, Mar 25, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 262

Monday, Mar 25, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Max Positive Negative 10. TASK #2: Count Equal Divisible HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #262 of The Weekly Challenge. As we all know, we regularly receive solutions in guest languages. Python is the leading language in the list. Last week, two more languages added to the list, thanks to Ali Moradi and Lance Wicks.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 260

Monday, Mar 18, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 261

Monday, Mar 18, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Element Digit Sum 10. TASK #2: Multiply by Two HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #261 of The Weekly Challenge. Just a quick update with regard to the work carried out by Outreachy Applicants, we now have new shiny homepage and new logo. We are working on new interactive user interface.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 259

Monday, Mar 11, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 260

Monday, Mar 11, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Unique Occurrences 10. TASK #2: Dictionary Rank HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #260 of The Weekly Challenge. Did I tell you that I submitted The Weekly Challenge project to the upcoming Outreachy Program sponsored by TPRF? Well, it is first time for us. Last week, we started getting response from applicants of the program.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 258

Monday, Mar 4, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 259

Monday, Mar 4, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Banking Day Offset 10. TASK #2: Line Parser HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #259 of The Weekly Challenge. This week tasks are proposed by Lee Johnson and Gabor Szabo. It is an honour for me that we get so much support from the Perl community.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 257

Monday, Feb 26, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 258

Monday, Feb 26, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Count Even Digits Number 10. TASK #2: Sum of Values HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #258 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome Ruth Holloway who joined the Team PWC as a guest contributor to start with. She has contributed solutions in COBOL.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 256

Monday, Feb 19, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 257

Monday, Feb 19, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Smaller than Current 10. TASK #2: Reduced Row Echelon HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #257 of The Weekly Challenge. What a pleasant surprise to see Andrew Shitov back and sharing solutions in Raku. Welcome back, Clifton Wood and thanks for sharing solutions in Raku.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 255

Monday, Feb 12, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 256

Monday, Feb 12, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Maximum Pairs 10. TASK #2: Merge Strings HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #256 of The Weekly Challenge. Last 5 weeks mainstream contribution stats. Thank you Team PWC for your support and encouragements. Week  Perl Raku Blog 251 51 33 23 252 54 35 23 253 53 29 25 254 53 32 26 255 55 30 26 Last 5 weeks guest contribution stats.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 254

Monday, Feb 5, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 255

Monday, Feb 5, 2024 by Mohammad Sajid Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Odd Character 10. TASK #2: Most Frequent Word HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #255 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome, Archar Gelod to Team PWC. He shared his first contributions in Nim. Recently joined guest contributor, Alex Wilson, shared his first blog post where he discussed his solutions in Uiua.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 253

Monday, Jan 29, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 254

Monday, Jan 29, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Three Power 10. TASK #2: Reverse Vowels HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #254 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome, Alex Wilson from London to the Team PWC. In the first week itself, he shared solutions in Uiua. Arne Sommer, master of Raku programming language mostly but occasionaly also shares solutions in Perl.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 252

Monday, Jan 22, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 253

Monday, Jan 22, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Split Strings 10. TASK #2: Weakest Row HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #253 of The Weekly Challenge. E. Choroba usually shares solutions in Perl but last week he shared solutions in C++ as well. Joao Felipe shared solutions in Uiua. While I am talking about guest contributions, there is one contributor, Eric Cheung, who regularly contributes solutions in Python on day one itself.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 251

Monday, Jan 15, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 252

Monday, Jan 15, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Special Numbers 10. TASK #2: Unique Sum Zero HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #252 of The Weekly Challenge. New year keep bringing new member to the team. Last week, we had new member, Scott Sotka, joining Team PWC. He has contributed solutions to Task #1 and Task #2 in Raku.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 250

Monday, Jan 8, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 251

Monday, Jan 8, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Concatenation Value 10. TASK #2: Lucky Numbers HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #251 of The Weekly Challenge. What a nice way to start the new year with two new members, Andrew Mehta and Mustafa Aydin joining the Team PWC. In fact, Andrew shared solution to Task #1 of Week #249.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 249

Monday, Jan 1, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 250

Monday, Jan 1, 2024 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Smallest Index 10. TASK #2: Alphanumeric String Value HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #250 of The Weekly Challenge. Happy New Year 2024 everyone. I hope it brings all the happiness in your life. We all reached another milestone, i.e. entered the Week #250 of the weekly challenge.

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Advent Calendar - December 25, 2023

Monday, Dec 25, 2023 by Cheok-Yin Fung Perl

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 24 | Day 25 | The gift is presented by Cheok-Yin Fung. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 246. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. CY’s Take on The Weekly Challenge #246 ‐ Uniqueness Task 1: 6 out of 49 Instead of picking out the balls from a box, we can imagine we line up a set of balls labelled 1, 2, 3 .

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Advent Calendar 2023

Monday, Dec 25, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

| 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | Welcome to our 5th Advent Calendar. We have had enormous amount of blog post shared by Team PWC members. In this edition of Advent Calendar, we are going to pick some of the best creative work by the expert members of Team PWC. MON

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 248

Monday, Dec 25, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 249

Monday, Dec 25, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Equal Pairs 10. TASK #2: DI String Match HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #249 of The Weekly Challenge. Merry Christmas everyone !!! I wish Team PWC members great success in everything they do. I pray new year brings good luck to all. Please do enjoy quality time with your family and loved ones.

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Advent Calendar - December 24, 2023

Sunday, Dec 24, 2023 by Jorg Sommrey Perl

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 23 | Day 24 | Day 25 | The gift is presented by Jorg Sommrey. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 243. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Count the Pairs on the Floor Task 1: Reverse Pairs You are given an array of integers. Write a script to return the number of reverse pairs in the given array.

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Advent Calendar - December 23, 2023

Saturday, Dec 23, 2023 by Ian Rifkin Perl, Raku, Python

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 22 | Day 23 | Day 24 | The gift is presented by Ian Rifkin. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 240. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. A.A.B.A. (Acronym And Build Array) Task 1: Acronym You are given an array of strings and a check string. Write a script to find out if the check string is the acronym of the words in the given array.

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Advent Calendar - December 22, 2023

Friday, Dec 22, 2023 by Augie De Blieck Jr. Perl

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 21 | Day 22 | Day 23 | The gift is presented by Augie De Blieck Jr.. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 238. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. The Weekly Challenge began as a Perl-focused exercise but has since expanded to let any and all languages in. It’s still mostly Perl, but I’ll be using it as an avenue to explore other languages, as well.

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Advent Calendar - December 21, 2023

Thursday, Dec 21, 2023 by Yves Orton Perl

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | The gift is presented by Yves Orton. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 237. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Seize The Day - Simple Rules The Day My solution was based on using Time::Local to compute the epoch for noon on the first day of the month, and then stepping forward by day until the required day of week has been found, and then stepping forward by week until the required repetition of that day has been found, or we ran off the end of the calender month.

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Advent Calendar - December 20, 2023

Wednesday, Dec 20, 2023 by Jaldhar H. Vyas Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | The gift is presented by Jaldhar H. Vyas. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 235. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Challenge 1: Remove One You are given an array of integers. Write a script to find out if removing ONLY one integer makes it strictly increasing order.

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Advent Calendar - December 19, 2023

Tuesday, Dec 19, 2023 by Packy Anderson Perl, Raku, Python

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | The gift is presented by Packy Anderson. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 234. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Common, but Unequal, Triplet Characters Ok, trying to be creative with my title for this week’s Perl Weekly Challenge 334 blog title is probably a miss.

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Advent Calendar - December 18, 2023

Monday, Dec 18, 2023 by Lubos Kolouch Perl, Python

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | The gift is presented by Lubos Kolouch. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 233. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Task 1 - Similar Words Introduction Programming often presents challenges that may seem trivial at first glance, but when delved into, bring out intriguing nuances.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 247

Monday, Dec 18, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 248

Monday, Dec 18, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Shortest Distance 10. TASK #2: Submatrix Sum HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #248 of The Weekly Challenge. Happy Holiday season to Team PWC members. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each member for the support and encouragement. With new year just couple of weeks behind, let us all enjoy the holiday break.

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Advent Calendar - December 17, 2023

Sunday, Dec 17, 2023 by Luca Ferrari Raku

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | The gift is presented by Luca Ferrari. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 228. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Sums and Swaps PWC 228 - Task 1 - Raku Implementation You are given an array of integers. Write a script to find out the sum of unique elements in the given array.

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Advent Calendar - December 16, 2023

Saturday, Dec 16, 2023 by Andrew Shitov Raku

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 15 | Day 16 | Day 17 | The gift is presented by Andrew Shitov. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 227. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Counting Fridays the 13th in Raku The Task 1 of the Weekly Challenge 227 is the following: You are given a year number in the range 1753 to 9999.

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Advent Calendar - December 15, 2023

Friday, Dec 15, 2023 by Adam Russell Perl

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 14 | Day 15 | Day 16 | The gift is presented by Adam Russell. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 225. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Sentenced To Compute Differences The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution. Part 1 You are given a list of sentences.

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Advent Calendar - December 14, 2023

Thursday, Dec 14, 2023 by Roger Bell_West Perl, JavaScript

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 13 | Day 14 | Day 15 | The gift is presented by Roger Bell_West. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 223. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Counting Boxes Task 1: Count Primes You are given a positive integer, $n. Write a script to find the total count of primes less than or equal to the given integer.

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Advent Calendar - December 13, 2023

Wednesday, Dec 13, 2023 by Arne Sommer Raku

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | The gift is presented by Arne Sommer. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 222. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Raku Members Challenge #222.1: Matching Members You are given a list of positive integers, @ints. Write a script to find the total matching members after sorting the list increasing order.

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Advent Calendar - December 12, 2023

Tuesday, Dec 12, 2023 by Simon Green Perl, Python

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | The gift is presented by Simon Green. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 220. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Common Squares Weekly Challenge 220 This is the second consecutive week I’ve done the task and written the blog 40,000+ feet in the air.

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Advent Calendar - December 11, 2023

Monday, Dec 11, 2023 by W. Luis Mochan Perl

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | The gift is presented by W. Luis Mochan. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 219. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Task 1: Sorted Squares Write a script to square each number in the list and return the sorted list, increasing order. Example 1 Input: @list = (-2, -1, 0, 3, 4) Output: (0, 1, 4, 9, 16) Example 2 Input: @list = (5, -4, -1, 3, 6) Output: (1, 9, 16, 25, 36) This can be solved by just following the instructions: square an sort.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 246

Monday, Dec 11, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 247

Monday, Dec 11, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Secret Santa 10. TASK #2: Most Frequent Letter Pair HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #247 of The Weekly Challenge. Please checkout the interview with the latest champion, Peter Meszaros. Thank you for prompt response. We also got the interview done with the past champion, BarrOff.

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Advent Calendar - December 10, 2023

Sunday, Dec 10, 2023 by Stephen G Lynn Perl

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | The gift is presented by Stephen G Lynn. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 217. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Challenge 1 (Sorted Matrix) We are given a n by n matrix of numbers, and asked to report the third-smallest number in the matrix.

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Meet The Champion: August 2023

Sunday, Dec 10, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

Get to know about BarrOff Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we declared Mariano Spadaccini, the winner of July 2023. Today we are talking to BarrOff, the winner of August 2023 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? BarrOff: After graduating school I studied chemistry but towards the end of my bachelors it became obvious that I want to do something computer science related.

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Meet The Champion: November 2023

Sunday, Dec 10, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Get to know about Peter Meszaros Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we declared Packy Anderson, the winner of October 2023. Today we are talking to Peter Meszaros, the winner of November 2023 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Peter: I received my MSc.E.E. at BME Budapest in 1987 then I worked for Hungarian power system.

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Advent Calendar - December 9, 2023

Saturday, Dec 9, 2023 by Robbie Hatley Perl

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | The gift is presented by Robbie Hatley. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 215. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Task 1: Odd one Out "You are given a list of words (alphabetic characters only) of same size. Write a script to remove all words not sorted alphabetically and print the number of words in the list that are not alphabetically sorted.

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Advent Calendar - December 8, 2023

Friday, Dec 8, 2023 by Flavio Poletti Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | The gift is presented by Flavio Poletti. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 214. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. The challenge You are given a list of numbers. You will perform a series of removal operations. For each operation, you remove from the list N (one or more) equal and consecutive numbers, and add to your score N × N.

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Advent Calendar - December 7, 2023

Thursday, Dec 7, 2023 by Matthias Muth Perl

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | The gift is presented by Matthias Muth. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 213. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Task 1: Fun Sort You are given a list of positive integers. Write a script to sort the all even integers first then all odds in ascending order.

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Advent Calendar - December 6, 2023

Wednesday, Dec 6, 2023 by Peter Campbell Smith Perl

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | The gift is presented by Peter Campbell Smith. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 212. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Lead to Gold and 1 2 3 Task - Jumping letters You are given a word having alphabetic characters only, and a list of positive integers of the same length.

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Advent Calendar - December 5, 2023

Tuesday, Dec 5, 2023 by Avery Adams Perl

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | The gift is presented by Avery Adams. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 210. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Perl Weekly Challenge #210 I’m back this week with PWC #210. Last week I was very busy and spent a long time reviewing other peoples’ far more efficient solutions to #208, so I didn’t get to doing any solutions for #209.

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Advent Calendar - December 4, 2023

Monday, Dec 4, 2023 by Dave Jacoby Perl

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | The gift is presented by Dave Jacoby. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 209. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Give A Little Bit Welcome to Weekly Challenge #209. I can’t do another HTTP.cats pic because 209 is not an assigned HTTP response code, but it is the area code for a huge part of central California, including Calaveras county, made famous by Mark Twain and The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 245

Monday, Dec 4, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 246

Monday, Dec 4, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: 6 out of 49 10. TASK #2: Linear Recurrence of Second Order HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #246 of The Weekly Challenge. Today is the first monday of the month and time to declare next champion. With great pleasure, I would like to announce, Peter Meszaros as the next champion of the weekly challenge.

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Advent Calendar - December 3, 2023

Sunday, Dec 3, 2023 by James Smith Perl

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | The gift is presented by James Smith. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 208. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Task 1: Minimum Index Sum You are given two arrays of strings. Write a script to find out all common strings in the given two arrays with minimum index sum.

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Advent Calendar - December 2, 2023

Saturday, Dec 2, 2023 by Bob Lied Perl

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | The gift is presented by Bob Lied. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 206. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Task : Array Pairings Perl Weekly Challenge number 206 has a task called "Array Pairings" to solve: You are given an array of integers having even number of elements.

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Advent Calendar - December 1, 2023

Friday, Dec 1, 2023 by Laurent Rosenfeld Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2023 | Day 1 | Day 2 | The gift is presented by Laurent Rosenfeld. Today he is talking about his solution to The Weekly Challenge - 205. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2023 from the original post. Task #1: Third Highest You are given an array of integers. Write a script to find out the Third Highest if found otherwise return the maximum. Example 1 Input: @array = (5,3,4) Output: 3 First highest is 5.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 244

Monday, Nov 27, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 245

Monday, Nov 27, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Sort Language 10. TASK #2: Largest of Three HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #245 of The Weekly Challenge. I am sure you all have noticed the popularity of Python among the team members. It is the top most loved programming language after Perl and Raku.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 243

Monday, Nov 20, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 244

Monday, Nov 20, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Count Smaller 10. TASK #2: Group Hero HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #244 of The Weekly Challenge. Just a gentle reminder that we would be preparing Advent Calendar 2023 very soon. If you want any of your past blog to be part of this year Advent Calendar then please do share your blog post link to perlweeklychallenge@yahoo.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 242

Monday, Nov 13, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 243

Monday, Nov 13, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Reverse Pairs 10. TASK #2: Floor Sum HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #243 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome two new members to Team PWC i.e. Robert McIntosh and Nelo Tovar. We received the first blog post by Robert McIntosh. Nelo Tovar shared his first contributions to the Task #1 and Task #2 in Perl.

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Meet The Champion: October 2023

Sunday, Nov 12, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

Get to know about Packy Anderson Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we declared Robbie Hatley, the winner of September 2023. Today we are talking to Packy Anderson, the winner of October 2023 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Packy: My mother learned how to code in the Navy flipping bits on the console of a UNIVAC (and wrote some of the code in NTDS) and her father had been a systems analyst for ConEdison, so the last thing I wanted to do was work with computers.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 241

Monday, Nov 6, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 242

Monday, Nov 6, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Missing Members 10. TASK #2: Flip Matrix HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #242 of The Weekly Challenge. Once again, it is time to declare the next champion as today is the first monday of the month. With great pleasure, I announce Packy Anderson as the next champion of the weekly challenge.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 240

Monday, Oct 30, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 241

Monday, Oct 30, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Arithmetic Triplets 10. TASK #2: Prime Order HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #241 of The Weekly Challenge. Last week, I shared a report by rcmlz about Raku Benchmark Scabality. It created buzz among Team PWC members. It is always nice to hear positive response.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 239

Monday, Oct 23, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 240

Monday, Oct 23, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Acronym 10. TASK #2: Build Array HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #240 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome Raghu R., lacek96 and Magnus Markling to the Team PWC. We now have 300 regular contributors and 20 guest contributors. A new guest language Uiua is introduced by two guest contributors Conor Hoekstra and Magnus Markling.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 238

Monday, Oct 16, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 239

Monday, Oct 16, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Same String 10. TASK #2: Consistent Strings HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #239 of The Weekly Challenge. Thank you, Robbie Hatley for the prompt response and sharing the interview. Let us all welcome another Perl hacker, Augie De Blieck Jr., to the Team PWC.

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Meet The Champion: September 2023

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Get to know about Robbie Hatley Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we declared BarrOff, the winner of August 2023. Today we are talking to Robbie Hatley, the winner of September 2023 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Robbie: I’m a Computer Programmer and Electronics Engineer, among other things. I started programming as a college student in 1973 on the twin IBM-370 Computers at Orange Coast College (Costa Mesa, California), using APL, Fortran, JCL, and BASIC.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 237

Monday, Oct 9, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 238

Monday, Oct 9, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Running Sum 10. TASK #2: Persistence Sort HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #238 of The Weekly Challenge. A member of Team PWC raised an issue that I want to share with others with regard to the Task #1 of Week #235. It turns out most of the linear solutions to that challenge are broken.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 236

Monday, Oct 2, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 237

Monday, Oct 2, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Seize The Day 10. TASK #2: Maximise Greatness HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #237 of The Weekly Challenge. I finally managed to get the interview done with the champion, Mariano Spadaccini. A polite reminder to all champions who haven’t responded the interview request. Please do share your story with us when you get time.

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Meet The Champion: July 2023

Saturday, Sep 30, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Get to know about Mariano Spadaccini Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we declared Avery Adams, the winner of June 2023. Today we are talking to Mariano Spadaccini, the winner of July 2023 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Mariano: From age 10 to 14I loved programming in Basic 1.0 on CPC 464.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 235

Monday, Sep 25, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 236

Monday, Sep 25, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Exact Change 10. TASK #2: Array Loops HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #236 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome two new members to the Team PWC, Yves Orton and Asher Harvey-Smith. Last 5 weeks mainstream contribution stats. Thank you Team PWC for your support and encouragements.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 234

Monday, Sep 18, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 235

Monday, Sep 18, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Remove One 10. TASK #2: Duplicate Zeros HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #235 of The Weekly Challenge. I would like to share something that a member of Team PWC has been working on for sometime as listed below: 1. Remove empty dirs 2. Initial proposal for Raku scalability-benchmark I would appreciate if you all can also contribute with your suggestions and ideas.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 233

Monday, Sep 11, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 234

Monday, Sep 11, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Common Characters 10. TASK #2: Unequal Triplets HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #234 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome, mauke, an expert in Perl to the Team PWC. Last 5 weeks mainstream contribution stats. Thank you Team PWC for your support and encouragements.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 231

Monday, Sep 4, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 233

Monday, Sep 4, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Similar Words 10. TASK #2: Frequency Sort HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #233 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome two new members, Clifton Wood and Macy TY to the Team PWC. Today is the first Monday of the month and we have a new champion, BarrOff.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 230

Monday, Aug 21, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 231

Monday, Aug 21, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Min Max 10. TASK #2: Senior Citizens HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #231 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome new member, rcmlz, to the Team PWC. This week challenge is the struggle work from place where I hardly had stable internet. Somehow I am managing it.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 229

Monday, Aug 14, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 230

Monday, Aug 14, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Separate Digits 10. TASK #2: Count Words HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #230 of The Weekly Challenge. This week challenge is coming from my native town, Jamshedpur, India. Last 5 weeks mainstream contribution stats. Thank you Team PWC for your support and encouragements.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 228

Sunday, Aug 6, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 229

Sunday, Aug 6, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Lexicographic Order 10. TASK #2: Two out of Three HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #229 of The Weekly Challenge. This week challenge is coming from my native town, Jamshedpur, India. Today is the first Monday of the month and time to declare our next champion.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 227

Monday, Jul 31, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 228

Monday, Jul 31, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Unique Sum 10. TASK #2: Empty Array HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #228 of The Weekly Challenge. I would like to share with the Team PWC that I am going on 3 weeks holiday to India this Friday 4th Aug 2023. During the holiday, there would be big delays in accepting the contributions and updating the charts.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 226

Monday, Jul 24, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 227

Monday, Jul 24, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Friday 13th 10. TASK #2: Roman Maths HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #227 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome two new members, Packy Anderson and Adriaan Dens to the Team PWC. Thank you Peter Campbell Smith for the proposed tasks of Week #227.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 225

Monday, Jul 17, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 226

Monday, Jul 17, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Shuffle String 10. TASK #2: Zero Array HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #226 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome a new member, Dan Friedman, an expert Perl hacker to the Team PWC. We got the detailed conversation with the latest champion, Avery Adams.

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Meet The Champion: June 2023

Thursday, Jul 13, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Get to know about Avery Adams Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we declared Matthias Muth, the winner of May 2023. Today we are talking to Avery Adams, the winner of June 2023 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Avery: My father was an Electrical Engineer for a major printer manufacturer, and had a long history learning computer skills in the computer lab in his high school as well.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 224

Monday, Jul 10, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 225

Monday, Jul 10, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Max Words 10. TASK #2: Left Right Sum Diff HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #225 of The Weekly Challenge. I would like to apologize for declaring Matthias Muth twice champion. It shows my mental state. Let me get this correct first. So the champion of month, June 2023, is Avery Adams.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 223

Monday, Jul 3, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 224

Monday, Jul 3, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Special Notes 10. TASK #2: Additive Number HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #224 of The Weekly Challenge. I am missing one of the most regular member, Duncan C. White. I hope he is fine and would come back to the weekly fun soon.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 222

Monday, Jun 26, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 223

Monday, Jun 26, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Count Primes 10. TASK #2: Box Coins HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #223 of The Weekly Challenge. Last week we had two comebacks, Colin Crain and Dave Jacoby. You really don’t want to miss out the blog posts by them i.e. Last Number Standing and Member-ship has its Privileges.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 221

Monday, Jun 19, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 222

Monday, Jun 19, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Matching Members 10. TASK #2: Last Member HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #222 of The Weekly Challenge. Just a quick update about my dad, I lost him last Monday. May his soul Rest in Peace. Thank you everyone for the kind messages. Let us all welcome Andreas Voegele, an expert Perl hacker from Stuttgart, Germany to the Team PWC.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 220

Monday, Jun 12, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 221

Monday, Jun 12, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Good Strings 10. TASK #2: Arithmetic Subsequence HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #221 of The Weekly Challenge. First thing first, let us all welcome new member, John Horner from Sydney, Australia to the Team PWC. I know I didn’t declare the champion last week, sorry.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 219

Monday, Jun 5, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 220

Sunday, Jun 4, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Common Characters 10. TASK #2: Squareful HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #220 of The Weekly Challenge. This week challenge is coming from a small town Jamshedpur in India as I had to make emergency visit to see my dad. He is still in ICU.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 218

Monday, May 29, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 219

Monday, May 29, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Sorted Squares 10. TASK #2: Travel Expenditure HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #219 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome a new guest contributor to Team PWC, Andrea Piseri. Thank you for your first contributions in BQN. Thank you, BarrOff for introducing new guest language V Lang.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 217

Monday, May 22, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 218

Monday, May 22, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Maximum Product 10. TASK #2: Matrix Score HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #218 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome a new member to Team PWC, Israel C. Batista. Thank you for your first contributions in Perl. Today, we are giving away Coupon #41 to Rob Turner for the book, Learning Perl Exercises by brian d foy.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 216

Monday, May 15, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 217

Monday, May 15, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Sorted Matrix 10. TASK #2: Max Number HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #217 of The Weekly Challenge. Today, we are giving away Coupon #40 to Mark Anderson for the book, Learning Perl Exercises by brian d foy. I will share the details with you in a separate email.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 215

Monday, May 8, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 216

Monday, May 8, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Registration Number 10. TASK #2: Word Stickers HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #216 of The Weekly Challenge. We have a new member RibTips in the Team PWC sharing the first contributions in Perl. Welcome back Lance Wicks after the break. We all missed you.

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Meet The Champion: December 2022

Sunday, May 7, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

Get to know about Ali Moradi Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we declared Bruce Gray, the winner of November 2022. Today we are talking to Ali Moradi, the winner of December 2022 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Ali: I first got interested in programming and programming languages by translating some Python articles to Persian for a website when I was in secondary school.

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Meet The Champion: April 2023

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Get to know about Thomas Kohler Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we declared David Ferrone, the winner of March 2023. Today we are talking to Thomas Kohler, the winner of April 2023 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Thomas: Growing up on a farm, I learned a lot to improvise: When a machine was broken, we fixed it with whatever was available.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 214

Monday, May 1, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 215

Monday, May 1, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Odd one Out 10. TASK #2: Number Placement HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #215 of The Weekly Challenge. Today is the first Monday of the month and time to declare the next champion. With great pride, we announce Thomas Kohler as our next champion.

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Meet The Champion: February 2023

Thursday, Apr 27, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Get to know about Solathian Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we declared Bob Lied, the winner of January 2023. Today we are talking to Solathian, the winner of February 2023 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Solathian: I’m an Electrical Egineer working as an embedded SW developer in the Automotive industry.

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Meet The Champion: March 2023

Thursday, Apr 27, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Get to know about David Ferrone Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we spoke to Solathian, the winner of February 2023. Today we are talking to David Ferrone, the winner of March 2023 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? David: We had a PC in the house around 1992, I was eight and it ended up in my bedroom.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 213

Monday, Apr 24, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 214

Monday, Apr 24, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Rank Score 10. TASK #2: Collect Points HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #214 of The Weekly Challenge. Last week we decided to give away FREE book coupon to Leo Manfredi but unfortunately we don’t have his email address. I request Leo please share your email to perlweeklychallenge@yahoo.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 212

Monday, Apr 17, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 213

Monday, Apr 17, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Fun Sort 10. TASK #2: Shortest Route HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #213 of The Weekly Challenge. Today, we are giving away Coupon #36 to Leo Manfredi for the book, Learning Perl Exercises by brian d foy. I will share the details with you in a separate email.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 211

Monday, Apr 10, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 212

Monday, Apr 10, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Jumping Letters 10. TASK #2: Rearrange Groups HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #212 of The Weekly Challenge. Today, we are giving away Coupon #35 to Matthias Muth for the book, Learning Perl Exercises by brian d foy. I will share the details with you in a separate email.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 210

Monday, Apr 3, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 211

Monday, Apr 3, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Toeplitz Matrix 10. TASK #2: Split Same Average HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #211 of The Weekly Challenge. Let us all welcome, Shimon Bollinger, to the Team PWC. He is a Raku hacker from United States. Today is the first Monday of the month and time to declare our next champion.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 209

Monday, Mar 27, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 210

Monday, Mar 27, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Kill and Win 10. TASK #2: Number Collision HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #210 of The Weekly Challenge. Two days ago i.e. 25 March 2023, we completed 4 years of weekly challenge. Hard to believe to be honest. It has been a long and fun journey with you all.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 208

Monday, Mar 20, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 209

Monday, Mar 20, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Special Bit Characters 10. TASK #2: Merge Account HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #209 of The Weekly Challenge. We have new guest Simon Dueck joined Team PWC and shared solutions to Week #207 and Week #208 in F#. E. Alvarez blog post sharing Javascript magic once again.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 207

Monday, Mar 13, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 208

Monday, Mar 13, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Minimum Index Sum 10. TASK #2: Duplicate and Missing HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #208 of The Weekly Challenge. Please do accept my apology for the late release of the weekly challenge. Thank you for your kind messages. It means a lot. Did you notice, we now have over 10,000+ solutions in Perl?

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 206

Monday, Mar 6, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 207

Monday, Mar 6, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Keyboard Word 10. TASK #2: H-Index HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #207 of The Weekly Challenge. E. Alvarez blog post for you to keep you engaged. First Monday of the month and time to declare next champion. With great pleasure, I announce Solathian as our next champion.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 205

Monday, Feb 27, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 206

Monday, Feb 27, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Shortest Time 10. TASK #2: Array Pairings HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #206 of The Weekly Challenge. We have one more addition to the Team PWC, an experience Perl hacker by the name Avery Adams. Thanks for sharing solutions in Perl. E. Alvarez is back to blogging again and we have another gem from him.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 204

Monday, Feb 20, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 205

Monday, Feb 20, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Third Highest 10. TASK #2: Maximum XOR HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #205 of The Weekly Challenge. Last week, we had 2 new members joinging the Team PWC and both are Perl hackers (Matthias Muth and Tyler Bird). Matthias even shared blog post with solutions in Perl.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 203

Monday, Feb 13, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 204

Monday, Feb 13, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Monotonic Array 10. TASK #2: Reshape Matrix HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #204 of The Weekly Challenge. Every time, I try harder I find myself in a big trouble. I should take it easy, rather. You all must have noticed in recent weeks, the delay in the processing the regular contributions.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 202

Monday, Feb 6, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 203

Monday, Feb 6, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Special Quadruplets 10. TASK #2: Copy Directory HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #203 of The Weekly Challenge. We have a new member from Russia last week, Valerii Dundukov. Welcome on board. Today is the first Monday of the month and time to declare our first champion of the year 2023.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 201

Monday, Jan 30, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 202

Monday, Jan 30, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Consecutive Odds 10. TASK #2: Widest Valley HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #202 of The Weekly Challenge. Last week, India celebrated Republic Day on 26th January. I have some fond memories from my school days. Singing national anthem and getting sweets. Also watching the republic day parade on TV for hours.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 200

Monday, Jan 23, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 201

Monday, Jan 23, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Missing Number 10. TASK #2: Penny Piles HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #201 of The Weekly Challenge. Last week, Mariano Spadaccini, joined the Team PWC. Thank you for your first contributions in Perl. Apology for the late acceptance of your contributions last week. I wasn’t mentally there, so avoided the screen as much as I can.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 199

Monday, Jan 16, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 200

Monday, Jan 16, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Arithmetic Slices 10. TASK #2: Seven Segment 200 HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #200 of The Weekly Challenge. Ryan Thompson, our in-house Perl and Raku reviewer came up with fun task to celebrate the 200th week of the weekly challenge. I am sure you will find it fun to work on it.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 198

Monday, Jan 9, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 199

Monday, Jan 9, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Good Pairs 10. TASK #2: Good Triplets HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #199 of The Weekly Challenge. Last week, another new member, Rawley Fowler, joined the Team PWC from Canada. We are now a family of 280 members. With the start of new year, I feel little tired.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 197

Monday, Jan 2, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 198

Monday, Jan 2, 2023 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Max Gap 10. TASK #2: Prime Count HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #198 of The Weekly Challenge. Wish you all a very Happy New Year 2023 Today we are going to announce the last Champion of the Year 2022 as today is the first Monday of the month.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 196

Monday, Dec 26, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 197

Monday, Dec 26, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Move Zero 10. TASK #2: Wiggle Sort HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #197 of The Weekly Challenge. Advent Calendar 2022 celebration is finally over, thanks to the contributions by the members of Team PWC. By the way, did you know that our Advent Calendar is now live on DEV.

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Advent Calendar - December 25, 2022

Sunday, Dec 25, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 24 | Day 25 | Merry Christmas Finally we reached to the end of Advent Calendar. It was a hectic 24 days. Not an easy task to manage/run the Advent Calendar. I would to take this opportunity to thank each and every contributors. Please accept my apology if I missed anyone. I tried to give equal opportunity to those who blog about their contributions.

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Advent Calendar - December 24, 2022

Saturday, Dec 24, 2022 by Flavio Poletti Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 23 | Day 24 | Day 25 | The gift is presented by Flavio Poletti. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 160”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. PWC160 - Equilibrium Index TL;DR On with TASK #2 from The Weekly Challenge #160. Enjoy! The challenge You are give an array of integers, @n.

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Advent Calendar 2022

Saturday, Dec 24, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

| 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | Welcome to our 4th Advent Calendar. I promise to present interesting topic every day contributed by esteemed members of Team PWC. MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT

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Advent Calendar - December 23, 2022

Friday, Dec 23, 2022 by Lance Wicks Python

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 22 | Day 23 | Day 24 | The gift is presented by E. Alvarez. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 191”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Lambdas & Printf Task I: Binary String Ok, another great week and I was glad that it did not require too much effort on my part, as I’ve started participating in AoC, AoCyber, and also doing Gabor Szabo’s 2022 December CI Challenge.

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Advent Calendar - December 22, 2022

Thursday, Dec 22, 2022 by Lance Wicks Perl, Go

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 21 | Day 22 | Day 23 | The gift is presented by Lance Wicks. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 119”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Perl flexibility for the win This week I spent some time on the Weekly Challenge 119 which is always a good opportunity to get some deliberate practice in.

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Advent Calendar - December 21, 2022

Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022 by Jared Martin Perl

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | The gift is presented by Jared Martin. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 127”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Intersection on a Sunday Afternoon Task 1, "Disjoint Sets" was basically something I’ve done before somewhere else. In fact, what I’m using is overkill for just determining if two sets intersect.

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Advent Calendar - December 20, 2022

Tuesday, Dec 20, 2022 by Roger Bell_West Raku, JavaScript

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | The gift is presented by Roger Bell_West. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 192”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Equal Flips For All I’ve been doing the Weekly Challenges. The latest involved a binary negation and list division. (Note that this is open until 27 November 2022.

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Tuesday, Dec 20, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

After so many years, I finally got around to contribute to Perl Advent Calendar 2022. For me personally, it is an honour to be part of it. I have contributed in the past so I am aware of its reach. I grab the opportunity every time I get the offer. This time around, Olaf Alders, is leading the team and managing the Perl Advent Calendar 2022. As always the case, this year also the calendar is full of interesting topics to keep you busy in this holiday season.

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Raku and I: Journey begin ...

Tuesday, Dec 20, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Raku

Raku and I: Journey begin … It has been ages since I last blogged about Raku. The only time, I have blogged about when I took part in The Weekly Challenge. But then this also changed recently as I finally found time to contribute to the weekly fun challenges but no blogging still. I would say it is all about my mental state, since I have so much to talk about.

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Advent Calendar - December 19, 2022

Monday, Dec 19, 2022 by Stephen G. Lynn Perl, Raku, Julia

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | The gift is presented by Stephen G. Lynn. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 186”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Challenge 1 (Zip List) Challenge 1 requires "zipping" two lists a and b say, by creating a combined list in which the elements are: (a[0] b[0] a[1] b[1] a[2] b[2] .

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 195

Monday, Dec 19, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 196

Monday, Dec 19, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Pattern 132 10. TASK #2: Range List HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #196 of The Weekly Challenge. Welcome 2 new members to the Team PWC, Pip Stuart and Carlos Oliveira. They are both experienced Perl hacker. Advent Calendar 2022 is going on with full swing, thanks to the contributions by the members of Team PWC.

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Advent Calendar - December 18, 2022

Sunday, Dec 18, 2022 by Andinus Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | The gift is presented by Ryan Thompson. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 171”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. PWC 171 › Odd Abundant Numbers This post is part of a series on Mohammad Anwar’s excellent Weekly Challenge, where hackers submit solutions in Perl, Raku, or any other language, to two different challenges every week.

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Advent Calendar - December 17, 2022

Saturday, Dec 17, 2022 by Laurent Rosenfeld Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | The gift is presented by Laurent Rosenfeld. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 194”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. These are some answers to the Week 194 of the Perl Weekly Challenge organized by Mohammad S. Anwar. Spoiler Alert: This weekly challenge deadline is due in a few days from now (on December 11, 2022 at 23:59).

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Advent Calendar - December 16, 2022

Friday, Dec 16, 2022 by Jaldhar H. Vyas Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 15 | Day 16 | Day 17 | The gift is presented by Jaldhar H. Vyas. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 188”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Challenge 1: Divisible Pairs You are given list of integers @list of size $n and divisor $k. Write a script to find out count of pairs in the given list that satisfies the following rules.

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Advent Calendar - December 15, 2022

Thursday, Dec 15, 2022 by E. Choroba Perl

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 14 | Day 15 | Day 16 | The gift is presented by E. Choroba. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 189”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Array Degree The Task 2 was rather interesting in the week 189. You are given an array of 2 or more non-negative integers.

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Advent Calendar - December 14, 2022

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2022 by Andinus Raku

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 13 | Day 14 | Day 15 | The gift is presented by Andinus. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 187”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Task 1 - Days Together Two friends, Foo and Bar gone on holidays seperately to the same city. You are given their schedule i.

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Advent Calendar - December 13, 2022

Tuesday, Dec 13, 2022 by Peter Campbell Smith Perl

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | The gift is presented by Peter Campbell Smith. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 190”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Capital test and ambiguous encoding Proper capitalisation Task 1 this week gives us a string comprising capital and lower case letters and asks us to determine whether it follows one of these patterns of capitalisation: Challenge, challenge, CHALLENGE.

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Advent Calendar - December 12, 2022

Monday, Dec 12, 2022 by W. Luis Mochan Perl

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 The gift is presented by W. Luis Mochan. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 152”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Perl Weekly Challenge 152 My solutions (task 1 and task 2) to The Weekly Challenge - 152. Task 1: Triangle Sum Path You are given a triangle array.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 194

Monday, Dec 12, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 195

Monday, Dec 12, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Special Integers 10. TASK #2: Most Frequent Even HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #195 of The Weekly Challenge. Advent Calendar 2022 is going on with full swing, thanks to the contributions by the members of Team PWC. Day Article Author 1 Are Abecedarians from Abecedaria?

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Advent Calendar - December 11, 2022

Sunday, Dec 11, 2022 by Flavio Poletti Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | The gift is presented by Flavio Poletti. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 153”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. PWC153 - Factorions TL;DR On with TASK #2 from The Weekly Challenge #153. Enjoy! The challenge You are given an integer, $n.

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Advent Calendar - December 10, 2022

Saturday, Dec 10, 2022 by Bruce Gray Perl, Raku, Python

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | The gift is presented by Bruce Gray. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 154”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. In which we search for a needle in a lendee (or maybe a chatchka in a haystack), and delight in some lazy CPAN comfort.

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Advent Calendar - December 9, 2022

Friday, Dec 9, 2022 by Luca Ferrari Raku

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | The gift is presented by Luca Ferrari. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 155”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. It is sad that, after more than two years of me doing Raku, I still don’t have any production code project to work on.

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Advent Calendar - December 8, 2022

Thursday, Dec 8, 2022 by Cheok-Yin Fung Perl

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | The gift is presented by Cheok-Yin Fung. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 156”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. CY’s Take on The Weekly Challenge #156 If you want to challenge yourself on programming, especially on Perl and/or Raku, go to https://theweeklychallenge.

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Advent Calendar - December 7, 2022

Wednesday, Dec 7, 2022 by Simon Green Perl, Python

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | The gift is presented by Simon Green. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 157”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Weekly Challenge 157 I’m back after the three week hiatus! [Challenge] [My solution] TASK #1 › Pythagorean Means You are given a set of integers.

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Advent Calendar - December 6, 2022

Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022 by Dave Jacoby Perl

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | The gift is presented by Dave Jacoby. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 158”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Task #1: Additive Primes Additive primes are prime numbers for which the sum of their decimal digits are also primes. We’re on to Weekly Challenge #158!

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Advent Calendar - December 5, 2022

Monday, Dec 5, 2022 by Arne Sommer Raku

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | The gift is presented by Arne Sommer. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 159”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Task #1: Farey Sequence You are given a positive number, $n. Write a script to compute Farey Sequence of the order $n.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 193

Monday, Dec 5, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 194

Monday, Dec 5, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Digital Clock 10. TASK #2: Frequency Equalizer HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #194 of The Weekly Challenge. Today is the first Monday of the month and time to declare our next champion. With great pleasure, we announce Bruce Gray as the next Champion of The Weekly Challenge.

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Advent Calendar - December 4, 2022

Sunday, Dec 4, 2022 by Alexander Pankoff Perl

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | The gift is presented by Alexander Pankoff. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 160”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Task #1: Four Is Magic You are given a positive number, $n < 10. Write a script to generate english text sequence starting with the English cardinal representation of the given number, the word is and then the English cardinal representation of the count of characters that made up the first word, followed by a comma.

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Advent Calendar - December 3, 2022

Saturday, Dec 3, 2022 by Colin Crain Perl

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | The gift is presented by Colin Crain. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 191”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Task #2: Cute List You are given an integer, 0 < $n <= 15. Write a script to find the number of orderings of numbers that form a cute list.

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Advent Calendar - December 2, 2022

Friday, Dec 2, 2022 by James Smith Perl

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | The gift is presented by James Smith. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 193”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Task #1: Binary String You are given an integer, $n > 0. Write a script to find all possible binary numbers of size $n.

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Advent Calendar - December 1, 2022

Thursday, Dec 1, 2022 by Adam Russell Perl

Advent Calendar 2022 | Day 1 | Day 2 | The gift is presented by Adam Russell. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 161”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2022 from the original post by him. Task #1: Abecedarian Words An abecedarian word is a word whose letters are arranged in alphabetical order. For example, “knotty” is an abecedarian word, but “knots” is not.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 192

Monday, Nov 28, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 193

Monday, Nov 28, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Binary String 10. TASK #2: Odd String HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #193 of The Weekly Challenge. Life is always full of ups & downs. As the year ending, I look back and noticed I missed so many things. I wanted to do so much but couldn’t get anywhere near.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 191

Monday, Nov 21, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 192

Monday, Nov 21, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Binary Flip 10. TASK #2: Equal Distribution HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #192 of The Weekly Challenge. Another busy week with 100+ contributions. This is the record in the history of The Weekly Challenge, we achieved the target for the 8th consecutive weeks. Thank you Team PWC for the support and encouragement.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 190

Monday, Nov 14, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 191

Monday, Nov 14, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Twice Largest 10. TASK #2: Cute List HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #191 of The Weekly Challenge. Last week, I forgot to announce the champion as it was the first Monday of the month. Apology. Today, we announce our next champion, Feng Chang, from Beijing, China.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 189

Monday, Nov 7, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 190

Monday, Nov 7, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Capital Detection 10. TASK #2: Decoded List HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #190 of The Weekly Challenge. For the first time ever, we have received 100+ contributions back to back for 5 consecutive weeks. Thank you Team PWC for the support and encouragement.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 188

Monday, Oct 31, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 189

Monday, Oct 31, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Greater Character 10. TASK #2: Array Degree HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #189 of The Weekly Challenge. Two new members, Vamsi Meenavilli and Andrew Grangaard joined the Team PWC last week. With this we now have 275 members in the Team PWC. Thanks Vamsi for your first contributions in Perl and Python.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 187

Monday, Oct 24, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 188

Monday, Oct 24, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Divisible Pairs 10. TASK #2: Total Zero HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #188 of The Weekly Challenge. We are into the fourth week of Hacktoberfest 2022. At last, we made it, little late though to get the 100+ mark this time too. Week: #1 #2 #3 #4 -------------------- Perl: 57 61 58 51 Raku: 31 35 33 34 Blog: 17 19 20 20 Last week, we had 36 regular contributors and 13 guest contributors.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #180

Monday, Oct 17, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 180 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would come from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 186

Monday, Oct 17, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 187

Monday, Oct 17, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Days Together 10. TASK #2: Magical Triplets HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #187 of The Weekly Challenge. Please welcome izem to the Team PWC. Thanks izem for your first contributions in Perl and Python. We are into the third week of Hacktoberfest 2022. I am not surprised the rise of popularity of The Weekly Challenge.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #179

Monday, Oct 10, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 179 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would come from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 185

Monday, Oct 10, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 186

Monday, Oct 10, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Zip List 10. TASK #2: Unicode Makeover HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #186 of The Weekly Challenge. Welcome back Andinus after the break. Thank you for contributions in Raku and blog post. We are into the second week of Hacktoberfest 2022. I am not surprised the rise of popularity of The Weekly Challenge.

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Meet The Champion: September 2022

Sunday, Oct 9, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Get to know about Kueppo Wesley. Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we spoke to Stephen G. Lynn, the winner of August 2022. Today we are talking to Kueppo Wesley, the winner of September 2022 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Kueppo: Well, I started working with computers in 2018-2019. That is my first year at University, before that I was more of a Physician, I did a lot of Maths and Physics in high school.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #178

Monday, Oct 3, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 178 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would come from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 184

Monday, Oct 3, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 185

Monday, Oct 3, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: MAC Address 10. TASK #2: Mask Code HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #185 of The Weekly Challenge. Today, we are giving away Token #8 to Kjetil Skotheim for the book, Learning Perl Exercises by brian d foy. I will share the details with you in a separate email.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #177

Monday, Sep 26, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 177 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would come from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 183

Monday, Sep 26, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 184

Monday, Sep 26, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Sequence Number 10. TASK #2: Split Array HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #184 of The Weekly Challenge. Today, we are giving away Token #7 to Peter Campbell Smith for the book, Learning Perl Exercises by brian d foy. I will share the details with you in a separate email.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #176

Monday, Sep 19, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 176 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would come from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 182

Monday, Sep 19, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 183

Monday, Sep 19, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Unique Array 10. TASK #2: Date Difference HEADLINES Welcome to Week #183 of the weekly challenge. Today, we are giving away Token #6 to Dario Mazzeo for the book, Learning Perl Exercises by brian d foy. I will share the details with you in a separate email.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #175

Monday, Sep 12, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 175 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would come from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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Meet The Champion: August 2022

Monday, Sep 12, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

Get to know about Stephen G. Lynn. Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we spoke to Marton Polgar, the winner of July 2022. Today we are talking to Stephen G. Lynn, the winner of August 2022 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Stephen: I am a non-CS academic, mostly teaching-focused these days.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 181

Monday, Sep 12, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 182

Monday, Sep 12, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Max Index 10. TASK #2: Common Path HEADLINES Welcome to Week #182 of the weekly challenge. Today, we are giving away Token #5 to Solathian for the book, Learning Perl Exercises by brian d foy. I will share the details with you in a separate email.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #174

Monday, Sep 5, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 174 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would come from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 180

Monday, Sep 5, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 181

Monday, Sep 5, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Sentence Order 10. TASK #2: Hot Day HEADLINES Welcome to Week #181 of the weekly challenge. Welcome a new member, Bejoy Mathews, an experienced Perl hacker. Thanks for the first contributions in Perl. Today, we are giving away Token #4 to Kueppo Wesley for the book, Learning Perl Exercises by brian d foy.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #173

Monday, Aug 29, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 173 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would come from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 179

Monday, Aug 29, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 180

Monday, Aug 29, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: First Unique Character 10. TASK #2: Trim List HEADLINES Welcome to Week #180 of the weekly challenge. Today, we are giving away Token #3 to Robert DiCicco for the book, Learning Perl Exercises by brian d foy. I will share the details with you in a separate email.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #172

Monday, Aug 22, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 172 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 178

Monday, Aug 22, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 179

Monday, Aug 22, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Ordinal Number Spelling 10. TASK #2: Unicode Sparkline HEADLINES Welcome to Week #179 of the weekly challenge. Let us all welcome new member, Solathian, an experienced Perl hacker. Thank you for the first solution in Perl. Thank you, AhmetEmre, for the first contributions in Raku.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 177

Monday, Aug 15, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 178

Monday, Aug 15, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Quater-imaginary Base 10. TASK #2: Business Date HEADLINES Welcome to Week #178 of the weekly challenge. We have two new members joining the Team PWC last week i.e. AhmetEmre and Aut0exec. Thank you AhmetEmre for solutions in BQN and Aut0exec for solution in Perl.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #171

Sunday, Aug 14, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 171 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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Meet The Champion: July 2022

Saturday, Aug 13, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Raku

Get to know about Marton Polgar. Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we spoke to PokGoPun, the winner of June 2022. Today we are talking to Marton Polgar, the winner of July 2022 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Marton: I started programming in 2011 in my high school years, as a hobby.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 176

Monday, Aug 8, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 177

Monday, Aug 8, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Damm Algorithm 10. TASK #2: Palindromic Prime Cyclops HEADLINES Welcome to Week #177 of the weekly challenge. Please checkout the interview with our champion PokGoPun. I forgot to mention that Dave Cross is back in action last week. Two weeks in a row, Week 175 and Week 176, incredible.

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Meet The Champion: June 2022

Tuesday, Aug 2, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Get to know about PokGoPun. Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we spoke to Robert Ransbottom, the winner of May 2022. Today we are talking to PokGoPun, the winner of June 2022 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? PokGoPun: My passion in computer programming started since childhood when my parents brought home 8-bit home computer that equipped with Microsoft Extended BASIC, I recalled hooking the computer to TV, writing and running BASIC programs and then saving them to cassette tape for later modification, what a fun!

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #170

Monday, Aug 1, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 170 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 175

Monday, Aug 1, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 176

Monday, Aug 1, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Permuted Multiples 10. TASK #2: Reversible Numbers HEADLINES Welcome to Week #176 of the weekly challenge. Today is the first Monday of the month and time to declare our next champion. I declare, Marton Polgar, an expert in Raku as the next champion. As of today, he has contributed 46 solutions in Raku.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 174

Monday, Jul 25, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 175

Monday, Jul 25, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Last Sunday 10. TASK #2: Perfect Totient Numbers HEADLINES Welcome to Week #175 of the weekly challenge. Let us all welcome, Nicolas Mendoz and thanks for the contribution in Perl. Thank you, Gurunandan Bhat for the first contribution in Perl. Laurent Rosenfeld once again, the lead guest contributors with 22 solutions in 18 different languages.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #169

Sunday, Jul 24, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 169 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 173

Monday, Jul 18, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 174

Monday, Jul 18, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Disarium Numbers 10. TASK #2: Permutation Ranking HEADLINES Welcome to Week #174 of the weekly challenge. I nominate, Roger Bell_West for the signed copy of Learning Perl, 8th edition by brian d foy. This is the last copy we had, so a big Thank You to brian d foy for the generous offer.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #168

Saturday, Jul 16, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 168 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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The Weekly Challenge - 1000 days

Wednesday, Jul 13, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. HEADLINES 2. UPDATES 3. SPONSORS 4. PLAN 5. CHAMPIONS HEADLINES We all know, The Weekly Challenge a.k.a Perl Weekly Challenge started on 25th March 2019. I must confess I didn’t expect it to last this long. What worked in our favour is that we instantly found handful core supporters, who not only took part in the weekly challenge regularly but also started spreading the word.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 172

Monday, Jul 11, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 173

Monday, Jul 11, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Esthetic Number 10. TASK #2: Sylvester’s sequence HEADLINES Welcome to Week #173 of the weekly challenge. I nominate, Ryan Thompson for the signed copy of Learning Perl, 8th edition by brian d foy. Next week, we are going to have one more nomination.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #166

Sunday, Jul 10, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 166 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 171

Monday, Jul 4, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 172

Monday, Jul 4, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Prime Partition 10. TASK #2: Five-number Summary HEADLINES Welcome to Week #172 of the weekly challenge. Today is the first Monday of the month and time to announce the champion. Proud to declare PokGoPun as our next champion. He is relatively new to the Team PWC.

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Meet The Champion: May 2022

Sunday, Jul 3, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Raku

Get to know about Robert Ransbottom. Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we spoke to Matthew Neleigh, the winner of April 2022. Today we are talking to Robert Ransbottom, the winner of May 2022 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Robert: I read most of a brief computing-101-ish book at a book store one afternoon.

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Sunday, Jul 3, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

My first contribution to CPAN was Test::Excel. It was initiated as we had requirement for such at work at that time. It has gone through many changes, thanks to all for reporting issues and providing patches.. It even got space as topic for Day 18 in Perl Advent Calendar 2018. It was a proud moment when a collegue of mine at work requested help with Test::Excel as it was not behaving as per her requirements.

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Perl Question ???

Saturday, Jul 2, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

A few days ago, I received an email from someone who appears to be Perl hacker and asked me a question. First, I feel honoured that somebody thinks I am capable to answer this question. I didn’t want quick reply to the email. Instead, I decided to write a short blog post and share with other Perl hackers, just in case. I have seen both styles and I believe it is just a matter of personal choice and style.

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Ryan Thompson › Perl Weekly Review #164

Tuesday, Jun 28, 2022 by Ryan Thompson perl

Continues from previous week. Ryan Thompson with you this week. I’m back doing reviews temporarily to help Colin out, so expect to see both of us in the weeks to come! Welcome to the Perl review for Week 164 of the Weekly Challenge! For a quick overview, go through the original tasks and recap of the weekly challenge. Getting in Touch Email › Email me (Ryan) with any feedback about this review.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #165

Monday, Jun 27, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 165 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 170

Monday, Jun 27, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 171

Monday, Jun 27, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Abundant Number 10. TASK #2: First-class Function HEADLINES Welcome to Week #171 of the weekly challenge. Let us all welcome another experienced Perl hacker from France, Philippe Bricout. You should definitely checkout his Perl solution. Welcome back, Mark Senn and thanks for your contribution in Raku.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #163

Monday, Jun 20, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 163 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 169

Monday, Jun 20, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 170

Monday, Jun 20, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Primorial Numbers 10. TASK #2: Kronecker Product HEADLINES Welcome to a yet another fun Week #170. We have new member Dario Mazzeo, an experienced Perl hacker, joining the Team PWC. Congratulation everyone for reaching the target of 100+ contributions once again. Even the guest contributions is becoming popular among the team members.

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Decode Hexdump

Saturday, Jun 18, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Those who know me personally, are aware that my background is Mathematical as I did Degree in Mathematics Honours in the year 1993-95. During my early days with COBOL and Pascal, I never dealt with Unicode or played with bytes. Even when I moved to C, I was still no where near it. Those with Degree in Computer Science always stay ahead in the understandings of these low level key aspects of programming.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #162

Monday, Jun 13, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 162 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 168

Monday, Jun 13, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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Strawberry Perl

Monday, Jun 13, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Last week I wrote blog post Do you want to get started with Perl v5.36? where I shared my experience with the latest release Perl v5.36. I received this email today. The reality is, I never use Perl on Windows. And second never bothered creating .exe from the source file. I decided to give it a go, so first thing we need to download Strawberry Perl. T had the choice to download strawberry-perl-5.

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The Weekly Challenge - 169

Monday, Jun 13, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Brilliant Numbers 10. TASK #2: Achilles Numbers HEADLINES Welcome to a very special Week #169. Why so special? Well, we got two new members joining the Team PWC, Stephen G Lynn and habere-et-dispertire. There is another reason why it is so special. Thanks to the kind help by Lance Wicks, we finally have the design ready for the 1000 days celebration T-shirt.

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Get started with Perl v5.36

Saturday, Jun 11, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Do you want to get started with Perl v5.36? Honestly speaking I never bothered about any of the Perl releases before. But Perl v5.36 is very special and close to me. Why? Recently I have been sharing new features introduced in Perl dating back to v5.10, inspired by the book Perl new features v5.10 to v5.34 by brain d foy. I received a FREE copy of the book, a big thank you to brian d foy.

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Taint in Perl

Thursday, Jun 9, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

The "taint" always bothered me. I thought I knew it well but no. The obvious question, can I show a working example? Before I do that, let me share an incident with you. In the year 2019, I attended The Perl Conference in Riga. During the 3 days event, I gave couple of talks and one of them was "Protect your Perl script from common security issues". You can checkout my event report, if you are interested.

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Memory Leak in Perl

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

I always find the topic Memory Management very fascinating. Perl being the Perl, there is nothing you need to worry about. All memory management is done for us for FREE. Still, there was something, I always wanted to find out about memory management in Perl. All along, I knew that there is an easy way I can force my script to leak memory. How? Just create a data structure with circular reference.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 167

Monday, Jun 6, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 168

Monday, Jun 6, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Perrin Prime 10. TASK #2: Home Prime HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #168. Let us all welcome guest Michael DiCicco from Little Rock, AR sharing his first contributions in Java and Python. What a coincidence, we have two members sharing the same surname DiCicco and he is none other than our very own champion Robert DiCicco.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #161

Monday, May 30, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 161 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 166

Monday, May 30, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 167

Monday, May 30, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Circular Prime 10. TASK #2: Gamma Function HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #167 and I got the opportunity to propose the challenge. For me the main attraction was the blog post by Julien Fiegehenn for the first time. Colin Crain seems to be busy as we didn’t get the blog post 2 weeks in a row.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 165

Monday, May 23, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 166

Monday, May 23, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Hexadecimal Words 10. TASK #2: K-Directory Diff HEADLINES Welcome to yet another fun Week #166, thanks to the exciting tasks by Ryan Thompson. Lets us welcome new member, Roman Kotelnikov with his guest contributions in J. Talking about guest contributions, this week we had contributions in TypeScript by Julien Fiegehenn.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #160

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 160 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 164

Monday, May 16, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 165

Monday, May 16, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 10. TASK #2: Line of Best Fit HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #165. Let us all welcome 2 new members, James Marquis and Humberto Massa to the Team PWC. We had the pleasure to interview latest champion, Matthew Neleigh. It was great knowing him.

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Meet The Champion: April 2022

Sunday, May 15, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Get to know about Matthew Neleigh. Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we spoke to Eric Cheung, the winner of March 2022. Today we are talking to Matthew Neleigh, the winner of April 2022 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Matthew: I’ve programmed in BASIC, Pascal, Java, C, Perl, and the Bourne shell, targeting everything from 8-bit microcontrollers to UNIX minicomputers.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #159

Monday, May 9, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 159 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 163

Monday, May 9, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 164

Monday, May 9, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Prime Palindrome 10. TASK #2: Happy Numbers HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #164 with new member Luiz Felipe from Brazil. Thank you, Luiz for your first contributions in Perl. Thank you, Ryan Thompson for the contributions in Perl and Raku. I should also thank, Julien Fiegehenn for the contributions in Perl.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #158

Monday, May 2, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 158 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 162

Monday, May 2, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 163

Monday, May 2, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Sum Bitwise Operator 10. TASK #2: Summations HEADLINES We are celebrating Idd today in England. Happy Idd to all the members of Team PWC. Today is also the first Monday of the month, Time to declare the next champion. With great pleasure, we declare Matthew Neleigh as our next champion.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 161

Monday, Apr 25, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 162

Monday, Apr 25, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: ISBN-13 10. TASK #2: Wheatstone-Playfair HEADLINES Time flies by so fast, it is unbelievable, we are now in the Week #162. Let us all welcome new member, Rick Bychowski, from California and thank you for your first contributions in Raku. We also had, Ryan Thompson, back in action.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #157

Sunday, Apr 24, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 157 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #156

Monday, Apr 18, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 156 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 160

Monday, Apr 18, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 161

Monday, Apr 18, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Abecedarian Words 10. TASK #2: Pangrams HEADLINES Welcome to yet another fun weekly challenge. We had the pleasure to interview our latest champion, Eric Cheung. There was another surprise, pleasant one, we had last week. Our ex-Perl Reviewer, Ryan J Thompson, got in touch with us.

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Meet The Champion: March 2022

Thursday, Apr 14, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Python, Excel VBA

Get to know about Eric Cheung. Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we spoke to Robert DiCicco, the winner of February 2022. Today we are talking to Eric Cheung, the winner of March 2022 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Eric: Well, I use different programming languages to suit to different tasks in my jobs, currently in Hong Kong Observatory, for example HTML, Linux Shell, PHP and etc.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #155

Monday, Apr 11, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 155 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 159

Monday, Apr 11, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 160

Monday, Apr 11, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Four Is Magic 10. TASK #2: Equilibrium Index HEADLINES Welcome to yet another fun week, thanks to all the dedicated members of Team PWC. I would like to mention one name, Laurent Rosenfeld, one of the few who stayed with us from day one.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 158

Monday, Apr 4, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 159

Monday, Apr 4, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Farey Sequence 10. TASK #2: Moebius Number HEADLINES Welcome to the first weekly challenge of the holy month of Ramadan. Also today is the first Monday of the month and time to announce the next champion. With great pleasure I announce, Eric Cheung, as the Champion of the month.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #154

Sunday, Apr 3, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 154 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #153

Monday, Mar 28, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 153 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 157

Monday, Mar 28, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 158

Monday, Mar 28, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Additive Primes 10. TASK #2: First Series Cuban Primes HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #158. With this we are now 3 years old. Technically speaking, the third anniversary was on 25th March 2022. Welcome back, Paulo Custodio after the break. Thanks for sharing contributions for Week #146, Week #147, Week #148, Week #149, Week #150, Week #151, Week #152, Week #153, Week #154, Week #155, Week #156 and Week #157.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #152

Monday, Mar 21, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 152 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 156

Monday, Mar 21, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 157

Monday, Mar 21, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Pythagorean Means 10. TASK #2: Brazilian Number HEADLINES Welcome Kueppo Wesley to the Team PWC. Thank you for the impressive introduction as below. My name is KUEPPO Wesley and I live in Africa/Cameroon/Yaounde, I'm 20 yrs/old, the first born out of 7. I'm a student at the University of Yaounde I, level 3, preparing for my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #151

Wednesday, Mar 16, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 151 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 155

Monday, Mar 14, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 156

Monday, Mar 14, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Pernicious Numbers 10. TASK #2: Weird Number HEADLINES Welcome Daniel Pfeiffer to the Team PWC. We are now strong team of 252 members. The interview with our latest champion, Robert DiCicco, is live now. It was great knowing him. Robert is so lucky to be able to spend time coding even after retirement.

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Meet The Champion: February 2022

Thursday, Mar 10, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

Get to know about Robert DiCicco. Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we spoke to Alexander Pankoff, the winner of January 2022. Today we are talking to Robert DiCicco, the winner of February 2022 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Robert: I started back in the dark ages, 1986. I took a job as a System Administrator at a publishing company.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 154

Monday, Mar 7, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 155

Monday, Mar 7, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Fortunate Numbers 10. TASK #2: Pisano Period HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #155. It is hard to believe the number. At times I feel like taking short break from the routine that I have been following for the last 3 years (almost). But then when I read the positive comments week after week by the dedicated members, I drop the idea completely.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #150

Sunday, Mar 6, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 150 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #149

Monday, Feb 28, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 149 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 153

Monday, Feb 28, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 154

Monday, Feb 28, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Missing Permutation 10. TASK #2: Padovan Prime HEADLINES Welcome to yet another week full of factorials left right center. The magic of factorials did the trick. For the first time in the history of weekly challenge, we have received more guest contributions than the regular contributions.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #148

Monday, Feb 21, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 148 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 152

Monday, Feb 21, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 153

Monday, Feb 21, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Left Factorials 10. TASK #2: Factorions HEADLINES Welcome PokGoPun to the Team PWC. We now have 250 members in the team. Last week, we had the opportunity to interview the latest champion, Alexander Pankoff. It was pleasure knowing him. Please do checkout to find out more about him.

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Meet The Champion: January 2022

Thursday, Feb 17, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Get to know about Alexander Pankoff. Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we spoke to Peter Campbell Smith, the winner of December 2021. Today we are talking to Alexander Pankoff, the winner of January 2022 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Alexander: I got interested in computers early in my childhood.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #147

Monday, Feb 14, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 147 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 151

Monday, Feb 14, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 152

Monday, Feb 14, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Triangle Sum Path 10. TASK #2: Rectangle Area HEADLINES Welcome to Week #152, a rather quiet one, where we received 68 regular contributions and 45 guest contributions. It didn’t trouble me much, which is good in a way. Hopefully it would bounce back this week.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 150

Monday, Feb 7, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 151

Monday, Feb 7, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Binary Tree Depth 10. TASK #2: Rob The House HEADLINES Today is the first Monday of the month and it is time to announce the next champion, Alexander Pankoff, currently ranked #49 with 62 contributions in Perl. Last week, for the first time, he shared two blogs, #1 and #2.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #146

Sunday, Feb 6, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 146 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. ●︎ Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answer to that question would be from a field as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 149

Monday, Jan 31, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 150

Monday, Jan 31, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Fibonacci Words 10. TASK #2: Square-free Integer HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #150, we reached another milestone, thanks to the support and dedication of Team PWC. I would like to mention one of the highlights of the weekly challenge is the quality blogs shared by the team members.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #145

Sunday, Jan 30, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 145 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answers to that question would be as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #144

Monday, Jan 24, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 144 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answers to that question would be as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 148

Monday, Jan 24, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 149

Monday, Jan 24, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Fibonacci Digit Sum 10. TASK #2: Largest Square HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #149 with a good news that Pete Sergeant has promised to sponsor the monthly prize for another 12 months. I would like to take this opportunity to thank, Pete, for the support and encouragement.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #143

Monday, Jan 17, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 143 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answers to that question would be as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 147

Monday, Jan 17, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 148

Monday, Jan 17, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Eban Numbers 10. TASK #2: Cardano Triplets HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #148 with a new member Marton Polgar. Marton shared solutions in Raku in the very first week. I get excited everytime, I come across blog post by fellow team members. Last week, Roger Bell_West shared very inspiring blog post.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #142

Monday, Jan 10, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 142 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answers to that question would be as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 146

Monday, Jan 10, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 147

Monday, Jan 10, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Truncatable Prime 10. TASK #2: Pentagon Numbers HEADLINES Welcome to the Week #147 with the interview with the champion, Peter Campbell Smith. Do you know about Early Bird Club? Well, it is a private club whose members get the first glimpse of the upcoming challenges before the general public.

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Meet The Champion: December 2021

Tuesday, Jan 4, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Get to know about Peter Campbell Smith. Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we spoke to W. Luis Mochan, the winner of November 2021. Today we are talking to Peter Campbell Smith, the winner of December 2021 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: How/When did you start using Perl? Peter: I was the technical lead on a project to re-engineer the software that keep the San Francisco BART metro system running on time.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 145

Monday, Jan 3, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 146

Monday, Jan 3, 2022 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: 10001st Prime Number 10. TASK #2: Curious Fraction Tree HEADLINES Happy New Year Let us welcome new year 2022 with the happy note as we declare the next champion. As per the tradition, we announce the champion on the first Monday of the month.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #141

Sunday, Jan 2, 2022 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 141 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answers to that question would be as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #140

Tuesday, Dec 28, 2021 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 140 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answers to that question would be as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 144

Monday, Dec 27, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 145

Monday, Dec 27, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Dot Product 10. TASK #2: Palindromic Tree HEADLINES Merry Christmas to all the members of Team PWC. I wish you all the happiness in the world. Last week for me was for the family. I spent quality time with kids. I have another week off left.

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Advent Calendar - December 25, 2021

Saturday, Dec 25, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 24 | Day 25 | Let’s conclude the event with the final present from me to all Perl fans. This video is picked from my YouTube Channel. Task #1: Swap Odd/Even bits You are given a positive integer $N less than or equal to 255. Write a script to swap the odd positioned bit with even positioned bit and print the decimal equivalent of the new binary representation.

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Advent Calendar - December 24, 2021

Friday, Dec 24, 2021 by Flavio Poletti Perl

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 23 | Day 24 | Day 25 | The gift is presented by Flavio Poletti. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 094”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Flavio Poletti. Task #2: Group Anagrams You are given an array of strings @S. Write a script to group Anagrams together in any random order.

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Advent Calendar 2021

Friday, Dec 24, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

| 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | We are back, third time in a row with Advent Calendar. I promise to present interesting topic every day contributed by esteemed members of Team PWC. MON TUE WED

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Advent Calendar - December 23, 2021

Thursday, Dec 23, 2021 by Ryan Thompson Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 22 | Day 23 | Day 24 | The gift is presented by Ryan Thompson. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 110”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Ryan Thompson. Task #2: Transpose CSV File You are given a text file. Write a script to transpose the contents of the given file.

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Advent Calendar - December 22, 2021

Wednesday, Dec 22, 2021 by Javier Luque Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 21 | Day 22 | Day 23 | The gift is presented by Javier Luque. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 076”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Javier Luque. Task #2: Word Search Write a script that takes two file names. The first file would contain word search grid as shown below.

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Advent Calendar - December 21, 2021

Tuesday, Dec 21, 2021 by E. Choroba Perl

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 20 | Day 21 | Day 22 | The gift is presented by E. Choroba. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 061”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by E. Choroba. Task #1: Product SubArray Given a list of 4 or more numbers, write a script to find the contiguous sublist that has the maximum product.

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Advent Calendar - December 20, 2021

Monday, Dec 20, 2021 by Steven Wilson Perl

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 | The gift is presented by Steven Wilson. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 138”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Steven Wilson. Task #1: Workdays You are given a year, $year in 4-digits form. Write a script to calculate the total number of workdays in the given year.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #138

Monday, Dec 20, 2021 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 138 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answers to that question would be as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #139

Monday, Dec 20, 2021 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 139 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answers to that question would be as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 143

Monday, Dec 20, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 144

Monday, Dec 20, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Semiprime 10. TASK #2: Ulam Sequence HEADLINES Apology for the delay in the release of the weekly challenge. I would like to start the week with a good news, the fund for the 1000 days T-shirt campaign is now £1029.74, thanks to all sponsors, specially last minute surprise sponsor, Pete Sergeant.

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Advent Calendar - December 19, 2021

Sunday, Dec 19, 2021 by Jorg Sommrey Perl

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | The gift is presented by Jorg Sommrey. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 085”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Jorg Sommrey. Task #1: Triplet Sum You are given an array of real numbers greater than zero. Write a script to find if there exists a triplet (a,b,c) such that 1 < a+b+c < 2.

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Advent Calendar - December 18, 2021

Saturday, Dec 18, 2021 by Andrew Shitov Raku

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | The gift is presented by Andrew Shitov. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 092”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Andrew Shitov. Task #1: Isomorphic Strings You are given two strings $A and $B. Write a script to check if the given strings are Isomorphic.

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Advent Calendar - December 17, 2021

Friday, Dec 17, 2021 by Walt Mankowski Perl

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | The gift is presented by Walt Mankowski. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 089”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Walt Mankoswki. Task #2: Magical Matrix Write a script to display matrix as below with numbers 1 - 9. Please make sure numbers are used once.

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Advent Calendar - December 16, 2021

Thursday, Dec 16, 2021 by Jaldhar H. Vyas Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 15 | Day 16 | Day 17 | The gift is presented by Jaldhar H. Vyas. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 108”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Jaldhar H. Vyas. Task #2: Bell Numbers Write a script to display top 10 Bell Numbers. Please refer to wikipedia page for more information.

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Advent Calendar - December 15, 2021

Wednesday, Dec 15, 2021 by Lubos Kolouch Perl, Python

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 14 | Day 15 | Day 16 | The gift is presented by Lubos Kolouch. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 088”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Lubos Kolouch. Task #2: Spiral Matrix You are given m x n matrix of positive integers. Write a script to print spiral matrix as list.

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Advent Calendar - December 14, 2021

Tuesday, Dec 14, 2021 by Luca Ferrari Raku

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 13 | Day 14 | Day 15 | The gift is presented by Luca Ferrari. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 126”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Luca Ferrari. Task #2: Minesweeper Game You are given a rectangle with points marked with either x or *. Please consider the x as a land mine.

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Advent Calendar - December 13, 2021

Monday, Dec 13, 2021 by W. Luis Mochan Perl

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | The gift is presented by W. Luis Mochan. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 125”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by W. Luis Mochan. Task #1: Pythagorean Triples You are given a positive integer $N. Write a script to print all Pythagorean Triples containing $N as a member.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 142

Monday, Dec 13, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 143

Monday, Dec 13, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Calculator 10. TASK #2: Stealthy Number HEADLINES First thing first, let us Meet The Champion - W. Luis Mochan. I am sure, you all wanted to know about the 1000 days T-shirt campaign. I have had few more responses from the champions. There are still quite a lot members who have not replied to my email.

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Advent Calendar - December 12, 2021

Sunday, Dec 12, 2021 by Cheok-Yin Fung Perl

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | The gift is presented by Cheok-Yin Fung. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 123”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Cheok-Yin Fung. Task #2: Square Points You are given coordinates of four points i.e. (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3) and (x4, y4).

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Advent Calendar - December 11, 2021

Saturday, Dec 11, 2021 by Adam Russell Perl

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | The gift is presented by Adam Russell. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 122”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Adam Russell. Task #1: Average of Stream You are given a stream of numbers, @N. Write a script to print the average of the stream at every point.

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Advent Calendar - December 10, 2021

Friday, Dec 10, 2021 by Roger Bell_West Raku

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | The gift is presented by Roger Bell_West. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 120”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Roger Bell_West. Task #2: Clock Angle You are given time $T in the format hh:mm. Write a script to find the smaller angle formed by the hands of an analog clock at a given time.

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Advent Calendar - December 9, 2021

Thursday, Dec 9, 2021 by Laurent Rosenfeld Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | The gift is presented by Laurent Rosenfeld. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 114”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Laurent Rosenfeld. Task #1: Next Palindrome Number You are given a positive integer $N. Write a script to find out the next Palindrome Number higher than the given integer $N.

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Advent Calendar - December 8, 2021

Wednesday, Dec 8, 2021 by Colin Crain Perl

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | The gift is presented by Colin Crain. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 112”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Colin Crain. Task #1: Canonical Path You are given a string path, starting with a slash ‘/'. Write a script to convert the given absolute path to the simplified canonical path.

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Meet The Champion: November 2021

Wednesday, Dec 8, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Get to know about W. Luis Mochan Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we spoke to Paulo Custodio, the winner of October 2021. Today we are talking to W. Luis Mochan, the winner of November 2021 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Luis: I’m a Physicist, working at UNAM, the National University of México where I do theoretical research on the linear and non-linear optical properties of materials, surfaces, disordered systems, metamaterials and photonic crystals.

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Advent Calendar - December 7, 2021

Tuesday, Dec 7, 2021 by James Smith Perl

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | The gift is presented by James Smith. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 107”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by James Smith. Task #1: Self-descriptive Numbers Write a script to display the first three self-descriptive numbers. As per wikipedia, the definition of Self-descriptive Number is

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Advent Calendar - December 6, 2021

Monday, Dec 6, 2021 by Aaron Smith Raku

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | The gift is presented by Aaron Smith. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 102”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Aaron Smith. Task #2: Hash-counting String You are given a positive integer $N. Write a script to produce Hash-counting string of that length.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #137

Monday, Dec 6, 2021 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 137 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answers to that question would be as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 141

Monday, Dec 6, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 142

Monday, Dec 6, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Divisor Last Digit 10. TASK #2: Sleep Sort HEADLINES Today is the first Monday of the month. You guessed it right, time to declare the Champion of The Weekly Challenge. With great pride, I declare W. Luis Mochan as our next Champion. Luis joined the Team PWC in the Week 88.

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Advent Calendar - December 5, 2021

Sunday, Dec 5, 2021 by Simon Green Perl

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | The gift is presented by Simon Green. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 101”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Simon Green. Task #1: Pack a Spiral You are given an array @A of items (integers say, but they can be anything). Your task is to pack that array into an MxN matrix spirally counterclockwise, as tightly as possible.

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Advent Calendar - December 4, 2021

Saturday, Dec 4, 2021 by Flavio Poletti Perl

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | The gift is presented by Flavio Poletti. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 100”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Flavio Poletti. Task #2: Triangle Sum You are given triangle array. Write a script to find the minimum path sum from top to bottom.

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Advent Calendar - December 3, 2021

Friday, Dec 3, 2021 by Arne Sommer Perl, Raku

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | The gift is presented by Arne Sommer. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 097”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Arne Sommer. Task #1: Caesar Cipher You are given string $S containing alphabets A..Z only and a number $N. Write a script to encrypt the given string $S using Caesar Cipher with left shift of size $N.

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Advent Calendar - December 2, 2021

Thursday, Dec 2, 2021 by Dave Jacoby Perl

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | The gift is presented by Dave Jacoby. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 096”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Dave Jacoby. Task #2: Edit Distance Write a script to find out the minimum operations required to convert $S1 into $S2. The operations can be insert, remove or replace a character.

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Advent Calendar - December 1, 2021

Wednesday, Dec 1, 2021 by Abigail Perl

Advent Calendar 2021 | Day 1 | Day 2 | The gift is presented by Abigail. Today he is talking about his solution to “The Weekly Challenge - 095”. This is re-produced for Advent Calendar 2021 from the original post by Abigail. Task #1: Palindrome Number You are given a number $N. Write a script to figure out if the given number is a palindrome. Print 1 if true otherwise 0.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #136

Monday, Nov 29, 2021 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 136 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answers to that question would be as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 140

Monday, Nov 29, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 141

Monday, Nov 29, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Number Divisors 10. TASK #2: Like Numbers HEADLINES We are getting closer to the 1000 days of The Weekly Challenge. I would like to thank each and every sponsor of the FREE T-shirt campaign. Please do check out the blog post for up to date information about the campaign.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #135

Tuesday, Nov 23, 2021 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 135 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answers to that question would be as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 139

Monday, Nov 22, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 140

Monday, Nov 22, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Add Binary 10. TASK #2: Multiplication Table HEADLINES Last week, I spoke about celebrating 1000 days of The Weekly Challenge by giving away FREE T-shirt to all the champions of the weekly challenge. I am overwhelmed by the support to the campaign. I have created blog post with all the details.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 138

Monday, Nov 15, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 139

Monday, Nov 15, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: JortSort 10. TASK #2: Long Primes HEADLINES Before I forget, please let me share the interview with last month champion, Paulo Custodio. It is always great pleasure to know about weekly champion. As you all know, the season of Advent Calendar is coming soon.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #134

Monday, Nov 8, 2021 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 134 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answers to that question would be as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 137

Monday, Nov 8, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 138

Monday, Nov 8, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Workdays 10. TASK #2: Split Number HEADLINES Today, we are 960 days old, very close to the target of 4-digits number. Congratulations to Team PWC for the support and encouragements. I am happy to see the growing popularity of guest contributions. I am glad to contribute as well although my contribution is not significant, still it feels nice.

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Meet The Champion: October 2021

Sunday, Nov 7, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl

Get to know about Paulo Custodio Welcome to the monthly series Meet The Champion. Last month we declared Jan Krnavek, the winner of September 2021. Today we are talking to Paulo Custodio, the winner of October 2021 of The Weekly Challenge. I hope you are going to enjoy the interview. Mohammad: Tell us about your technical background? Paulo: I started with computers as a teenager with a Timex Sinclair 1000 (a ZX-81 clone) at home and a Commodore PET 8032 at school.

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RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 136

Monday, Nov 1, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. STAR CONTRIBUTORS 03. CONTRIBUTION STATS 04. GUESTS 05. LANGUAGES 06. CENTURION CLUB 07. DAMIAN CONWAY’s CORNER 08. ANDREW SHITOV’s CORNER 09. PERL SOLUTIONS 10. RAKU SOLUTIONS 11. PERL & RAKU SOLUTIONS HEADLINES Thank you Team PWC for your continuous support and encouragement. STAR CONTRIBUTORS Following members shared solutions to both tasks in Perl and Raku as well as blogged about it.

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The Weekly Challenge - 137

Monday, Nov 1, 2021 by Mohammad S Anwar Perl, Raku

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. HEADLINES 02. SPONSOR 03. RECAP 04. PERL REVIEW 05. RAKU REVIEW 06. CHART 07. NEW MEMBERS 08. GUESTS 09. TASK #1: Long Year 10. TASK #2: Lychrel Number HEADLINES Let us welcome November with a bang !!! Today is the first Monday of the month and it is the time to declare the champion of the weekly challenge. Paulo Custodio With great pleasure, I announce, Paulo Custodio as the champion.

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Colin Crain › Perl Weekly Review #133

Sunday, Oct 31, 2021 by Colin Crain perl

( …continues from previous week. ) Welcome to the Perl review pages for Week 133 of The Weekly Challenge! Here we will take the time to discuss the submissions offered up by the team, factor out some common methodologies that came up in those solutions, and highlight some of the unique approaches and unusual code created. Why do we do these challenges? I suppose any reasonable answers to that question would be as wide ranging and varied as the people who choose to join the team.